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no. 17792/07)
January 2011
judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44
§ 2 of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial
In the case of Kallweit v.
European Court of Human Rights (Fifth Section), sitting as a Chamber
composed of:
Peer Lorenzen, President,
Rait Maruste,
Mirjana Lazarova
Zdravka Kalaydjieva,
Yudkivska, judges,
and Claudia Westerdiek,
Section Registrar,
deliberated in private on 7 December 2010,
the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:
- The
case originated in an application (no. 17792/07) against the Federal
Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr
Rüdiger Kallweit (“the applicant”), on 17 April
- The
applicant was represented by Mr A. Becker, a lawyer practising in
Dortmund. The German Government (“the Government”) were
represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel,
Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
- The
applicant alleged, in particular, that his preventive detention was
incompatible with his right to liberty under Article 5 § 1 of
the Convention. Moreover, the retrospective extension of his
preventive detention from a period of ten years, which had been the
maximum for such detention under the legal provisions applicable at
the time of his offence, to an unlimited period of time, violated the
prohibition of retrospective punishment under Article 7 § 1 of
the Convention.
- On
29 March 2010 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give
notice of the application to the Government, requested them to submit
information on changes in the applicant's detention regime and
adjourned the examination of the application until the judgment in
the case of
M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04, has become final.
It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the
application at the same time
(Article 29 § 1). In view of
the fact that the judgment of 17 December 2009 in the case of M.
v. Germany became final on 10 May 2010, the President decided on
20 May 2010 that the proceedings in the application at issue be
resumed and granted priority to the application (Rule 41 of the Rules
of Court).
- The
applicant was born in 1955 and is currently in Aachen Prison.
A. The applicant's previous convictions and the order
for his preventive detention and execution thereof
- On
7 May 1993 the Bochum Regional Court convicted the applicant of
sexual assault and sexual abuse of a minor committed in 1992.
sentenced him to three years and six months' imprisonment and ordered
his preventive detention pursuant to Article 66 of the Criminal Code
(see paragraphs 26-27 below). The court found that the applicant
had sexually assaulted and abused a thirteen-year-old boy who, after
having drunk alcoholic beverages with the applicant in front of the
Bochum train station, had agreed to spend the night in the
applicant's apartment for fear of disputes with his mother. The
court, having consulted a medical expert, considered that the
applicant had acted with full criminal responsibility.
suffered from a dissocial personality disorder which was
characterized notably by a lack of feelings of guilt. That disorder
did not, however, amount to an illness diminishing his criminal
- The
Bochum Regional Court further noted that the applicant had previously
been convicted, in particular, of sexual assault and abuse of a
nine-year-old girl committed in 1981, attempted sexual abuse of a
nine-year-old girl committed shortly after his release from
prison in 1985 and sexual abuse of a five-year-old boy and an
eight-year-old boy committed in May 1986 shortly after his previous
conviction. He had committed all previous offences with full criminal
- Since
28 March 1996 the applicant, having served his full prison sentence,
has been in preventive detention for the first time, initially in
Werl Prison and since May 1998 in Aachen Prison.
- The
continuation of the applicant's preventive detention was ordered at
regular intervals. In the course of such judicial review proceedings,
the Aachen Regional Court had also examined the applicant's request
that his preventive detention be executed in a psychiatric hospital.
On 10 March 2003 it dismissed that request, considering that the
applicant should make a therapy aimed at changing his conduct, but
that this did not necessitate his treatment in a psychiatric
- The
applicant had served ten years in preventive detention by
March 2006.
B. The proceedings at issue
1. The decision of the Aachen Regional Court
- On
31 May 2006 the Aachen Regional Court, having held a hearing,
dismissed the applicant's request to declare his preventive detention
terminated after expiry of a period of ten years or to suspend its
further execution and grant probation.
- The
Regional Court considered that the applicant, if released, would
commit further serious offences, in particular sexual assault and
abuse of minors, resulting in considerable psychological or physical
harm to the victims (Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code, see
paragraph 31 below).
It agreed in this respect with the
conclusions drawn by two medical experts in a psychiatric expert
report dated 7 April 2006 and in an additional psychological expert
report dated 3 April 2006 who had also found that the applicant
suffered from a serious dissocial personality disorder.
Regional Court further took the view that the therapies the applicant
had made in the past years had not brought about any change in his
propensity to commit offences.
2. The decision of the Cologne Court of Appeal
- On
27 July 2006 the Cologne Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's
appeal. Having regard to the medical expert reports obtained by the
Regional Court, it equally considered that the applicant suffered
from a serious personality disorder owing to which he was liable to
commit further serious sexual offences. He had to receive further
therapy and had to show good conduct in the course of relaxations of
his conditions of detention before it could be assumed that he was no
longer dangerous to the public.
