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no. 28552/05)
December 2009
This judgment will become
final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2
of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision.
In the case of Janatuinen v. Finland,
European Court of Human Rights (Fourth Section), sitting as a Chamber
composed of:
Lawrence Early, Section
deliberated in private on 17 November 2009,
the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:
- The
case originated in an application (no. 28552/05) against the Republic
of Finland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the
Convention”) by a Finnish national, Mr Jukka Pekka Janatuinen
(“the applicant”), on 5 August 2005.
- The
applicant was represented by Mr Jaakko Tuutti, a lawyer practising in
Tampere. The Finnish Government (“the Government”) were
represented by their Agent, Mr Arto Kosonen of the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs.
- The
applicant alleged that he had not received a fair trial in the
criminal proceedings against him. He complained, in particular, that
the police had destroyed some recordings of telephone conversations
which might have benefited his defence.
- On
23 June 2008 the President of the Fourth Section decided to give
notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to
examine the merits of the application at the same time as its
admissibility (Article 29 § 3).
- The
applicant was born in 1971 and lives in Vierumäki.
- The
applicant was suspected of having supplied large amounts of illegal
drugs to other persons for distribution. The pre-trial investigation
against the applicant and other suspects was concluded on
24 September 2003.
- During
the pre-trial investigation, the applicant had been represented by a
court appointed counsel, J.T. On an unspecified date prior to the
trial J.T. informed the Kuopio District Court (käräjäoikeus,
tingsrätten), which was the court of jurisdiction, of the
dates when he would not be available due to other engagements.
According to the applicant, the court had then informed J.T. that the
trial dates had already been fixed. On 28 October 2003 J.T.
was informed that in such a large case the court would not be able to
arrange the trial dates to suit the lawyers' requests and that a
representative should arrange for a substitute to deal with other
pending cases. The court asked J.T. whether he would prefer that the
applicant be appointed another representative.
- On
31 October 2003 the public prosecutor brought charges against the
applicant and twelve other defendants in the Kuopio District Court.
The prosecution evidence comprised, inter alia, recordings of
telephone conversations obtained through police interception.
- The
court's oral hearing was held in nine sessions between 11 and
21 November 2003. The applicant appeared in person at six of
those sessions. At four of them he was represented by J.T. and at the
other two by a different lawyer.
- During
the session of 13 November 2003 the applicant and two other
defendants requested access to certain recordings in the possession
of the police but not included in the case material. They contended
that those recordings concerned business arrangements other than the
alleged drugs trading, and other material supporting their innocence.
The prosecutor opposed the request, stating that a number of
recordings, to the necessary extent, had been included in the case
file. He further maintained that recordings of such telephone
conversations which did not support the charges had also been
included in the file.
- In
order to provide the court with further evidence in the matter, the
prosecutor called the investigating police officer to the stand. In
its minutes, the court summarised his statement as follows:
“All recordings of telephone conversations
pertaining to the offences in question have been included in the
pre-trial investigation material available to the parties. Recordings
not related to the matter were either destroyed at once or removed
later. The threshold for including recordings to the case material
has been low. In case of doubt as to whether a given recording was
related to the matter or not, it has been attached to the case
material. As far as the witness could recall, there had been 55
conversations between [the applicant] and [another defendant], of
which 23 had been attached to the case material.”
witness had also explained that the recordings gathered during the
investigation had indeed disclosed a number of other dealings between
the defendants concerning, inter alia, procuring and trading
in cars and car parts.
- Relying
on the above witness testimony the court rejected the defendants'
request finding that all relevant recordings had been included in the
pre-trial investigation material, submitted at the disposal of the
court and the parties. The court noted that the police had operated
under the duty to include in the case file recordings both for and
against the suspects. The court detected no evidence of misconduct by
the police. Nor did the evidence support the alleged necessity of
gaining access to the remaining recordings.
- On
11 December 2003 the court found the applicant guilty of drugs
offences and sentenced him to five years' imprisonment. In its
assessment, the court relied mainly on recordings of telephone
conversations, telephone metering information concerning
telecommunications between the defendants and police observations
recorded in the pre-trial investigation report.
