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(Application no. 2872/02)
December 2008
judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44
§ 2 of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial
In the
case of K.U. v. Finland,
The European Court of Human Rights
(Fourth Section), sitting as a Chamber composed of:
Thór Björgvinsson,
Lawrence Early, Section
Having deliberated in private on 13
November 2008,
Delivers the following judgment, which
was adopted on that date:
- The case originated in an
application (no. 2872/02) against the Republic of Finland lodged with
the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”)
by a Finnish national (“the applicant”) on
1 January 2002. The President of the Chamber acceded to the
applicant's request not to have his name disclosed (Rule 47 § 3
of the Rules of Court).
- The applicant was
represented by Mr P. Huttunen, a lawyer practising in Helsinki. The
Finnish Government (“the Government”) were represented by
their Agent, Mr Arto Kosonen of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
- The applicant alleged, in
particular, that the State had failed in its positive obligation to
protect his right to respect for private life under Article 8 of the
- By a decision of 27 June
2006, the Court declared the application admissible.
- The applicant and the
Government each filed further written observations (Rule 59 §
1). The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no
hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine),
the parties replied in writing to each other's observations. In
addition, third-party comments were received from the Helsinki
Foundation for Human Rights, which had been given leave by the
President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2
and Rule 44 § 2).
- The applicant was born in 1986.
- On 15 March 1999 an
unknown person or persons placed an advertisement on a dating site on
the Internet in the name of the applicant, who was 12 years old at
the time, without his knowledge. The advertisement mentioned his age
and year of birth, gave a detailed description of his physical
characteristics, a link to the web page he had at the time which
showed his picture, as well as his telephone number, which was
accurate save for one digit. In the advertisement, it was claimed
that he was looking for an intimate relationship with a boy of his
age or older “to show him the way”.
- The applicant became
aware of the announcement on the Internet when he received an e-mail
from a man, offering to meet him and “then to see what you
- The applicant's father
requested the police to identify the person who had placed the
advertisement in order to prefer charges against that person. The
service provider, however, refused to divulge the identity of the
holder of the so-called dynamic IP address in question, regarding
itself bound by the confidentiality of telecommunications as defined
by law.
- The police then asked
the Helsinki District Court (käräjäoikeus,
tingsrätten) to oblige the service provider to divulge the
said information pursuant to section 28 of the Criminal
Investigations Act (esitutkintalaki, förundersökningslagen;
Act no. 449/1987, as amended by Act no. 692/1997).
- In a decision issued on
19 January 2001, the District Court refused since there was no
explicit legal provision authorising it to order the service provider
to disclose telecommunications identification data in breach of
professional secrecy. The court noted that by virtue of Chapter 5a,
section 3, of the Coercive Measures Act (pakkokeinolaki,
tvångsmedelslagen; Act no. 450/1987) and section
18 of the Protection of Privacy and Data Security in
Telecommunications Act (laki yksityisyydensuojasta
televiestinnässä ja teletoiminnan tietoturvasta, lag om
integritetsskydd vid telekommunikation och dataskydd inom
televerksamhet; Act no. 565/1999) the police had the right to
obtain telecommunications identification data in cases concerning
certain offences, notwithstanding the obligation to observe secrecy.
However, calumny was not such an offence.
- On 14 March 2001 the
Court of Appeal (hovioikeus, hovrätten) upheld the
decision and on 31 August 2001 the Supreme Court (korkein oikeus,
högsta domstolen) refused leave to appeal.
- The person who answered
the dating advertisement and contacted the applicant was identified
through his e-mail address.
- The managing director of
the company which provided the Internet service could not be charged,
because in his decision of 2 April 2001 the prosecutor found that the
alleged offence had become time-barred. The alleged offence was a
violation of the Personal Data Act (henkilötietolaki,
personuppgiftslagen; Act no. 523/99 which entered into
force on 1 June 1999), more precisely that the service
provider had published a defamatory announcement on its website
without verifying the identity of the sender.