- On
3 August 2006 the Cologne Court of Appeal found that the additional
reasons given by the applicant for his appeal had reached the court
only after it had already dismissed the appeal. Having considered
these reasons, the court decided not to amend its previous decision.
3. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court
- On
10 September 2006 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint
with the Federal Constitutional Court. He argued that the courts'
decision to order his preventive detention breached his right to
liberty as guaranteed by the Basic Law and by Article 5 § 1 of
the Convention. Moreover, the retrospective extension of his
preventive detention beyond the period of ten years, which had been
the maximum for such detention under the legal provisions applicable
at the time of his offence, to an unlimited period of time violated
his right under the Basic Law and under Article 7 § 1 of the
Convention not to have a heavier penalty imposed on him than the one
applicable at the time of his offence.
- On
22 January 2007 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider
the applicant's constitutional complaint (file no. 2 BvR 1942/06).
- The
Federal Constitutional Court found that the applicant's complaint had
no sufficient prospects of success. The applicant had failed
sufficiently to substantiate by which act of a public authority he
considered his fundamental rights to have been violated. In order to
substantiate sufficiently a constitutional complaint, an applicant,
as a rule, had to submit not only the decisions complained of, but
also all other documents referred to. This requirement could only be
dispensed with if the content of those documents was reproduced in
the constitutional complaint in such detail that it was clear from
the submissions alone whereby the alleged violation had been caused.
In the present case, the applicant had failed, in particular, to
submit copies of the psychiatric expert report of 7 April 2006 and of
the additional psychological expert report of 3 April 2006, which had
been referred to by the lower courts.
- The
Federal Constitutional Court further noted that the decisions
complained of were based on legal provisions which it had found to be
constitutional. It referred to its leading judgment of 5 February
2004, file no. 2 BvR 2029/01, in this respect, in which it had
considered the retrospective extension of a convicted person's
preventive detention beyond the initial maximum period of ten years
to be constitutional.
C. Subsequent developments
- On
19 November 2008 the Aachen Regional Court, in judicial review
proceedings under Articles 67d and 67e of the Criminal Code
paragraphs 29 and 31 below), refused to suspend the further execution
of the applicant's preventive detention and to grant probation. It
found that it could not be expected that the applicant, owing to his
criminal tendencies, would no longer commit offences if released. The
court endorsed the findings of the psychological expert it had
consulted, who had confirmed that the applicant suffered from a
dissocial personality disorder and had not yet sufficiently reflected
upon his alcohol and drug consumption.
It considered that
therefore, the applicant was liable to commit robberies, assaults and
sexual assault of minors if released.
- On
16 July 2010 the Aachen Regional Court refused to declare the
applicant's preventive detention terminated in view of this Court's
findings in the case of M. v. Germany. It considered that
German law as it stood at present could not be interpreted in
compliance with the Court's judgment of 17 December 2009. It was
therefore up to the legislator to execute that judgment.
- On
16 August 2010 the Cologne Court of Appeal, following the applicant's
appeal against the decision of the Aachen Regional Court of
July 2010, endorsed the reasons given by the Regional Court by
reference to similar decisions taken by several further Courts of
(see for examples paragraph 35 below) and decided to
submit the case to the Federal Court of Justice. It sought a
preliminary ruling on the question whether, following this Court's
judgment in the case of M. v. Germany, the current version of
Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code (see paragraph 31 below),
or Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code, in the version in force
prior to 31 January 1998 (see paragraph 30 below), was applicable in
cases parallel to the M. v. Germany case.
- The
applicant is still in preventive detention.
- A
comprehensive summary of the provisions of the Criminal Code and of
the Code of Criminal Procedure governing the distinction between
penalties and measures of correction and prevention, in particular
preventive detention, and the making, review and execution in
practice of preventive detention orders, is contained in the Court's
judgment in the case of
M. v. Germany (no. 19359/04, §§
45-78, 17 December 2009).
The provisions relevant to the present
case can be summarised as follows.
A. The order of preventive detention by the sentencing
- The
German Criminal Code distinguishes between penalties (Strafen)
and so-called measures of correction and prevention (Maßregeln
der Besserung und Sicherung) to deal with unlawful acts.
Preventive detention (Article 66 et seq. of the Criminal Code)
is classified as a measure of correction and prevention. The purpose
of such measures is to rehabilitate dangerous offenders or to protect
the public from them. They may in certain circumstances be ordered
for offenders in addition to their punishment (compare Articles 63 et
seq.). They must, however, be proportionate to the gravity of the
offences committed by, or to be expected from, the defendants as well
as to their dangerousness (Article 62 of the Criminal Code).