- The
applicant appealed to the Itä-Suomi Court of Appeal (hovioikeus,
hovrätten) claiming that the lower court had refused him the
right to submit as fresh evidence recordings of telephone
conversations concerning procuring, trading in cars and car parts and
attempts by one of his co-defendants, R.V., to purchase drugs from
sources other than the applicant. Those recordings, favourable to his
defence, had not been included in the prosecution evidence. The
applicant therefore requested that the police be ordered to provide
the court with all the remaining recordings. Later he limited his
request to only those recordings involving himself and R.V. He also
asked for a chronological list of recordings destroyed by the police.
- In
his letter of appeal, the applicant also argued that he had not been
given adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence
as the District Court had fixed the dates for its oral hearing
without consulting J.T., who had been forced to send a substitute for
two sessions. The applicant also criticised the lower court's
assessment of evidence specifying several telephone conversations
which the court had allegedly interpreted to his disadvantage in
breach of the presumption of innocence. He further maintained that
the District Court had not given sufficient reasons for its
- On
28 May 2004 the Court of Appeal decided to grant the applicant's
request concerning the remaining recordings, referring to Article 6
§ 1 of the Convention in that connection. The court found that
an opportunity to have access to those recordings still in the
possession of the police was important for building a proper defence.
The Court of Appeal refused, however, the applicant's request
concerning a list of the destroyed recordings. It found that the
applicant had not presented sufficient reasons in support of that
request and that the fairness of the proceedings would not be
compromised if he did not receive such a list.
- In
the subsequent oral hearing, held in eleven sessions between
24 August and 9 September 2004, the Court of Appeal was
presented with the same evidence as the District Court. It also
received fresh evidence, including recordings of telephone
conversations submitted by the applicant.
- During
the oral hearing the applicant contested the fairness of the
proceedings. He asserted that the evidence included in the pre-trial
investigation material, and presented by the prosecution, was neither
reliable nor sufficient as the telephone metering information was
erroneous and a number of recordings of telephone conversations had
been destroyed. He claimed that the pre-trial investigation had been
insufficient in other aspects as well, for instance, not all of
R.V.'s relevant drug dealings had been investigated. The court was
also presented with the argument that part of the evidence had been
obtained illegally through unlawful house searches.
- On
7 October 2004 the Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal,
upholding the District Court's judgment.
- As
to the arguments concerning the alleged unfairness of the
proceedings, the court observed that the applicant had been given
access to a number of fresh recordings, according to his request. The
court noted that, pursuant to the Coercive Measures Act
(pakkokeinolaki, tvångmedelslag, Act No. 450/1987) as in
force at the time of the investigation, the police had been obliged
to destroy any information not related to the suspected offence.
- The
court went on to state that the facts of the case did not give any
reason to believe that the destroyed recordings had been relevant to
the case. As to those recordings submitted by the applicant at the
appellate stage the court stated that, firstly, they had not
contained any relevant new information and, secondly, they had been
irrelevant to the case. Having also received testimony from the
investigating police officer, the court did not subscribe to the
argument about the alleged insufficiency of the pre-trial
investigation. Nor did the court find any other reason to suspect
that the fairness of the proceedings had been jeopardised.
- As
to the subject matter, the Court of Appeal firstly referred to the
District Court's reasoning and stated that the fresh evidence
produced on appeal did not contradict the evidence already presented
in the case. The court concluded that, while no single piece of
evidence as such was sufficient for a conviction, the evidence as a
whole was enough for the guilty verdict. It went on to give more
specific reasons of its own reflecting the evidence produced before
it. The court stated, inter alia, that in assessing the
evidence it had taken into account the arguments made against the
charges and the fact that the applicant had not been the only person
to have supplied drugs to R.V.
- The
applicant sought leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (korkein
oikeus, högsta domstolen) relying to a large extent on his
previous arguments. He maintained that the police had destroyed
relevant information which would have shown that he had not been the
person supplying drugs to his co-defendants. He also contended that
the Court of Appeal had failed to comment on his arguments concerning
inadequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence,
the errors in and unreliability of the telephone metering
information, and the lower court's insufficient reasoning. He further
claimed that the Court of Appeal had not allowed him to submit
telephone metering information as fresh evidence but had permitted
the prosecution to do so.
