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Linking to documents on BAILII

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Link to BAILII - but please don't try to download large portions of the web site, as this will result in a block on your access.

BAILII welcomes organisations or individuals to link to documents on BAILII.  If running a subscriber or "pay per view" site, please make sure your users are aware that BAILII content is in fact free and that they are paying for your services, not the content BAILII offers. In all cases, please ensure that there is no confusion as to the origin of the content.

In order to maintain its website in operation, BAILII needs voluntary donations from its users. Individuals or organisations creating materials which contain links to judgments, legislation or other materials on BAILII are requested to make donations to BAILII in recognition of the benefit which they themselves derive from a web site for which no subscription is required, and the benefit to those who cannot afford subscriptions to commercial databases, such as providers of pro bono legal advice in the community, and lawyers and students in developing countries. For further information about donations see

How to create a document link

You must use the document URL -- do not use the search string in the address bar. To locate the URL:

.       Click on the [Printable RTF Version] or [View plain HTML version] link at the top of the document and the URL will then appear in the address bar.

.       Alternatively, cut and paste from the URL that is clearly marked in most document headers, preceded by the designation URL. For example, the URL for Merrett v Babb [2001] EWCA Civ 214 is:

.       If the URL is not in the header, scroll to the bottom of the document and you will find it there.

How to create a paragraph link

.       Simply add #para and the paragraph number to the URL. For example, the URL link for paragraph 64 in Merrett v Babb [2001] EWCA Civ 214 is:


Frames and Scripts


As per the linking policy above, BAILII has no objections to its pages appearing within frames of other sites. However the same caveats as above apply. Take special care when using frames to not misrepresent the origin of the BAILII content. If fees are involved you should take special care that users are aware that the BAILII content is free and available as such directly from the BAILII web site.

If BAILII content is to be filtered through a script it must not modify the page. Logos and text must remain intact.

Notes and more information

More information:

Note: Do NOT use any search string that appears in the address bar to create a link to a specific document, e.g.

Note: Be careful when linking to cases with filenames Bnn.html as these are temporary numbers awaiting official VNC to be assigned and will change.

Note: The canonical host name is Do not use any other.

Finally, if you would like to collaborate with BAILII on a project please contact us at [Feedback] on the BAILII website.

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