- The
temporal applicability of provisions of the Criminal Code depends on
whether they relate to penalties or measures of correction and
prevention. The penalty is determined by the law which is in force at
the time of the act (Article 2 § 1 of the Criminal Code); if the
law in force on completion of the act is amended before the court's
judgment, the more lenient law applies (Article 2 § 3). On the
other hand, decisions on measures of correction and prevention are to
be based on the law in force at the time of the decision unless the
law provides otherwise (Article 2 § 6).
- The
sentencing court may, at the time of the offender's conviction, order
his preventive detention under certain circumstances in addition to
his prison sentence if the offender has been shown to be dangerous to
the public (Article 66 of the Criminal Code).
- In
particular, the sentencing court orders preventive detention in
addition to the penalty if someone is sentenced for an intentional
offence to at least two years' imprisonment and if the following
further conditions are satisfied. Firstly, the perpetrator must have
been sentenced twice already, to at least one year's imprisonment in
each case, for intentional offences committed prior to the new
offence. Secondly, the perpetrator must previously have served a
prison sentence or must have been detained pursuant to a measure of
correction and prevention for at least two years. Thirdly, a
comprehensive assessment of the perpetrator and his acts must reveal
that, owing to his propensity to commit serious offences, notably
those which seriously harm their victims physically or mentally or
which cause serious economic damage, the perpetrator presents a
danger to the general public (see Article 66 § 1).
B. The order for execution of the placement in
preventive detention
- Article
67c of the Criminal Code governs orders for the preventive detention
of convicted persons which are not executed immediately after the
judgment ordering them becomes final. Paragraph 1 of the Article
provides that if a term of imprisonment is executed prior to a
simultaneously ordered placement in preventive detention, the court
responsible for the execution of sentences (that is, a special
Chamber of the Regional Court composed of three professional judges,
see sections 78a and 78b(1)(1) of the Court Organisation Act) must
review, before completion of the prison term, whether the person's
preventive detention is still necessary in view of its objective. If
that is not the case, it suspends on probation the execution of the
preventive detention order; supervision of the person's conduct
(Führungsaufsicht) commences with suspension.
C. Judicial review and duration of preventive detention
- Pursuant
to Article 67e of the Criminal Code the court (i.e. the
chamber responsible for the execution of sentences) may review at any
time whether the further execution of the preventive detention order
should be suspended on probation. It is obliged to do so within fixed
time-limits (paragraph 1 of Article 67e). For persons in preventive
detention, this time limit is two years (paragraph 2 of Article
- Under
Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code, in its version in force
prior to 31 January 1998, the first period of preventive detention
may not exceed ten years. If the maximum duration has expired, the
detainee shall be released (Article 67d § 3).
- Article
67d of the Criminal Code was amended by the Combating of Sexual
Offences and Other Dangerous Offences Act of 26 January 1998, which
entered into force on 31 January 1998. Article 67d § 3, in its
amended version, provides that if a person has spent ten years in
preventive detention, the court shall declare the measure terminated
(only) if there is no danger that the detainee will, owing to his
criminal tendencies, commit serious offences resulting in
considerable psychological or physical harm to the victims.
Termination shall automatically entail supervision of the conduct of
the offender. The former maximum duration of a first period of
preventive detention was abolished. Pursuant to section 1a § 3
of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code, the amended version of
Article 67d § 3 of the Criminal Code was to be applied without
any restriction ratione temporis.
D. Provisions on the detention of mentally ill persons
- The
detention of mentally ill persons is provided for in the Criminal
Code as a measure of correction and prevention if the detention is
ordered in relation to an unlawful act committed by the person
concerned. Article 63 of the Criminal Code provides that if someone
commits an unlawful act without criminal responsibility or with
diminished criminal responsibility, the court will order his
placement – without any maximum duration – in a
psychiatric hospital if a comprehensive assessment of the defendant
and his acts reveals that, as a result of his condition, he can be
expected to commit serious unlawful acts and that he is therefore a
danger to the general public.
E. The application of the Court's findings in the M.
v. Germany case by the domestic courts
- By
a decision of 12 May 2010 (file no. 4 StR 577/09) the Federal Court
of Justice (fourth senate), in a decision concerning a retrospective
order of preventive detention (nachträgliche
Sicherungsverwahrung), found that the Criminal Code was to be and
could be interpreted so as to comply with Article 7 § 1 of the
Convention as interpreted by this Court in its judgment in M. v.