- On
27 May 2005 the Supreme Court refused leave to appeal.
- In
a decision given on 23 November 2005 the Deputy Parliamentary
Ombudsman (eduskunnan apulaisoikeusasiamies, riksdagens biträdande
justitieombudsman) found that, during the pre-trial investigation
of the above case, the police had searched an apartment occupied by
the applicant's co-defendant four times without following the lawful
procedure, that is without informing the occupant about the search.
During those searches a certain amount of drugs had been found. The
Deputy Parliamentary Ombudsman issued a reprimand for unlawful
conduct to the police officials involved.
- Chapter
5a, section 2 of the Coercive Measures Act, as in force at the
relevant time, provided that an authority investigating a crime could
be granted permission to intercept and record telephone calls made by
a suspect using an extension in his possession or another extension
presumably used by him, or calls received by a suspect through such
an extension, if the information thus obtainable could be assumed to
be of vital importance for solving a crime. This permission could
only be granted for serious offences listed in the provision,
including aggravated drugs offences.
- Chapter
5a, sections 12 and 13 of the said Act provided that the head of the
investigation or another official by his order was to check the
recordings at the earliest convenience and that recordings containing
information which was not related to the offence covered by the
authorisation had to be destroyed after they had been checked.
Recordings which were not to be destroyed were to be retained for
five years after the case had been resolved with legally binding
effect or removed from the docket.
- Chapter
5a, section 13 of the Coercive Measures Act was amended by Act no.
646/2003, which came into force on 1 January 2004. The current
provision states that superfluous information obtained through
interception of telecommunications but not related to the offence, or
pertaining to an offence other than the one covered by the
authorisation, is to be destroyed after the case has been resolved
with legally binding effect or removed from the docket. The
Government Bill (hallituksen esitys, regeringens proposition,
no. 52/2002) concerning the amendment stated that, according to the
provision in force at the time, superfluous information was to be
destroyed as soon as it had been checked. Information supporting the
innocence of the suspect could thus also be destroyed as superfluous
information. The provision was thus proposed for amendment in order
to ensure that all the material would be available for the
[subsequent] proceedings, where necessary.
- Section
1 of the Act on Public Prosecutors (laki yleisistä
syyttäjistä, lag om allmänna åklagare, Act
no. 199/1997) provides, inter alia, that it is the duty of a
prosecutor to see to the realisation of criminal liability in the
consideration of a criminal case, the assessment of the charge and
the trial in a manner consistent with the public interest and the
legal safeguards of the parties.
- The
same principle applies to the conduct of the police, who have the
duty, under section 7 (1) of the Criminal Investigations Act
(esitutkintalaki, förundersökningslag, Act no.
449/1987) to investigate and take into consideration the facts both
for and against the suspect.
- Section
40 of the Criminal Investigations Act, as in force at the relevant
time (Act No. 449/1987), obliged the police to draw up a report of
the pre-trial investigation, if this was necessary for subsequent
proceedings. Among other things, the report was to include all
documents and recordings obtained during the investigation, if they
were deemed relevant to the case. The report was also to include a
list of any material obtained in the investigation but not included
in the report.
- Invoking
Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 of the Convention the applicant
complained that his right to a fair trial had been breached in that
recordings of telephone conversations relevant to his defence had
been destroyed by the police. The Court of Appeal had assessed the
relevance of those recordings without having full knowledge of their
6 reads, in relevant parts, as follows:
“1. In the determination of ... any criminal
charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair ... hearing ... by
[a] ... tribunal ...
3. Everyone charged with a criminal offence
has the following minimum rights:
(b) to have adequate time and facilities for
the preparation of his defence;
- The
Government contested that argument.
A. Admissibility
- The
Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded within
the meaning of Article 35 § 3 of the Convention.
It further notes that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It
must therefore be declared admissible.
B. Merits
Submissions of the parties
- The
applicant maintained that the proceedings had been unfair in that a
large part of the recorded telephone conversations relevant to his
defence had been destroyed by the police. It was unlikely that the
prosecutor had acquainted himself with any of the recordings before
the case was transferred to him for the consideration of charges. In
any case, a procedure whereby the prosecuting authority itself
attempts to assess the importance of certain evidence to the defence
cannot meet the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention. Nor
could the testimony of a police officer concerning the intercepted
material be given much weight in assessing the relevance of the
destroyed recordings. The applicant pointed out that he had given
specific and acceptable reasons for his requests for access to the
recordings not included in the case file. The shortcomings in the
legislation in force at the time of the proceedings did not absolve
the State from complying with the requirement of fairness of the
proceedings embodied in Article 6 of the Convention.