- The Finnish Constitution
Act (Suomen hallitusmuoto, Regeringsform för Finland;
Act no. 94/1919, as amended by Act no. 969/1995) was in force
until 1 March 2000. Its section 8 corresponded to Article 10 of the
current Finnish Constitution (Suomen perustuslaki, Finlands
grundlag; Act no. 731/1999), which provides that
everyone's right to private life is guaranteed.
- At the material time,
Chapter 27, article 3, of the Penal Code (rikoslaki, strafflagen;
Act no. 908/1974) provided:
“A person who in a manner other than that stated
above commits an act of calumny against another by a derogatory
statement, threat or by another degrading act, shall be sentenced for
calumny to a fine or to imprisonment for a maximum period of three
If the calumny is committed in public or in print,
writing or a graphic representation disseminated by the guilty party
or which the guilty party causes, the person responsible shall be
sentenced to a fine or to imprisonment for a maximum period of four
- At the material time,
Chapter 5a, section 3, of the Coercive Measures Act provided:
“Preconditions of telecommunications monitoring
Where there is reason to suspect a person of
1) an offence not punishable by less than imprisonment
of four months,
2) an offence against a computer system using a terminal
device, a narcotics offence, or
3) a punishable attempt to commit an offence referred to
above in this section,
the authority carrying out the criminal investigation
may be authorised to monitor a telecommunications connection in the
suspect's possession or otherwise presumed to be in his use, or
temporarily to disable such a connection, if the information obtained
by the monitoring or the disabling of the connection can be assumed
to be very important for the investigation of the offence ...”
- Section 18, subsection
1(1) of the Protection of Privacy and Data Security in
Telecommunications Act, which entered into force on 1 July 1999
and was repealed on 1 September 2004, provided:
“Notwithstanding the obligation of secrecy
provided for in section 7, the police have the right to obtain:
(1) identification data on transmissions to a particular
transcriber connection, with the consent of the injured party and the
owner of the subscriber connection, necessary for the purpose of
investigating an offence referred to in Chapter 16, Article 9a,
Chapter 17, Article 13(2) or Chapter 24, Article 3a of the Penal Code
(Act no. 39/1889) ...”
- Section 48 of the
Personal Data Act provides that the service provider is under
criminal liability to verify the identity of the sender before
publishing a defamatory announcement on its website. Section 47
provides that the service provider is also liable in damages.
- At the material time,
processing and publishing sensitive information concerning sexual
behaviour on an Internet server without the person's consent was
criminalised as a data protection offence in section 43 of the
Personal Files Act (Act no. 630/1995) and Chapter 38, Article 9
(Act no. 578/1995), of the Penal Code, and as a data
protection violation in section 44 of the Personal Files Act.
Furthermore, it could have caused liability in damages by virtue of
section 42 (Act no. 471/1987) of the said Act.
- Section 17 of the
Exercise of Freedom of Expression in Mass Media Act (laki
sanavapauden käyttämisestä joukkoviestinnässä,
lagen om yttrandefrihet i masskommunikation: Act no. 460/2003),
which came into force on 1 January 2004, provides:
“Release of identifying information for a
network message
On the request of an official with the power of
arrest... , a public prosecutor or an injured party, a court may
order the keeper of a transmitter, server or other similar device to
release information required for the identification of the sender of
a network message to the requester, provided that there are
reasonable grounds to believe that the contents of the message are
such that providing it to the public is a criminal offence. However,
the release of the identifying information to the the injured party
may be ordered only in the event that he or she has the right to
bring a private prosecution for the offence. The request shall be
filed with the District Court of the domicile of the keeper of the
device, or with the Helsinki District Court within three months of
the publication of the message in question. The court may reinforce
the order by imposing a threat of a fine.”
A. The Council of Europe
- The rapid development of
telecommunications technologies in recent decades has led to the
emergence of new types of crime and has also enabled the commission
of traditional crimes by means of new technologies. The Council of
Europe recognised the need to respond adequately and rapidly to this
new challenge as far back as in 1989 when the Committee of Ministers
adopted Recommendation No. R (89) 9 on computer-related crime.