Germany, no. 19359/04. Under Article 2 § 6 of the Criminal
Code (see paragraph 25 above), decisions on measures of correction
and prevention were to be based on the law in force at the time of
the court's decision unless the law provided otherwise. Article 7 §
1 of the Convention, in its interpretation by this Court, was such a
law which provided otherwise as the Court had considered that
preventive detention was to be qualified as a penalty for the
purposes of Article 7 to which the prohibition of retrospective
punishment applied (the fifth senate of the Federal Court of Justice,
in its decision of 21 July 2010,
file no. 5 StR 60/10, disagreed
with the fourth senate on that point in relation to a different
provision on retrospective preventive detention). Therefore, court
decisions concerning orders of preventive detention had to be based
on the law in force at the time of the offence.
- Referring,
in particular, to these findings of the Federal Court of Justice,
several Courts of Appeal found in cases comparable, as regards the
temporal course of events, to the M. v. Germany case that the
abolition of the maximum period of ten years laid down in Article 67d
§ 1 of the Criminal Code in its version in force before 31
January 1998 could not be effected retrospectively and that this
maximum period therefore still applied to preventive detention
ordered in relation to offences committed prior to that date. As a
consequence, these courts declared terminated the preventive
detention of the detainees concerned whose first period of preventive
detention had been executed beyond that maximum period and ordered
their release (see, in particular, Frankfurt am Main Court of Appeal,
decision of 24 June 2010, file no. 3 Ws 485/10; Hamm Court of Appeal,
decision of
6 July 2010, file no. 4 Ws 157/10; Karlsruhe Court of
Appeal, decision of 15 July 2010, file no. 2 Ws 458/09; and
Schleswig-Holstein Court of Appeal, decision of 15 July 2010, file
no. 1 Ws 267/10).
- On
the contrary, several Courts of Appeal considered that the Court's
findings in the case of M. v. Germany could not be applied at
present by the domestic courts responsible for the execution of
sentences as the Criminal Code as it stood did not permit its
interpretation in compliance with Articles 5 and 7 of the Convention.
Section 1a § 3 of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code had
expressly stipulated that the abolition of the maximum duration of
ten years for a first period of preventive detention also applied to
persons who had committed the offences in question prior to the entry
into force of that abolition and had thereby unambiguously authorized
the application of the amended law with retrospective effect.
was therefore for the legislator to execute the Court's judgment in
M. case. These Courts of Appeal accordingly did not
terminate the preventive detention of the persons concerned (see, in
particular, Celle Court of Appeal, decision of 25 May 2010, file no.
2 Ws 169-170/10; Stuttgart Court of Appeal, decision of 1 June 2010,
file no. 1 Ws 57/10; Koblenz Court of Appeal, decision of 7 June
2010, file no. 1 Ws 108/10; Nuremberg Court of Appeal, decision of 24
June 2010, file
no. 1 Ws 315/10; and Cologne Court of Appeal,
decision of 14 July 2010,
file no. 2 Ws 428/10).
- Several
of these Courts of Appeal subsequently submitted such cases to the
Federal Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling under a new
provision of the Court Organisation Act (section 121 § 2 no. 3)
in force since 30 July 2010, which is aimed at securing a uniform
case-law of the German courts on that issue (see, for instance,
Koblenz Court
of Appeal, decision of 30 September 2010, file no.
1 Ws 108/10).
On 9 November 2010 the fifth senate of the Federal
Court of Justice decided to consult notably the fourth senate whether
it intended to uphold its view on that point, which differed from
that of the fifth senate
(file no. 5 StR 394/10 and others).
Unlike the fourth senate in its decision of 12 May 2010 (file no. 4
StR 577/09; see paragraph 33 above), the fifth senate considered that
in cases parallel to that of M., the detainees concerned were
not to be released automatically without a further examination on the
merits. However, if applied retrospectively, Article 67d § 3 of
the Criminal Code had to be interpreted restrictively in the light of
the judgment in M. v. Germany. Preventive detention could from
now on only be executed beyond the ten-year point in those parallel
cases if specific circumstances in the detainee's personality or
conduct disclosed an extreme risk of the most serious violent or
sexual offences.
- The
applicant complained that his preventive detention, which already
exceeded a period of ten years, violated his right to liberty as
provided in Article 5 § 1 of the Convention, which, in so far as
relevant, reads as follows:
“Everyone has the right to liberty and security of
person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the following
cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law:
(a) the lawful detention of a person after
conviction by a competent court; ...
(c) the lawful arrest or detention of a
person effected for the purpose of bringing him before the competent
legal authority on reasonable suspicion of having committed an
offence or when it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent his
committing an offence or fleeing after having done so; ...
(e) the lawful detention of persons for the
prevention of the spreading of infectious diseases, of persons of
unsound mind, alcoholics or drug addicts or vagrants; ...”
- The
Government contested that argument.
A. Admissibility
- The
Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded within
the meaning of Article 35 § 3 of the Convention. It further
notes that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must
therefore be declared admissible.