- The
Government argued that the destruction of some of the recordings had
been based on the law in force at the time of the events, more
precisely on Chapter 5a, section 13 of the Coercive Measures Act.
However, no recordings pertaining to the charges, and relevant to the
courts' decision-making, had been destroyed. The District Court had
received testimony from the investigating police officer and been
satisfied that all the material pertaining to the matter had been
included in the case file. That material had been at the disposal of
the court and the parties. The Court of Appeal had granted the
applicant's request for access to the remaining recordings between
him and R.V and he had been able to submit those recordings as fresh
evidence before that court. The destruction of a number of recordings
containing superfluous information during the pre-trial investigation
had given the Court of Appeal no reason to conclude that those
recordings had contained evidence supporting the applicant's
innocence. Thus, unlike in the case of Rowe and Davis v. the
United Kingdom [GC], no. 28901/95, §§ 60-63, ECHR
2000 II), the authorities had not refused to disclose to the
applicant evidence possibly relevant to his defence.
- The
Government also contended that the rights of the defence had been
further safeguarded by the principle of objectivity governing the
duties of public prosecutors, as provided in section 1 of the Act on
Public Prosecutors. The prosecutor had co-operated with the police
during the pre-trial investigation and had thus been able to
participate in the selection of the recordings included in the case
file, based on his view of which information did or did not relate to
the matter.
- In
the Government's view the applicant's complaint mainly concerned
assessment of evidence. The Government contended that the applicant
had had knowledge of and had been able to comment on all evidence
adduced, with a view to influencing the courts' decision. The parties
had also had equal opportunity to present evidence. The recordings of
telephone conversations had only formed a part of the evidence before
the courts. The Court of Appeal had assessed the evidence as a whole
finding it sufficient for a conviction. In making its assessment that
court had taken into account, inter alia, the evidence showing
that there had been drugs suppliers other than the applicant. The
Government pointed out that the District Court had summarised the
evidence in detail and it had also given extensive reasons to its
decision. The Court of Appeal had found no reason to deviate from
that assessment.
- The
Government concluded that the decision-making procedure in the above
proceedings had complied with the requirement of equality of arms and
incorporated adequate safeguards for the protection of the interests
of the defence. Accordingly, there has been no violation of Article 6
of the Convention.
The Court's assessment
- The
Court reiterates that the guarantees in paragraph 3 of Article 6 are
specific aspects of the right to a fair trial set out in paragraph 1.
In the circumstances of the case it finds it unnecessary to examine
the applicant's allegation separately from the standpoint of
paragraph 3 (b), since it amounts to a complaint that he did not
receive a fair trial. It will therefore confine its examination to
the question of whether the proceedings in their entirety were fair
(see Edwards v. the United Kingdom, 16 December 1992, §§
33-34, Series A no. 247 B, and Rowe and Davis, cited
above, § 59).
- It
is a fundamental aspect of the right to a fair trial that criminal
proceedings, including the elements of such proceedings which relate
to procedure, should be adversarial and that there should be equality
of arms between the prosecution and defence. The right to an
adversarial trial means, in a criminal case, that both prosecution
and defence must be given the opportunity to have knowledge of and
comment on the observations filed and the evidence adduced by the
other party. In addition Article 6 § 1 requires that the
prosecution authorities disclose to the defence all material evidence
in their possession for or against the accused (see, mutatis
mutandis, Rowe and Davis, cited above, § 60,
with further references).
- However,
the entitlement to disclosure of relevant evidence is not an absolute
right. In any criminal proceedings there may be competing interests,
such as national security or the need to protect witnesses at risk of
reprisals or keep secret police methods of investigation of crime,
which must be weighed against the rights of the accused. In some
cases it may be necessary to withhold certain evidence from the
defence so as to preserve the fundamental rights of another
individual or to safeguard an important public interest. However,
only such measures restricting the rights of the defence which are
strictly necessary are permissible under Article 6 § 1.
Moreover, in order to ensure that the accused receives a fair trial,
any difficulties caused to the defence by a limitation on its rights
must be sufficiently counterbalanced by the procedures followed by
the judicial authorities (see, mutatis mutandis, Rowe and
Davis, cited above, § 61, with further references).