Resolved to ensure that the investigating authorities
possessed appropriate special powers in investigating
computer-related crimes, the Committee of Ministers adopted, in 1995,
Recommendation No. R (95) 13 concerning problems of criminal
procedure law connected with information technology. In point 12 of
the principles appended to the recommendation, it encouraged as
“Specific obligations should be imposed on
service-providers who offer telecommunication services to the public,
either through public or private networks, to provide information to
identify the user, when so ordered by the competent investigating
- The other principles
relating to the obligation to co-operate with the investigating
authorities stated:
“9. Subject to legal privileges or protection,
most legal systems permit investigating authorities to order persons
to hand over objects under their control that are required to serve
as evidence. In a parallel fashion, provisions should be made for the
power to order persons to submit any specified data under their
control in a computer system in the form required by the
investigating authority.
10. Subject to legal privileges or protection,
investigating authorities should have the power to order persons who
have data in a computer system under their control to provide all
necessary information to enable access to a computer system and the
data therein. Criminal procedural law should ensure that a similar
order can be given to other persons who have knowledge about the
functioning of the computer system or measures applied to secure the
data therein.”
- In 1996, the European
Committee on Crime Problems set up a committee of experts to deal
with cybercrime. It was felt that, although the previous two
recommendations on substantive and procedural law had not gone
unheeded, only a binding international instrument could ensure the
necessary efficiency in the fight against cyber-space offences. The
Convention on Cybercrime was opened for signature on 23 November
2001 and entered into force on 1 July 2004. It is the first and only
international treaty on crimes committed via Internet and is open to
all States. The Convention requires countries to establish as
criminal offences the following acts: illegal access to a computer
system, illegal interception of computer data, interference with data
or computer system, misuse of devices, computer-related forgery and
fraud, child pornography, the infringement of copyright and related
rights. The additional protocol to the Convention, adopted in 2003,
further requires the criminalisation of hate speech, xenophobia and
racism. The scope of its procedural provisions goes beyond the
offences defined in the Convention in that it applies to any offence
committed by means of a computer system:
“Article 14 - Scope of procedural provisions
1. Each Party shall adopt such legislative and
other measures as may be necessary to establish the powers and
procedures provided for in this section for the purpose of specific
criminal investigations or proceedings.
2. ... each Party shall apply the powers and procedures
referred to in paragraph 1 of this article to:
a) the criminal offences established in
accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of this Convention;
b) other criminal offences committed by means
of a computer system; and
c) the collection of evidence in electronic
form of a criminal offence.
3. ...”
- The procedural powers
include the following: expedited preservation of stored data,
expedited preservation and partial disclosure of traffic data,
production order, search and seizure of computer data, real-time
collection of traffic data and interception of content data. Of
particular relevance is the power to order a service provider to
submit subscriber information relating to its services; indeed, the
explanatory report describes the difficulty in identifying the
perpetrator as being one of the major challenges in combating crime
in the networked environment:
“Article 18 – Production order
1. Each Party shall adopt such legislative
and other measures as may be necessary to empower its competent
authorities to order:
a) a person in its territory to submit
specified computer data in that person's possession or control, which
is stored in a computer system or a computer-data storage medium; and
b) a service provider offering its services
in the territory of the Party to submit subscriber information
relating to such services in that service provider's possession or
2. The powers and procedures referred to in
this Article shall be subject to Articles 14 and 15.
3. For the purpose of this Article the term
“subscriber information” means any information contained
in the form of computer data or any other form that is held by a
service provider, relating to subscribers of its services other than
traffic or content data and by which can be established:
a) the type of communication service used,
the technical provisions taken thereto and the period of service;
b) the subscriber's identity, postal or
geographic address, telephone and other access number, billing and
payment information, available on the basis of the service agreement
or arrangement;
c) any other information on the site of the
installation of communication equipment, available on the basis of
the service agreement or arrangement.”
- The explanatory report
notes that, in the course of a criminal investigation, subscriber
information may be needed mainly in two situations. Firstly, to
identify which services and related technical measures have been used
or are being used by a subscriber, such as the type of telephone
service used, type of other associated services used (for example
call forwarding, voice-mail), telephone number or other technical
address (for example e-mail address). Secondly, when a technical
address is known, subscriber information is needed in order to assist
in establishing the identity of the person concerned. A production
order provides a less intrusive and less onerous measure which law
enforcement authorities can apply instead of measures such as
interception of content data and real-time collection of traffic
data, which must or can be limited only to serious offences (Articles
20 and 21).