B. Merits
1. The parties' submissions
- The
applicant complained that his preventive detention since
28 March
1996, which already exceeded a period of ten years, breached his
right to liberty under Article 5 § 1 of the Convention. He
argued that preventive detention, being a preventive measure, was not
authorised under any of the sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) of that
provision. In particular, there was no sufficient causal connection
for the purposes of sub-paragraph (a) between his conviction in 1993
and his preventive detention, the execution of which had been ordered
only subsequently in 1996 by the courts responsible for the execution
of sentences.
- The
applicant further took the view that his continued preventive
detention could not be justified under sub-paragraph (e) of Article 5
§ 1.
He was not of “unsound mind” within the
meaning of that provision as he did not suffer from a true mental
disorder. It had been confirmed by numerous psychiatric experts that
he did not sufferer from a pathological mental disorder and had thus
committed his offences with full criminal responsibility. Moreover,
there was no recent expert report proving that he was mentally ill.
The domestic courts had also never based their decision to further
detain him on a mental illness. In any event, his preventive
detention could not be considered as lawful under the said provision
as that detention was not executed in an institution appropriate for
mental health patients in view of the completely insufficient offers
of treatment in prison.
- As
regards the compliance of the applicant's continued detention with
Article 5 § 1, the Government referred to their observations
made on that issue in the case of M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04.
They took the view that only in terms of the temporal course of
events, the present application was a parallel case to the
application of M. v. Germany. Relying on the Court's findings
in § 96 of that judgment, the Government stressed that, in any
event, the applicant's preventive detention prior to the ten-year
point had been covered by sub-paragraph (a) of Article 5 § 1.
- In
the Government's submission, the present application could, however,
be distinguished from the case of M. v. Germany. In that case,
the applicant, Mr M., had no longer suffered from a serious
personality disorder and had not been detained for being of unsound
mind under
sub-paragraph (e) of Article 5 § 1. On the
contrary, the preventive detention of the applicant in the present
case was justified under sub-paragraph (e) of the said provision. The
sentencing Bochum Regional Court had found that the applicant had
acted with full criminal responsibility but suffered from a
personality disorder (see paragraph 6 above). In the Government's
view, that personality disorder had to be qualified as a “true
mental disorder” and the applicant thus had to be considered as
of unsound mind.
The Government further referred to the findings
of the Aachen Regional Court in 2008 in the proceedings for judicial
review of the applicant's continued preventive detention in relation
to the applicant's dissocial personality and the lack of sufficient
consideration he gave to his alcohol and drug consumption (see
paragraph 19 above) to support their view.
2. The Court's assessment
a. Recapitulation of the relevant
- The
Court reiterates the fundamental principles laid down in its
case-law on Article 5 § 1 of the Convention, which have been
summarised in its judgment of 17 December 2009 in the case of M.
v. Germany, no. 19359/04, as follows:
“86. Article 5 § 1 sub-paragraphs
(a) to (f) contain an exhaustive list of permissible grounds for
deprivation of liberty, and no deprivation of liberty will be lawful
unless it falls within one of those grounds (see, inter alia,
Guzzardi v. Italy,
6 November 1980, § 96, Series A
no. 39; Witold Litwa v. Poland, no. 26629/95, § 49,
ECHR 2000 III; and Saadi v. the United Kingdom [GC],
no. 13229/03, § 43, ECHR 2008 ...). ...
87. For the purposes of sub-paragraph (a) of
Article 5 § 1, the word “conviction”, having regard
to the French text (“condamnation”), has to be
understood as signifying both a finding of guilt after it has been
established in accordance with the law that there has been an offence
(see Guzzardi, cited above, § 100), and the imposition of
a penalty or other measure involving deprivation of liberty (see Van
Droogenbroeck v. Belgium, 24 June 1982, § 35,
Series A no. 50).
88. Furthermore, the word “after”
in sub-paragraph (a) does not simply mean that the “detention”
must follow the “conviction” in point of time: in
addition, the “detention” must result from, follow and
depend upon or occur by virtue of the “conviction” (see
Van Droogenbroeck, cited above, § 35). In short, there
must be a sufficient causal connection between the conviction and the
deprivation of liberty at issue (see Weeks v. the United Kingdom,
2 March 1987, § 42, Series A no. 114; Stafford v. the
United Kingdom [GC], no. 46295/99, § 64, ECHR
2002 IV;
Waite v. the United Kingdom, no. 53236/99, §
65, 10 December 2002; and Kafkaris v. Cyprus [GC], no.
21906/04, § 117, ECHR 2008 ...). ...