- In
cases where evidence has been withheld from the defence on public
interest grounds, it is not the role of this Court to decide whether
or not such non-disclosure was strictly necessary since, as a general
rule, it is for the national courts to assess the evidence before
them. In any event, in many cases, such as the present one, where the
evidence in question has never been revealed, it would not be
possible for the Court to attempt to weigh the public interest in
non-disclosure against that of the accused in having sight of the
material. It must therefore scrutinise the decision-making procedure
to ensure that, as far as possible, it complied with the requirements
to provide adversarial proceedings and equality of arms and
incorporated adequate safeguards to protect the interests of the
accused (see, mutatis mutandis, Fitt v. the United Kingdom
[GC], no. 29777/96, § 46, ECHR 2000 II, with further
reference to Edwards, cited above, § 34).
- More specifically, Article 6 § 3 (b) guarantees
the accused “adequate time and facilities for the preparation
of his defence” and therefore implies that the substantive
defence activity on his behalf may comprise everything which is
“necessary” to prepare the main trial. The accused must
have the opportunity to organise his defence in an appropriate way
and without restriction of the possibility to put all relevant
defence arguments before the trial court and thus to influence the
outcome of the proceedings (see Can v. Austria, no. 9300/81, §
53, Commission's report of 12 July 1984, Series A no. 96,
and Moiseyev v. Russia, no. 62936/00, § 220,
9 October 2008). Furthermore, the facilities which should
be enjoyed by everyone charged with a criminal offence include the
opportunity to acquaint himself, for the purposes of preparing his
defence, with the results of investigations carried out throughout
the proceedings (see C.G.P. v. the Netherlands, (dec.),
no. 29835/96, 15 January 1997, and Galstyan v. Armenia,
no. 26986/03, § 84, 15 November 2007).
- Failure to disclose to the defence material evidence,
which contains such particulars which could enable the accused to
exonerate himself or have his sentence reduced, would constitute a
refusal of facilities necessary for the preparation of the defence,
and therefore a violation of the right guaranteed in Article 6 §
3 (b) of the Convention (see C.G.P., cited above). The accused
may, however, be expected to give specific reasons for his request
(see Bendenoun v. France, 24 February 1994, § 52, Series
A no. 284) and the domestic courts are entitled to examine the
validity of these reasons (see C.G.P., cited above).
- Turning
to the present case, the Court observes that the number of the
destroyed recordings, or the contents thereof, cannot be verified
from the material submitted. The Government have not, however,
contested the applicant's submission that the amount of such
recordings was of some significance. Nor have they been able to
provide any specific information about their contents.
- The
Court reiterates that the requirements of Article 6 presuppose that,
having given specific reasons for the request for disclosure of
certain evidence which could enable the accused to exonerate himself,
he should be entitled to have the validity of those reasons examined
by a court.
- The
Court notes that in acceding to the applicant's request for access to
the remaining recordings of communications between him and R.V. the
Court of Appeal clearly accepted the reasons given by the applicant
for his request. In this context, and keeping in mind that the Court
of Appeal never had the opportunity to verify the contents of the
destroyed recordings first hand, the Court cannot find any
justification for the Court of Appeal's finding that the destroyed
recordings were irrelevant to the applicant's defence and his right
to a fair trial had not been breached in that respect.
- Even
though the police and the prosecutor were obliged by law to take into
consideration both the facts for and against the suspect, a procedure
whereby the investigating authority itself, even when co-operating
with the prosecution, attempts to assess what may or may not be
relevant to the case, cannot comply with the requirements of Article
6 § 1. Moreover, it is not clear to what extent the prosecutor
was, in fact, involved in the decision to destroy those recordings
which were not included in the case file. In this case, the
destruction of certain material obtained through police interception
made it impossible for the defence to verify its assumptions as to
its relevance and to prove their correctness before the trial courts.