- A global conference
“Cooperation against Cybercrime” held in Strasbourg on
1-2 April 2008 adopted “Guidelines for the cooperation between
law enforcement and internet service providers against cybercrime.”
Their purpose is to help law enforcement authorities and Internet
service providers structure their interaction in relation to
cybercrime issues. In order to enhance cyber-security and minimise
use of services for illegal purposes, it was considered essential
that the two parties cooperate with each other in an efficient
manner. The guidelines outline practical measures to be taken by law
enforcement and service providers, encouraging them to exchange
information in order to strengthen their capacity to identify and
combat emerging types of cybercrime. In particular, service providers
were encouraged to cooperate with law enforcement agencies to help
minimise the extent to which services are used for criminal activity
as defined by law.
B. The United Nations
- Out of a number of
resolutions adopted in the field of cyberspace, the most pertinent
for the purposes of the present case are General Assembly resolutions
55/63 of 4 December 2000 and 56/121 of 19 December 2001 on
“Combating the criminal misuse of information technologies.”
Among the measures to combat such misuse, it was recommended in
Resolution 55/63 that:
“(f) Legal systems should permit the preservation
of and quick access to electronic data pertaining to particular
criminal investigations;”
- The subsequent
resolution took note of the value of the various measures and again
invited member States to take them into account.
C. The European Union
- On 15 March 2006 the
European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted
Directive 2006/24/EC on the retention of data generated or processed
in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic
communications services or of public communications networks,
amending the previous data retention Directive 2002/58/EC. The aim of
the Directive is to harmonise member States' provisions concerning
the obligations of communications providers with respect to the
retention of certain data, in order to ensure that the data are
available for the purpose of the investigation, detection and
prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each member State in its
national law. It applies to traffic and location data on both legal
entities and natural persons and to the related data necessary to
identify the subscriber or registered user. It does not apply to the
content of electronic communications. The Directive requires member
States to ensure that certain categories of data are retained for a
period between six months and two years. Article 5 specifies the
data to be retained:
“1. Member States shall ensure that the following
categories of data are retained under this Directive:
(a) data necessary to trace and identify the source of a
(2) concerning Internet access, Internet e-mail and
Internet telephony:
(iii) the name and address of the subscriber or
registered user to whom an Internet Protocol (IP) address, user ID or
telephone number was allocated at the time of the communication;”
- Member States had until
15 September 2007 to implement the Directive. However, 16 states,
including Finland, made use of the right to postpone their
application to Internet access, Internet telephony and Internet
e mail until 15 March 2009.
- A comparative review of
national legislation of the member States of the Council of Europe
shows that in most countries there is a specific obligation on the
part of telecommunications service providers to submit computer data,
including subscriber information, in response to a request by the
investigating or judicial authorities, regardless of the nature of a
crime. Some countries have only general provisions on the production
of documents and other data, which could in practice be extended to
cover also the obligation to submit specified computer and subscriber
data. Several countries have not yet implemented the provisions of
Article 18 of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime.
- The Helsinki Foundation
for Human Rights submitted that the present case raises the question
of balancing the protection of privacy, honour and reputation on the
one hand and the exercise of freedom of expression on the other. It
took the view that the present case offers the Court an opportunity
to define the State's positive obligations in this sphere and thereby
to promote common standards in the use of the Internet throughout the
member States.
- It pointed out that the
Internet is a very special method of communication and one of the
fundamental principles of its use is anonymity. The high level of
anonymity encourages free speech and expression of various ideas. On
the other hand, Internet is a powerful tool for defaming or insulting
people or violating their right to privacy. Due to the anonymity of
the Internet, the victim of a violation is in a vulnerable position.
Contrary to traditional media, the victim cannot easily identify the
defaming person due to the fact that it is possible to hide behind a
nickname or even to use a false identity.
- The applicant complained under Article 8 of the
Convention that an invasion of his private life had taken place and
that no effective remedy existed to reveal the identity of the person
who had put a defamatory text on the Internet in his name, contrary
to Article 13 of the Convention.