89. Furthermore, under sub-paragraph (c) of
Article 5 § 1, detention of a person may be justified “when
it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent his committing an
offence”. However, that ground of detention is not adapted to a
policy of general prevention directed against an individual or a
category of individuals who present a danger on account of their
continuing propensity to crime. It does no more than afford the
Contracting States a means of preventing a concrete and specific
offence (see Guzzardi, cited above, § 102; compare also
Eriksen, cited above, § 86). This can be seen both from
the use of the singular (“an offence”) and from the
object of Article 5, namely to ensure that no one should be
dispossessed of his liberty in an arbitrary fashion (see Guzzardi,
- The
Court further reiterates that, for the purposes of
sub-paragraph (e)
of Article 5 § 1, an individual cannot be deprived of his
liberty as being of “unsound mind” unless the following
three minimum conditions are satisfied: firstly, he must reliably be
shown to be of unsound mind, that is, a true mental disorder must be
established before a competent authority on the basis of objective
medical expertise; secondly, the mental disorder must be of a kind or
degree warranting compulsory confinement; thirdly, the validity of
continued confinement depends upon the persistence of such a disorder
(see Winterwerp v. the Netherlands, 24 October 1979, § 39,
Series A no. 33; Varbanov v. Bulgaria, no. 31365/96, §§
45 and 47, ECHR 2000 X; Hutchison Reid v. the United Kingdom,
no. 50272/99, § 48, ECHR 2003 IV; and Shtukaturov v.
Russia, no. 44009/05, § 114,
27 March 2008).
- Furthermore,
there must be some relationship between the ground of permitted
deprivation of liberty relied on and the place and conditions of
detention. In principle, the “detention” of a person as a
mental health patient will only be “lawful” for the
purposes of sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph 1 if effected in a
hospital, clinic or other appropriate institution (see Ashingdane
v. the United Kingdom, 28 May 1985, § 44, Series A no. 93;
Aerts v. Belgium, 30 July 1998, § 46, Reports of
Judgments and Decisions 1998 V; Hutchison Reid, cited
above, § 49; and Brand v. the Netherlands, no. 49902/99,
§ 62, 11 May 2004).
b. Application of these principles to the
present case
- The
Court has to determine, in the light of the foregoing principles,
whether the applicant, during his preventive detention, was deprived
of his liberty in accordance with one of the sub-paragraphs (a) to
(f) of Article 5 § 1.
- That
detention was justified under sub-paragraph (a) of Article 5 § 1
if it occurred “after conviction”, in other words if
there was a sufficient causal connection between the applicant's
criminal conviction by the sentencing Bochum Regional Court in 1993,
which found him guilty of sexual assault and abuse of a minor and
ordered his preventive detention in addition to a prison sentence,
and his continuing deprivation of liberty in preventive detention.
- Unlike
the applicant, the Court considers that preventive detention ordered
by a sentencing court under Article 66 § 1 of the Criminal Code
does not fail to meet the requirements of Article 5 § 1 (a)
either owing to its preventive nature or owing to the fact that the
actual execution of a preventive detention order, made by the
sentencing court, had to be ordered separately by the courts
responsible for the execution of sentences. It refers in this respect
to its findings in its recent judgment of 17 December 2009 in the
case of M. v. Germany (cited above). In that judgment, it
found that
Mr M.'s preventive detention, which, as in the
present case, was ordered by the sentencing court under Article 66 §
1 of the Criminal Code, was covered by sub-paragraph (a) of Article 5
§ 1 in so far as it had not been prolonged beyond the statutory
maximum period applicable at the time of that applicant's offence and
conviction. In particular, the causal connection between the
applicant's criminal conviction and his preventive detention was not
broken due to the fact that the court responsible for the execution
of sentences, which itself did not impose a “conviction”
on the applicant for lack of a finding of guilt of a (new) offence,
had to order the execution of the preventive detention imposed on the
applicant by the sentencing court (see ibid., §§
95-96 and 97-105). The reasoning in that judgment, from which it sees
no ground to depart, applies mutatis mutandis in the present
- The
Court further observes that at the time of the applicant's conviction
in 1993, the order for his preventive detention, read in conjunction
with Article 67d § 1 of the Criminal Code in the version then in
force (see paragraph 30 above), meant that the applicant, against
whom preventive detention was ordered for the first time, could be
kept in preventive detention for a maximum period of ten years. Thus,
had it not been for the amendment of Article 67d of the Criminal Code
in 1998
(see paragraph 31 above), which was declared applicable
also to preventive detention orders which had been made – as
had the order against the applicant – prior to the entry into
force of that amended provision (section 1a § 3 of the
Introductory Act to the Criminal Code; see paragraph 31 above), the
applicant would have been released when ten years of preventive
detention had expired, irrespective of whether he was still
considered dangerous to the public.