- The
Court finds that the present case is different from, inter alia,
Fitt, cited above, and Jasper v. the United Kingdom [GC]
(no. 27052/95, 16 February 2000) where the Court was satisfied
that the defence were kept informed and were permitted to make
submissions and participate in the decision-making process as far as
possible and noted that the need for disclosure was at all times
under the assessment of the trial judge, providing a further,
important, safeguard. In those cases the Court found no violation
under Article 6 § 1 (see Fitt, §§ 48-49, and
Jasper, §§ 55-56). The Court points out that, in
this case, the decision regarding the undisclosed evidence was made
in the course of the pre-trial investigation without providing the
defence with the opportunity to participate in the decision-making
- In
the present case the Court further notes that the contested measure
stemmed from a defect in the legislation, in that it failed to offer
adequate protection to the defence, rather than any misconduct by the
authorities, who were obliged by law, in force at the time, to
destroy the impugned recordings (see paragraph 27 above). The Court
observes that in the Government Bill for the amendment of the
Coercive Measures Act it was considered problematic that information
supporting the innocence of the suspect could be destroyed before the
resolution of the case (see paragraph 28 above). The relevant
provision was amended with effect from 1 January 2004 with
a view to safeguarding better the rights of the defence. This
amendment, however, came too late for the applicant.
- The
Court finally reiterates that it has recently found a violation of
Article 6 of the Convention in a similar case, that is, Natunen
v. Finland, no. 21022/04, 31
March 2009.
- Having
regard to the above considerations, the Court concludes that there
has been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention taken
together with Article 6 § 3 (b) of the Convention.
Alleged violations of Article 6 §§ 1, 2 and 3 of the
- The
applicant claimed that the Court of Appeal had not allowed the
defence to submit as fresh evidence telephone metering information
while permitting the prosecution to do so.
- It
transpires from the Court of Appeal's procedural decision of
28 May 2004 that the applicant's request for fresh material
only concerned the recordings of telephone conversations still in the
possession of the police and a list of those recordings, which had
already been destroyed. Even assuming that the applicant later made a
request concerning telephone metering information before the Court of
Appeal, and assuming that such a request was refused as the applicant
appears to suggest, he has not renewed that request when seeking
leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Court finds this complaint
inadmissible due to non-exhaustion of domestic remedies. It must
therefore be rejected under Article 35 §§ 1 and 4 of the
- The
applicant also contended that some of the telephone metering
information had been clearly erroneous. The courts' assessment had
been based solely on the evidence presented by the prosecution and an
assumption of the applicant's guilt. Moreover, part of the evidence
relied upon by the courts had been obtained illegally through
unlawful house searches.
- The
Court reiterates that, while Article 6 of the Convention guarantees
the right to a fair hearing, it does not lay down any rules on the
admissibility of evidence or the way it should be assessed, which are
therefore primarily matters for regulation by national law and the
national courts (see, among other authorities, Schenk
v. Switzerland, 12 July 1988, §§ 45-46,
Series A no. 140, and García Ruiz v. Spain
[GC], no. 30544/96, § 28, ECHR 1999 I). Furthermore,
it is not the role of the Court to determine, as a matter of
principle, whether particular types of evidence – for example,
evidence obtained unlawfully in terms of domestic law – may be
admissible (see Jalloh v. Germany [GC], no. 54810/00, § 95,
ECHR 2006 IX, and Bykov v. Russia [GC], no.
4378/02, § 89, 10 March 2009).
- In
determining whether the proceedings as a whole were fair, regard must
be had to whether the rights of the defence have been respected. In
particular the issue of whether the applicant was given the
opportunity to challenge the authenticity of the evidence and to
oppose its use must be examined. In addition, the quality of the
evidence must be taken into consideration, including whether the
circumstances in which it was obtained cast doubts on its reliability
or accuracy (see Jalloh, § 96, and Bykov, §
90, both cited above).
- The
Court firstly notes that the case file does not support the
applicant's allegation that the domestic courts had a preconceived
idea of his guilt. It thus rejects that complaint as manifestly
ill-founded pursuant to Article 35 §§ 3 and 4 of the
- As
regards the alleged errors in the telephone metering information
produced before the courts by the prosecution, the Court observes
that the applicant was fully able to put forward his arguments
concerning the evidentiary value of that information. Indeed, it
transpires from the case file that the applicant presented such an
argument before the Court of Appeal and that the court took note of
- The
applicant has not specified which prosecution evidence was allegedly
obtained unlawfully. However, the documents suggest that it involved
the amount and type of some of the drugs allegedly supplied by him to
his co-defendant. The Court notes that it was not the sole evidence
against the applicant. The Court further notes that the manner in
which the house searches were conducted did not directly concern the
applicant. In fact, the flaw in those searches only concerned the
failure of the police to inform the occupant of the apartment, that
is, the applicant's co-defendant, about them. In that part the Court
observes that on 23 November 2005 the Deputy Parliamentary Ombudsman
issued a reprimand for unlawful conduct to the police officials
involved. It was then up to the domestic courts to decide on the
admissibility of the evidence obtained through those house searches.