Article 8 provides:
“1. Everyone has the right to respect
for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public
authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in
accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in
the interests of national security, public safety or the economic
well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime,
for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the
rights and freedoms of others.”
Article 13 provides:
“Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth
in [the] Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy
before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has
been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.”
A. The parties' submissions
- The applicant submitted
that Finnish legislation at the time protected the criminal whereas
the victim had no means to obtain redress or protection against a
breach of privacy. Under the Penal Code the impugned act was
punishable, but the Government had neglected to ensure that the
Protection of Privacy and Data Security in Telecommunications Act and
the Coercive Measures Act were consistent with each other. He argued
that the random possibility of seeking civil damages, particularly
from a third party, was not sufficient to protect his rights. He
emphasised that he did not have the means to identify the person who
had placed the advertisement on the Internet. While compensation
might in some cases be an effective remedy, this depended on whether
it was paid by the person who infringed the victim's rights, which
was not the case in his application. According to the Government, new
legislation was in place which, had it existed at the time of the
events, would have rendered this complaint unnecessary. In his view,
the Government had not provided any justification for the failure to
afford him this protection at the material time. He considered,
therefore, that there had been breaches of Articles 8 and 13.
- The Government
emphasised that in the present case the interference with the
applicant's private life had been committed by another individual.
The impugned act was considered in domestic law as an act of calumny
and would have been punishable as such, which had a deterrent effect.
An investigation was started to identify the person who had placed
the advertisement on the Internet, but was unsuccessful due to the
legislation in force at the time, which aimed to protect the freedom
of expression and the right to anonymous expression. The legislation
protected the publisher of an anonymous Internet message so
extensively that the protection also covered messages that possibly
interfered with another person's privacy. This side-effect of the
protection was due to the fact that the concept of a message
interfering with the protection of privacy was not clear-cut, and
therefore it had not been possible to exclude clearly such messages
from the protection provided by law. There were however other avenues
of redress available, for example the Personal Data Act which
provided protection against calumny in that the operator of the
server, on the basis of that Act's provisions on criminal liability
and liability in damages, was obliged to ensure that sensitive data
recorded by it were processed with the consent of the data subject.
Furthermore, although the personal data offence had become
time-barred the applicant still had the possibility to seek
compensation from the publisher of the advertisement. When compared
to the case of X and Y v. the Netherlands (judgment of
26 March 1985, Series A no. 91), liability in damages in
the context of a less serious offence provided a sufficient deterrent
effect. In addition, there were other mechanisms available to the
applicant, such as a pre-trial police investigation, prosecution,
court proceedings and damages.
- The Government submitted
that it was important to look at the legislative situation at the
material time in its social context, when a rapid increase of the use
of Internet was just beginning. The current legislation, the Exercise
of Freedom of Expression in Mass Media Act (sections 2 and 17), which
took effect on 1 January 2004, gives the police more extensive powers
to break the protection of the publisher of an anonymous Internet
message for the purposes of crime investigation. The new legislation
reflects the legislator's reaction to social development where an
increased use – and at the same time abuse – of the
Internet has required a redefinition of the limits of protection.
Thus, because of a changed situation in society, subsequent
legislation has further strengthened the protection of private life
in respect of freedom of expression and especially the protection of
publishers of anonymous Internet messages.
- However, most essential
in the present case was that even the legislation in force at the
material time provided the applicant means against the distribution
of messages invading privacy, in that the operator of the Internet
server on which the message was published was obliged by law to
verify that the person in question had consented to the processing of
sensitive information concerning him/her on the operator's server.
This obligation was bolstered by criminal liability and liability in
damages. Thus, the legislation provided the applicant with sufficient
protection of privacy and effective legal remedies.
B. The Court's assessment
- The Court notes at the
outset that the applicant, a minor of 12 years at the time, was the
subject of an advertisement of a sexual nature on an Internet dating
site. The identity of the person who had placed the advertisement
could not, however, be obtained from the Internet provider due to the
legislation in place at the time.