- The
present application is therefore a follow-up case, in terms of the
temporal course of events, to the application of M. v. Germany
(cited above), and the Court sees no reason to depart from its
findings in that judgment. The Court thus considers, as it has done
in the case of
M. v. Germany (cited above, §§
92-101), that there was not a sufficient causal connection between
the applicant's conviction by the sentencing court and his continued
deprivation of liberty beyond the period of ten years in preventive
detention ordered in the proceedings at issue. His continuing
detention after 26 March 2006 was therefore not justified under
sub-paragraph (a) of Article 5 § 1.
- The
Court further notes that the applicant's preventive detention beyond
the ten-year point was also not justified under sub paragraph
(c) of Article 5 § 1 as detention “reasonably considered
necessary to prevent his committing an offence” (compare,
mutatis mutandis, M. v. Germany, cited above, §
- The
Court shall further examine whether, as submitted by the Government,
the applicant's detention was justified under sub-paragraph (e) of
Article 5 § 1 as detention of a person “of unsound mind”.
Under the Court's well-established case-law (see paragraph 45 above),
this requires, firstly, that the applicant was reliably shown to be
of unsound mind; that is, a true mental disorder must have been
established before a competent authority on the basis of objective
medical expertise.
- In
determining whether the courts responsible for the execution of
sentences can be considered to have ordered the applicant's continued
preventive detention in the proceedings at issue as he was a person
of “unsound mind”, the Court shall therefore examine,
first, whether these courts established that the applicant suffered
from a true mental disorder.
It is true that the domestic courts,
relying on the findings of a psychiatric and a psychological expert,
considered that the applicant suffered from a serious dissocial
personality disorder and was therefore liable to reoffend (see
paragraphs 12-13 above).
- However,
the Court is not convinced that thereby, a “true mental
disorder” for the purposes of Article 5 § 1 (e) of the
Convention was “established” by them. It notes in that
connection that in the German legal system, a difference is made
between the placement of dangerous offenders in a prison for
preventive purposes and the placement of dangerous mentally ill
persons, who committed criminal acts without or with diminished
criminal responsibility, in a psychiatric hospital. This is
illustrated by Articles 66 and 63 of the Criminal Code (see
paragraphs 26-27 and 32 above). Thus, it is clear that persons
considered as dangerous because of a mental illness were to be placed
in a psychiatric hospital by the competent courts. In the applicant's
case, the sentencing Bochum Regional Court already considered that
the applicant's dissocial personality disorder was not a pathological
disorder diminishing the applicant's criminal responsibility and thus
did not order the applicant's placement in a psychiatric hospital
(see paragraph 6 above). The courts responsible for the execution of
sentences had not even ordered the execution of the applicant's
preventive detention in such a hospital in the proceedings at issue.
A request made by the applicant to that effect had in fact previously
been dismissed (see paragraph 9 above).
- Moreover,
these courts, in the judicial review proceedings at issue, were not
called upon to examine under the Criminal Code whether the applicant
was to be detained as a mentally ill person, but had to determine,
with the help of medical expertise, whether the applicant was liable
to reoffend owing to his criminal tendencies, irrespective of whether
this was a result of his mental condition.
- Furthermore,
under the Court's case-law, the detention of the applicant as a
mental health patient could only be “lawful” for the
purposes of sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph 1 if effected in a
hospital, clinic or other appropriate institution (see paragraph 46
above). In the present case, the applicant was placed in an ordinary
prison. As the Court concluded in its recent judgment in the case of
M. v. Germany (cited above, §§ 127-129), there is no
substantial difference in practice between the execution of a (long)
prison sentence and that of a preventive detention order in Germany.
There is nothing to indicate that this was different in relation to
the execution of the applicant's preventive detention in the present
As shown above, it is the psychiatric hospitals which are
considered under German law to be the appropriate institutions to
provide conditions of detention adapted to mentally ill persons.
Therefore, there was no sufficient relationship between the detention
of the applicant as an alleged mental health patient and his
placement and conditions of detention in prison.
- Having
regard to the foregoing, the Court finds that the applicant's
detention was not covered by sub-paragraph (e) of Article 5 § 1
It further takes the view – and this is uncontested
by the parties – that none of the other sub-paragraphs of
Article 5 § 1 can serve to justify the applicant's detention at
- There
has accordingly been a violation of Article 5 § 1 of the
Convention in so far as the applicant has been retained in preventive
detention after 27 March 2006.
- The
applicant complained that the retrospective prolongation of his
preventive detention from a maximum period of ten years to an
unlimited period breached his right not to have a heavier penalty
imposed on him than the one applicable at the time of his offence as
provided in Article 7 § 1 of the Convention, which reads as
“No one shall be held guilty of any criminal
offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a
criminal offence under national or international law at the time when
it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one
that was applicable at the time the criminal offence was committed.”