The applicant, for his part, was able to put forward arguments
opposing the use of that evidence in the course of adversarial
proceedings, which he also did.
- Having
regard to the above, the Court finds no reason to suspect that the
applicant's defence rights were not properly complied with in respect
of the evidence adduced or that its assessment by the domestic courts
was arbitrary. The Court thus rejects his complaints concerning
admissibility and assessment of evidence as manifestly ill-founded in
accordance with Article 35 §§ 3 and 4 of the Convention.
- The
applicant further maintained that the courts' reasoning had been
insufficient. The Court of Appeal, in particular, had failed to
comment on the applicant's specific arguments regarding the
shortcomings in the proceedings and to assess their significance.
- The
Court reiterates that, according to its established case-law
reflecting the need for the effective administration of justice,
courts and tribunals should adequately state the reasons on which
they base their decisions. The extent to which this obligation
applies may vary according to the nature of the decision and must be
determined in the light of the circumstances of the case. However, it
cannot be understood as requiring a detailed answer to every argument
(see, for example, García Ruiz v. Spain, § 26,
cited above). Nor is the Court called upon to examine whether
arguments are adequately met (see Van de Hurk v. the Netherlands,
19 April 1994, § 61, Series A no. 288).
The Court finds that, in this case, both the District Court and the
Court of Appeal gave sufficient reasons in their decisions, even
taking into account the rather general nature of the Court of
Appeal's reasoning in respect of some of the applicant's arguments
concerning the fairness of the proceedings. The Court thus concludes
that the applicant's complaint about the courts' allegedly
insufficient reasoning is manifestly ill-founded and it must be
rejected pursuant Article 35 §§ 3 and 4 of the Convention.
- Finally,
the applicant alleged that he had been denied adequate time and
facilities for the preparation of his defence in that the District
Court had not heard him or his counsel before fixing the dates for
its oral hearing. It followed that he had been forced to defend
himself partly through a different lawyer to the one initially
appointed to him.
- The
Court does not subscribe to the applicant's view. It notes that he
had been assisted by a different lawyer at two sessions of the
District Court proceedings while his appointed counsel was
unavailable. The Court finds the reason given by the District Court
for not acceding to the counsel's request concerning the trial dates
convincing. Moreover, counsel was informed of the court's stand on
the issue some two weeks prior to the commencement of its oral
hearing. It was then up to the applicant and his counsel to decide
whether the latter would represent the applicant at all sessions
before the District Court or attend to his other engagements. The
Court would also point out that the applicant was at no stage forced
to appear in court unrepresented and, furthermore, he was represented
by his appointed counsel throughout the appellate proceedings. The
Court thus rejects this complaint as manifestly ill-founded in
accordance with Article 35 §§ 3 and 4 of the Convention.
Alleged violation of Article 13 of the Convention
- The
applicant complained under Article 13 of the Convention about the
lack of an effective remedy in connection with his other complaints.
- The
Court notes that the applicant was able to defend himself against the
charges and participate in the proceedings at three levels of
jurisdiction. It follows that his complaint under Article 13 must be
rejected as manifestly ill-founded pursuant to Article 35 §§
3 and 4 of the Convention.
- Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a
violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the
internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford
just satisfaction to the injured party.”
A. Damage
- The
applicant claimed 100,000 euros (EUR) in respect of non-pecuniary
- The
Government considered the claim excessive as to quantum. Any award
should not exceed EUR 2,300.
- The
Court accepts that the lack of guarantees of Article 6 has caused the
applicant non-pecuniary damage, which cannot be made good by the mere
finding of a violation. Making its assessment on an equitable basis,
it awards him EUR 2,500 in respect of non-pecuniary damage.
B. Costs and expenses
- The
applicant also claimed EUR 2,257 (inclusive of value-added tax) for
the costs and expenses incurred before the Court.