- There is no dispute as
to the applicability of Article 8: the facts underlying the
application concern a matter of “private life”, a concept
which covers the physical and moral integrity of the person (see X
and Y v. the Netherlands, cited above, § 22). Although seen
in domestic law terms as calumny, the Court would prefer to highlight
these particular aspects of the notion of private life, having regard
to the potential threat to the applicant's physical and mental
welfare brought about by the impugned situation and to his
vulnerability in view of his young age.
- The Court reiterates
that, although the object of Article 8 is essentially to protect the
individual against arbitrary interference by the public authorities,
it does not merely compel the State to abstain from such
interference: in addition to this primarily negative undertaking,
there may be positive obligations inherent in an effective respect
for private or family life (see Airey v. Ireland, judgment of
9 October 1979, Series A no. 32, § 32).
- These obligations may
involve the adoption of measures designed to secure respect for
private life even in the sphere of the relations of individuals
between themselves. There are different ways of ensuring respect for
private life and the nature of the State's obligation will depend on
the particular aspect of private life that is at issue. While the
choice of the means to secure compliance with Article 8 in the sphere
of protection against acts of individuals is, in principle, within
the State's margin of appreciation, effective deterrence against
grave acts, where fundamental values and essential aspects of private
life are at stake, requires efficient criminal-law provisions (see X
and Y v. the Netherlands, §§ 23-24 and 27;
August v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 36505/02, 21 January
2003 and M.C. v. Bulgaria, no. 39272/98, § 150,
ECHR 2003 XII).
- The limits of the
national authorities' margin of appreciation are nonetheless
circumscribed by the Convention provisions. In interpreting them,
since the Convention is first and foremost a system for the
protection of human rights, the Court must have regard to the
changing conditions within Contracting States and respond, for
example, to any evolving convergence as to the standards to be
achieved (see Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC],
no. 28957/95, § 74, ECHR 2002-VI).
- The Court considers
that, while this case might not attain the seriousness of X and Y
v. the Netherlands, where a breach of Article 8 arose from the
lack of an effective criminal sanction for the rape of a handicapped
girl, it cannot be treated as trivial. The act was criminal, involved
a minor and made him a target for approaches by paedophiles (see,
also, paragraph 41 above in this connection).
