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no. 1758/02)
December 2008
judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44
§ 2 of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial
In the case of Kazakov v. Russia,
European Court of Human Rights (First Section), sitting as a Chamber
composed of:
Christos Rozakis, President,
Anatoly Kovler,
Khanlar Hajiyev,
George Nicolaou, judges,
and Søren
Nielsen, Section
deliberated in private on 27 November 2008,
the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:
- The
case originated in an application (no. 1758/02) against the Russian
Federation lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the
Convention”) by a Russian national, Mr Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Kazakov (“the applicant”), on 18 July 2001.
- The
Russian Government (“the Government”) were represented by
Mr P. Laptev, the former Representative of the Russian
Federation at the European Court of Human Rights.
- On
9 September 2005 the Court decided to give notice of the application
to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the
Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at
the same time as its admissibility.
- The
applicant was born in 1948 and lives in the town of Karachev in the
Bryansk Region.
- In
January 1999 the applicant, a former military officer, sent a letter
to the commander of military unit no. 64176, who supervised the
command of unit no. 92919. The letter read as follows:
“On 24 December 1998 the command of military unit
no. 92919 held a meeting of war veterans ... who live in the military
compound. The meeting adopted an open letter to the Ministry of
Defence of the Russian Federation with a request to return the town
baths to the compound residents and to stop discrimination against
the residents on account of their social or official status ...
Commanders of the military unit conduct themselves as
'usurpers, invaders and occupants'. In a short period of time the new
commander of military unit no. 92919, Colonel Shatov, destroyed the
town dance hall and the warehouse for vegetables, locked up the
leisure centre of the unit, performed an unauthorised dismantling of
the bus park and threw everyone out of the bathhouse which he
converted into a 'brothel' for a narrow circle of chosen ones.”
- Mr
Shatov lodged a defamation action against the applicant, claiming
that the letter of January 1999 had impaired his honour and dignity.
He sought compensation in respect of non-pecuniary damage and a
written apology, enclosing its proposed text.
- By
judgment of 13 July 2000, the Karachevskiy District Court of the
Bryansk Region found for the plaintiff. It established that the dance
hall and the warehouse had been indeed dismantled, but the materials
had been used for the needs of the military unit, that the leisure
centre was open, and that the soldiers and officers and their family
members could still use the baths. The court noted that the document
the applicant produced to prove the dismantling of the bus park could
not be used in evidence as it bore no stamp.
- The District Court found that the information stated in
the letter of January 1999 had been untrue and damaging to Mr
Shatov's honour and dignity, and ordered as follows:
“Pursuant to Articles 152 § 5 and 151 of the
Civil Code, the court orders [the applicant] to pay Mr Shatov 500
Russian roubles in respect of non-pecuniary damage because the
allegations about Mr Shatov's 'discrimination against citizens, [his
acting as an] usurper, invader, occupant, destruction of the dance
hall and the warehouse, unauthorised dismantling of the bus park and
throwing everyone out of the bathhouse which he converted into a
'brothel' for a narrow circle' have impaired Mr Shatov's honour and
...to order that [the applicant] make a written apology
to Mr Shatov within one month, worded as follows: “In January
1999 I, [the applicant], sent to the commander of military unit no.
64176 a letter containing information on your professional
activities, which was untrue and damaging to your honour and dignity.
This fact was established by the Karachevskiy District Court on 13
July 2000. I apologise to you for having disseminated such
information, for undermining your authority in the eyes of your
subordinates and superiors, compound residents and the Karachev town
residents, and for causing you personal suffering”;
...and to make an apology to the commander of military
unit no. 64176 of Moscow worded as follows “In January 1999 I,
[the applicant], sent you a letter containing information on the
professional activities of the commander of military unit no. 92919,
Mr Shatov, which was untrue and impaired Mr Shatov's honour and
dignity. This fact was established by the Karachevskiy District Court
on 13 July 2000. I apologise for misleading the command of military
unit no. 64176 by giving untrue information.”
- The
applicant appealed against the judgment of 13 July 2000. He claimed
that the letter of January 1999 contained his own value judgments,
which were not amenable to proof. On 15 February 2001 the Bryansk
Regional Court upheld the judgment, endorsing the reasons of the
first-instance court.
A. Freedom of expression and defamation
- Article
29 of the Russian Constitution guarantees the freedom of expression.
Article 33 provides that Russian citizens shall have the right to
petition in person, as well as to submit individual and collective
appeals to, State authorities and local self-government bodies.
- Article 12 of the Civil Code is a general provision
containing a list of the forms of redress which can be obtained in
respect of civil rights. It includes recognition of a right,
restitutio in integrum, compensation in respect of pecuniary
or non-pecuniary damage and other forms of redress prescribed by law.