- The
Government pointed out that the application had comprised several
complaints under Article 6 and 13. The amount of the costs and
expenses granted should reflect the fact that the Government was
requested to submit specific observations only on the issue
concerning the lack of access to the totality of the telephone
conversations obtained through police interception.
75. According
to the Court's case-law, an applicant is entitled to the
reimbursement of costs and expenses only in so far as it has been
shown that these have been actually and necessarily incurred and were
reasonable as to quantum. In the present case, the Court notes that
the application to the Court was examined under the joint procedure
provided for under Article 29 § 3 of the Convention
and that the application was only partly successful. Taking into
account all the circumstances, the Court considers it reasonable to
award the sum of EUR 1,900 (inclusive of value-added tax) for the
proceedings before the Court.
C. Default interest
- The
Court considers it appropriate that the default interest should be
based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to
which should be added three percentage points.
- Declares the complaints concerning the lack of
equality of arms and the right to adequate facilities for the
preparation of the applicant's defence admissible and the remainder
of the application inadmissible;
- Holds that there has been a violation of Article
6 § 1 of the Convention taken together with Article 6 § 3
(b) of the Convention;
- Holds
(a) that
the respondent State is to pay the applicant, within three months
from the date on which the judgment becomes final in accordance with
Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, the following
EUR 2,500 (two thousand five hundred euros), plus any tax that may be
chargeable, in respect of non-pecuniary damage;
EUR 1,900 (one thousand nine hundred euros), plus any tax that may be
chargeable to the applicant, in respect of costs and expenses;
(b) that
from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement
simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal
to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the
default period plus three percentage points;
- Dismisses the remainder of the applicant's claim
for just satisfaction.
Done in English, and notified in writing on 8 December 2009, pursuant
to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Lawrence Early Nicolas Bratza
Registrar President
In accordance with Article 45 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 74
§ 2 of the Rules of Court, the concurring opinion of Judge
Garlicki is annexed to this judgment.
While I
am ready to accept that Article 6 § 1 of the Convention has been
violated, I think that this case also merits discussion in the light
of our case-law developed in respect of the protection of private
life and correspondence (Article 8).
finding of a violation in Janatuinen seems to be based on the fact
that some recordings were destroyed prematurely and, in consequence,
the applicant could not use them during his criminal trial.
should not be forgotten, however, that prompt destruction of all
“irrelevant” recordings is an established requirement
under Article 8 of the Convention. Consequently, laws regulating
electronic surveillance must provide for circumstances in which
recordings must or may be erased or the tapes destroyed (Weber and
Saravia, dec., § 95). The Finnish Coercive Measures Act
established, in accordance with that requirement, an obligation to
destroy recordings containing any information not related to the
suspected offence.
In the
Dumitru Popescu v. Romania judgment of 26 April 2007
(§ 78), while analysing Article 8 of the Convention, the
Court observed that the fact that only some recordings had been
included in the file presented to the trial court: “was not in
itself incompatible with the requirements of Article 8. The Court can
admit that in certain circumstances it may be excessive, if only from
a practical point of view, to transcribe and include in a case
investigation file all the conversations intercepted on a particular
telephone line. It could certainly violate other rights, such as the
right to respect for the private lives of other callers who made
calls from a phone that was being tapped. The person concerned must
nevertheless be given the possibility of listening to the recordings
or challenging their accuracy, hence the need to keep them intact
until the end of the criminal proceedings and, more generally, to
include in the case file those elements he considers relevant to the
defence of his interests”.
Janatuinen case deserved, in my opinion, to be discussed in the light
of those statements. It would not have stopped the Court from finding
a violation: it seems that the violation in Janatuinen was due to the
lack of an adequate procedural framework for the selection and
destruction of recordings. The affected party or at least an
independent authority (a judge or prosecutor) should be invited to
decide what is not sufficiently relevant to be kept in the file.
Those decisions should not be left to the discretion of the police or
any other such service.
But, at
the same time, it is of the utmost importance that all irrelevant
material be destroyed with all possible speed. What may be irrelevant
for the criminal trial may nevertheless be quite handy for underhand
political accusations and leaks of information. The sad experience of
many Convention countries shows that telephone recordings have been
used in a manner incompatible with human dignity and political
culture. Legislative measures providing for careful supervision of
the relevance of the recorded materials should not be criticised
without a full assessment of their protective effects in respect of
people's privacy and integrity.