46. The
Government conceded that at the time the operator of the server could
not be ordered to provide information identifying the offender. They
argued that protection was provided by the mere existence of the
criminal offence of calumny and by the possibility of bringing
criminal charges or an action for damages against the server
operator. As to the former, the Court notes that the existence of an
offence has limited deterrent effects if there is no means to
identify the actual offender and to bring him to justice. Here, the
Court notes that it has not excluded the possibility that the State's
positive obligations under Article 8 to safeguard the individual's
physical or moral integrity may extend to questions relating to the
effectiveness of a criminal investigation even where the criminal
liability of agents of the State is not at issue (see Osman v. the
United Kingdom, judgment of 28 October 1998, Reports
1998-VIII, § 128). For the Court, States have a positive
obligation inherent in Article 8 of the Convention to criminalise
offences against the person including attempts and to reinforce the
deterrent effect of criminalisation by applying criminal law
provisions in practice through effective investigation and
prosecution (see, mutatis mutandis, M.C. v. Bulgaria,
cited above, § 153). Where the physical and moral
welfare of a child is threatened such injunction assumes even greater
importance. The Court recalls in this connection that sexual abuse is
unquestionably an abhorrent type of wrongdoing, with debilitating
effects on its victims. Children and other vulnerable individuals are
entitled to State protection, in the form of effective deterrence,
from such grave types of interference with essential aspects of their
private lives (see Stubbings and Others v. the United Kingdom,
22 October 1996, § 64, Reports 1996 IV).
- As to the Government's
argument that the applicant had the possibility to obtain damages
from a third party, namely the service provider, the Court considers
that it was not sufficient in the circumstances of this case. It is
plain that both the public interest and the protection of the
interests of victims of crimes committed against their physical or
psychological well-being require the availability of a remedy
enabling the actual offender to be identified and brought to justice,
in the instant case the person who placed the advertisement in the
applicant's name, and the victim to obtain financial reparation from
- The Court accepts that
in view of the difficulties involved in policing modern societies, a
positive obligation must be interpreted in a way which does not
impose an impossible or disproportionate burden on the authorities
or, as in this case, the legislator. Another relevant consideration
is the need to ensure that powers to control, prevent and investigate
crime are exercised in a manner which fully respects the due process
and other guarantees which legitimately place restraints on crime
investigation and bringing offenders to justice, including the
guarantees contained in Articles 8 and 10 of the Convention,
guarantees which offenders themselves can rely on. The Court is
sensitive to the Government's argument that any legislative
shortcoming should be seen in its social context at the time. The
Court notes at the same time that the relevant incident took place in
1999, that is, at a time when it was well-known that the Internet,
precisely because of its anonymous character, could be used for
criminal purposes (see paragraphs 22 and 24 above). Also the
widespread problem of child sexual abuse had become well-known over
the preceding decade. Therefore, it cannot be said that the
respondent Government did not have the opportunity to put in place a
system to protect child victims from being exposed as targets for
paedophiliac approaches via the Internet.
- The Court considers that
practical and effective protection of the applicant required that
effective steps be taken to identify and prosecute the perpetrator,
that is, the person who placed the advertisement. In the instant case
such protection was not afforded. An effective investigation could
never be launched because of an overriding requirement of
confidentiality. Although freedom of expression and confidentiality
of communications are primary considerations and users of
telecommunications and Internet services must have a guarantee that
their own privacy and freedom of expression will be respected, such
guarantee cannot be absolute and must yield on occasion to other
legitimate imperatives, such as the prevention of disorder or crime
or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. Without
prejudice to the question whether the conduct of the person who
placed the offending advertisement on the Internet can attract the
protection of Articles 8 and 10, having regard to its reprehensible
nature, it is nonetheless the task of the legislator to provide the
framework for reconciling the various claims which compete for
protection in this context. Such framework was not however in place
at the material time, with the result that Finland's positive
obligation with respect to the applicant could not be discharged.
This deficiency was later addressed. However, the mechanisms
introduced by the Exercise of Freedom of Expression in Mass Media Act
(see paragraph 21 above) came too late for the applicant.
- The Court finds that
there has been a violation of Article 8 in the present case.
- Having regard to the
finding relating to Article 8, the Court considers that it is not
necessary to examine whether, in this case, there has also been a
violation of Article 13 (see, among other authorities, Sallinen
and Others v. Finland, no. 50882/99, §§ 102
and 110, 27 September 2005 and Copland v. the United Kingdom,
no. 62617/00, §§ 50-51, ECHR 2007 ...).
- Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a
violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the
internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford
just satisfaction to the injured party.”
A. Damage
- Under the head of
non-pecuniary damage the applicant claimed 3,500 euros (EUR) for
- The Government submitted
that the award should not exceed EUR 2,500.
- The Court finds it
established that the applicant must have suffered non-pecuniary
damage. It considers that sufficient just satisfaction would not be
provided solely by the finding of a violation and that compensation
has thus to be awarded. Deciding on an equitable basis, it awards the
applicant EUR 3,000 under this head.
B. Costs and expenses
- The applicant claimed
EUR 2,500 for costs incurred during the national proceedings and the
proceedings before the Court.
- The Government
questioned whether the applicant had furnished the requisite
- The Court notes that no
documentation as required by Rule 60 of the Rules of Court has been
submitted. These claims must therefore be rejected.
C. Default interest
- The Court considers it
appropriate that the default interest should be based on the marginal
lending rate of the European Central Bank, to which should be added
three percentage points.
1. Holds
that there has been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention;
2. Holds
that there is no need to examine the complaint under Article 13 of
the Convention;
3. Holds
(a) that the respondent
State is to pay the applicant, within three months from the date on
which the judgment becomes final in accordance with Article 44 § 2
of the Convention EUR 3,000 (three thousand euros), plus any tax that
may be chargeable, in respect of non-pecuniary damage;
(b) that from the expiry of
the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest
shall be payable on the above amount at a rate equal to the marginal
lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default period
plus three percentage points;
4. Dismisses
the remainder of the applicant's claim for just satisfaction.
Done in English, and notified in writing on 2 December 2008, pursuant
to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Lawrence Early Nicolas Bratza
Registrar President