Article 152 of the Code reads in its relevant parts as follows:
“1. A citizen shall have the right to
claim through the court that the information discrediting his honour,
dignity or business reputation be refuted, unless the person who has
disseminated such information proves its truthfulness ...
2. If the information discrediting the
honour, dignity or business reputation of the citizen has been
disseminated by the mass media, it shall be refuted by the same media
3. The citizen with respect to whom the media
have published the information infringing upon his rights or
protected interests shall have the right to publish his reply in the
same media ...
5. The citizen with respect to whom the
information discrediting his honour, dignity or business reputation
has been disseminated shall also have the right, in addition to the
refutation of the given information, to claim compensation in respect
of pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage caused by the dissemination.
6. If the person who has disseminated the
information ... cannot be identified, the citizen shall have the
right to turn to the court with a demand that it recognise the
disseminated information as untruthful ...”
- Resolution no. 11 of the Plenary Supreme Court of 18
August 1992 (as amended on 25 April 1995, in force at the
material time) established that the notion “dissemination of
information” employed in Article 152 of the Civil Code was
understood as the publication of statements or their broadcasting,
inclusion in professional references, public speeches, applications
to State officials and communication in other forms, including oral,
to at least one another person. It specified, however, that
“communication of such information to the person whom it
concerned could not be treated as dissemination”.
- In their Resolution of 24 February 2005, the Plenary
Supreme Court recalled that under Article 29 § 3 of the
Constitution no one can be compelled to express his opinions or
beliefs or compelled to refrain from expressing them. It thus
instructed the courts below that an apology, whatever its form, was
not prescribed under Russian law, including Article 152 of the Civil
Code, as redress (point 18). The above does not exclude the
possibility for a judge to approve a friendly-settlement agreement
the terms of which require such an apology. The Supreme Court also
instructed the other courts that when a citizen lodges a complaint
with a public authority alleging, for instance, that a criminal
offence has been committed and when such an allegation proves to be
unfounded, the latter fact cannot serve as a basis for an action
under Article 152 of the Civil Code. The Supreme Court explained that
civil liability could not arise in such a situation in view of the
applicant's exercise of his right of petition to a public authority,
which was to carry out an inquiry, and that such a situation did not
equate to dissemination of false defamatory information (point 10). A
defamation action may only succeed if a court has established that
the petition to the public authority lacked any foundation and was
intended to cause damage to another person, thus amounting to an
abuse of the right (ibid).
B. Administrative complaints procedure
- Until
2006 the general administrative complaints procedure was prescribed
by Decree no. 2534-VII issued by the Presidium of the USSR
Supreme Council on 12 April 1968, as subsequently amended in 1980 and
1988, in so far as it was compatible with the 1993 Constitution and
the 1993 Judicial Review Act. A number of public authorities had
individual regulations on the matter.
- According
to the 1968 decree, a written petition or complaint should be signed
by the complainant and should indicate his or her full name and place
of residence (point 1). A petition or complaint should be submitted
to the official or authority who is the immediate superior of the
official or authority against whom the complaint is directed (point
3). The filing of defamatory petitions or complaints should be
punishable by the law (point 15).
- The
Petition Procedure Act of 2 May 2006 (Federal Law no. 59-ФЗ)
sets up a new framework for administrative complaints and petitions.
According to its section 11 § 3, a petition containing obscene
or insulting phrases, threats to life or limb of an official or his
or her family members, may be left without examination on the merits;
in such cases the complainant should be warned against the abuse of
the right.
- The
applicant complained under Article 10 of the Convention that he had
been punished for the lawful criticism of a public official and that
the domestic courts had forced him to change his opinion by ordering
him to make written apologies. Article 10 reads as follows:
“1. Everyone has the right to freedom
of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and
to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by
public authority and regardless of frontiers...
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it
carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such
formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed
by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of
national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the
prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or
morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for
preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or
for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”
A. Admissibility
- The Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly
ill-founded within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 of the
Convention. It further notes that it is not inadmissible on any other
grounds. It must therefore be declared admissible.
B. Merits
- The
Government conceded that Article 152 of the Civil Code, as
interpreted by the Supreme Court in its Resolution of 24 February
2005 (see paragraph 13 above), did not authorise an apology as a
remedy in a defamation action, except in certain circumstances, for
instance under the terms of a friendly-settlement agreement between
the parties to a civil litigation. The Government contended, however,
that before the above Resolution all other courts could interpret
Article 152 differently. The Government considered with reference to
that provision that the interference with the applicant's freedom of
expression had been prescribed by law and was aimed at protecting the
reputation of other persons. The fine imposed on the applicant was
derisory and the obligation to make an apology could not be judged as
- The
applicant maintained his complaint.
- The
Court observes that it is common ground between the parties that the
judgment pronounced in the defamation action itself constituted an
interference with the applicant's
right to freedom of expression protected by Article 10 § 1 and
pursued a legitimate aim, that is, protecting the reputation of
others. The Court finds no reason to reach a different
conclusion. At the same time, the Court observes that the
applicant alleged that one of the penalties imposed on him, namely,
the requirement to issue an apology, had been unlawful. Thus, an
issue arises as to whether the interference was prescribed by law,
notably Article 152 of the Civil Code.
- The Court reiterates in that connection that a norm
cannot be regarded as a “law” within the meaning of
Article 10 § 2 unless it is formulated with sufficient precision
to enable the person to regulate his conduct; he must be able –
if need be with appropriate advice – to foresee, to a degree
that is reasonable in the circumstances, the consequences which a
given action may entail (see Lindon, Otchakovsky-Laurens and July
v. France [GC], nos. 21279/02 and 36448/02, § 41,
ECHR 2007 ...). Those consequences need not be foreseeable with
absolute certainty. Indeed, whilst certainty is desirable, it may
bring in its train excessive rigidity while the law must be able to
keep pace with changing circumstances. Accordingly, many laws are
inevitably couched in terms which, to a greater or lesser extent, are
vague and whose interpretation and application are questions of
practice. However clearly drafted a legal provision may be,
there will inevitably be a need for interpretation by the courts,
whose judicial function is precisely to elucidate obscure points and
dispel any doubts which may remain regarding the interpretation of
legislation (see Öztürk v. Turkey [GC],
no. 22479/93, § 55, ECHR 1999 VI). The Court
further reiterates that the scope of the notion of foreseeability
depends to a considerable degree on the content of the text in issue,
the field it is designed to cover and the number and status of those
to whom it is addressed (see, among others, Dzhavadov v. Russia,
no. 30160/04, § 36, 27 September 2007).
- The
Court considers that the notion of foreseeability applies not only to
a course of conduct, of which an applicant should be reasonably able
to foresee the consequences, but also to “formalities,
conditions, restrictions or penalties", which may be attached to
such conduct, if found to be in breach of the national laws (see,
mutatis mutandis, Kafkaris v. Cyprus [GC],
no. 21906/04, § 140, ECHR 2008 ...). Thus, the
Court has to determine whether the applicant in the present case
could reasonably foresee that he would have to issue an apology, if
found civilly liable.
- The
Court further reiterates that the domestic courts are best placed for
interpreting and applying rules of substantive and procedural law
(see, among many authorities, Vidal v. Belgium, judgment of
22 April 1992, Series A no. 235-B, pp. 32-33, § 32).
The wording of Article 152 of the Civil Code provides for three types
of redress: an obligation to issue a refutation, an award of damages
or an obligation to publish the plaintiff's reply, if the respondent
is part of the mass media. The Court observes that in 2005 the
Plenary Supreme Court issued a ruling by which it instructed the
courts below that an apology, whatever its form, was not prescribed
under Russian law, including Article 152 of the Civil Code, as
redress (see paragraph 13 above). It appears that this ruling was
intended to harmonise the divergent case-law of the Russian courts on
that matter (see, for instance, the findings made by Russian courts,
as presented in the cases of Filatenko v. Russia,
no. 73219/01, § 17, 6 December 2007; Dyuldin
and Kislov v. Russia, no. 25968/02, § 19, 31 July
2007; Zakharov v. Russia, no. 14881/03, §§ 11
and 13, 5 October 2006; Grinberg v. Russia, no. 23472/03,
§ 12, 21 July 2005; and Godlevskiy v. Russia
(dec.), no. 14888/03, 9 December 2004). The Court does not
exclude that before the 2005 resolution the courts were reasonably
inclined to interpret the notions of refutation or rectification as
possibly including an apology. Thus, in the circumstances of the
present case, the Court is ready to accept that the interpretation of
the relevant legislation by the Russian courts was not such as to
render the impugned interference unlawful in the Convention terms.
- The
Court will therefore proceed with its analysis in order to determine
whether the interference in the present case was “necessary in
a democratic society”.
- In
that connection, the Court observes that the defamation claim was
born out of the applicant's written complaint to a supervising
military commander rather than out of publication in the media (see,
by contrast, Dyuldin and Kislov, cited above, §§ 40
and 41, and Kwiecień v. Poland, no. 51744/99, §§ 50
and 51, ECHR 2007 ... concerning publication of so-called “open
letters”). The applicant, himself a former military officer,
wrote to the supervising commander, complaining that the conduct of
the unit commander had not been even-handed and had at times been
unlawful. It appears that the applicant acted within the framework
established by law for making complaints (see, in a similar context,
Zakharov, cited above, § 22). Apparently, the
applicant's concerns were shared by other persons living in the
military compound.
- It is further noted that while Article 10 applies to
military personnel just as it does to other persons within the
jurisdiction of the Contracting States, the proper functioning of an
army is hardly imaginable without legal rules designed to prevent
servicemen from undermining military discipline, for example by
writings (see, among others, Vereinigung demokratischer Soldaten
Österreichs and Gubi v. Austria, judgment of 19 December
1994, Series A no. 302, § 36). Notwithstanding
that, it is not open to the national authorities to rely on such
rules for the purpose of frustrating the expression of opinions, even
if these are directed against the army as an institution (see
Grigoriades v. Greece, judgment of 25 November 1997, Reports
of Judgments and Decisions 1997 VII, § 45).
However, it appears that the applicant, being a former officer, was
no longer bound by the rules of subordination. Thus, the applicant
should be considered as a private individual raising a complaint
against a public servant. In that connection, the Court has observed
in several cases that it may be necessary to protect public servants
from offensive, abusive and defamatory attacks which are calculated
to affect them in the performance of their duties and to damage
public confidence in them and the office they hold (see Janowski
v. Poland [GC], no. 25716/94, § 33, ECHR
1999 I). In the present case, the Court is prepared to
accept that a military unit commander may be considered to belong to
that category of official.
- However,
the Court reiterates that, as the applicant set out his grievances in
correspondence submitted in his private capacity, the requirements of
protection under Article 10 of the Convention have to be weighed not
in relation to the interests of the freedom of the press or of open
discussion of matters of public concern but rather against the
applicant's right to report irregularities in the conduct of an
official to a body competent to deal with such complaints (see
Zakharov, cited above, § 23; cf. Chernysheva v.
Russia (dec.), no. 77062/01, 10 June 2004). That
citizens should be able to notify competent State officials about the
conduct of civil servants which to them appears irregular or unlawful
is one of the precepts of the rule of law (Zakharov, §
- The
Court considers that, in the circumstances of the present case, the
fact that the applicant addressed his complaint by way of
correspondence to the State official competent to examine the matter,
is of crucial importance to its assessment of the proportionality of
the interference (compare Janowski [GC], cited above, §
34; and Raichinov v. Bulgaria, no. 47579/99, § 48,
20 April 2006). In this connection, the Court notes the express
provision of the Russian Supreme Court's resolution that
“communication of information to the person whom it concerned”
was not considered its dissemination and was therefore not actionable
as defamation (see paragraph 12 above). Furthermore, the Court does
not consider that the applicant's complaint was vexatious or that the
applicant otherwise acted in bad faith.
- Finally,
the Court has considered whether the punishment imposed on the
applicant was appropriate in the circumstances of the case. The Court
accepts in this respect that a fine of 500 Russian roubles may not
appear to give rise to any issue under Article 10 of the Convention.
However, the Court notes that the applicant was ordered to issue an
apology. In its view, to make someone retract his or her own opinion
by acknowledging his or her own wrongness is a doubtful form of
redress and does not appear to be “necessary”. This point
of view has also subsequently been acknowledged by the Supreme Court
of Russia which considered an apology, whatever its form, to be
contrary to the law (see paragraph 13 above).
- In
view of the foregoing considerations and assessing the text of the
letter as a whole and the context in which it was written, the Court
finds that the defamation proceedings resulted in an excessive and
disproportionate burden being placed on the applicant. There has
therefore been a violation of Article 10 of the Convention.
- The
applicant also complained about the allegedly unlawful composition of
the first-instance court in his defamation case and that the appeal
judgment had been insufficiently reasoned. He also alleged that he
had been discriminated against, as compared to the plaintiff in that
case. The Court has examined the remainder of the applicant's
complaints as submitted by him. However, having regard to all the
material in its possession, it finds that these complaints do not
disclose any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set
out in the Convention or its Protocols. It follows that this part of
the application must be rejected as being manifestly ill-founded,
pursuant to Article 35 §§ 3 and 4 of the Convention.
- Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a
violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the
internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford
just satisfaction to the injured party.”
- The
applicant did not submit a claim for just satisfaction. Accordingly,
the Court considers that there is no call to award him any sum on
that account.
- Declares the complaint concerning the
restriction of the applicant's freedom of expression admissible and
the remainder of the application inadmissible;
- Holds that there has been a violation of Article
10 of the Convention;
- Holds that there is no call to make any award
under Article 41 of the Convention.
Done in English, and notified in writing on 18 December 2008,
pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Søren Nielsen Christos Rozakis
Registrar President