- The
Government contested that argument.
A. Admissibility
- The
Court notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded within
the meaning of Article 35 § 3 of the Convention. It further
notes that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must
therefore be declared admissible.
B. Merits
1. The parties' submissions
- The
applicant submitted that under the legal provisions applicable at the
time of his offence, ten years had been the maximum duration of the
preventive detention, a penalty, ordered against him. The
retrospective extension of his preventive detention beyond 27 March
2006, when he had served ten years, to an unlimited period of time
therefore violated his right not to have a heavier penalty imposed on
him than the one applicable at the time of his offence.
- The
Government took the view that in terms of the temporal course of
events, the present application was a parallel case to the
application of
M. v. Germany, no. 19359/04. They referred
to their observations made in relation to Article 5 in the present
application and to those made in relation to Article 7 in the case of
M. v. Germany.
2. The Court's assessment
a. Recapitulation of the relevant
- The
Court reiterates the relevant principles laid down in its case-law on
Article 7 of the Convention, which have been summarised in its
judgment in the case of M. v. Germany (cited above) as
“118. Article 7 embodies, inter
alia, the principle that only the law can define a crime and
prescribe a penalty (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege).
While it prohibits in particular the retrospective application of the
criminal law to an accused's disadvantage (see Kokkinakis v.
Greece, 25 May 1993, § 52, Series A no. 260 A) or
extending the scope of existing offences to acts which previously
were not criminal offences, it also lays down the principle that the
criminal law must not be extensively construed to an accused's
detriment, for instance by analogy (see Uttley v. the United
Kingdom (dec.), no. 36946/03, 29 November 2005, and Achour v.
France [GC], no. 67335/01, § 41, ECHR 2006 IV).
120. The concept of “penalty” in
Article 7 is autonomous in scope.
To render the protection
afforded by Article 7 effective the Court must remain free to go
behind appearances and assess for itself whether a particular measure
amounts in substance to a “penalty” within the meaning of
this provision (see Welch v. the United Kingdom, 9 February
1995, § 27, Series A no. 307 A; Jamil v. France, 8
June 1995, § 30, Series A no. 317 B; and Uttley,
cited above). The wording of Article 7 paragraph 1, second sentence,
indicates that the starting-point in any assessment of the existence
of a penalty is whether the measure in question is imposed following
conviction for a “criminal offence”. Other relevant
factors are the characterisation of the measure under domestic law,
its nature and purpose, the procedures involved in its making and
implementation, and its severity (see Welch, cited above, §
28; Jamil, cited above, § 31; Adamson v. the United
Kingdom (dec.), no. 42293/98,
26 January 1999; Van der
Velden v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 29514/05,
ECHR 2006 XV;
and Kafkaris, cited above, § 142). The severity of the
measure is not, however, in itself decisive, since, for instance,
many non-penal measures of a preventive nature may have a substantial
impact on the person concerned (see Welch, cited above, §
32; compare also Van der Velden, cited above).”
b. Application of these principles to the
present case
- The
Court is thus called upon to determine, in the light of the foregoing
principles, whether the prolongation of the applicant's preventive
detention beyond ten years violated the prohibition of retrospective
penalties under Article 7 § 1, second sentence.
- The
Court observes that at the time the applicant committed his offence
in 1992, a preventive detention order made by a sentencing court for
the first time, read in conjunction with Article 67d § 1 of the
Criminal Code in the version then in force (see paragraph 30 above),
meant that the applicant could be kept in preventive detention for
ten years at the most. Based on the subsequent amendment in 1998 of
Article 67d of the Criminal Code, read in conjunction with section 1a
§ 3 of the Introductory Act to the Criminal Code (see paragraph
31 above), which abolished that maximum duration with immediate
effect, the courts responsible for the execution of sentences then
ordered, in the proceedings here at issue, the applicant's continued
preventive detention beyond the ten-year point. Thus, the applicant's
preventive detention – as that of the applicant in the case of
M. v. Germany – was prolonged with retrospective
effect, under a law enacted after the applicant had committed his
- The
Court further refers to its conclusion in the case of
M. v.
Germany (cited above, §§ 124-133) that preventive
detention under the German Criminal Code, having notably regard to
the facts that it is ordered by the criminal courts following a
conviction for a criminal offence and that it entails a deprivation
of liberty which, following the change in the law in 1998, no longer
has any maximum duration, is to be qualified as a “penalty”
for the purposes of the second sentence of Article 7 § 1 of the
Convention. It again sees no reason to depart from that finding in
the present case.
- The
foregoing considerations are sufficient to enable the Court to
conclude that there has been a violation of Article 7 § 1 of the
- The
applicant further took the view that the decision of the Federal
Constitutional Court not to consider his constitutional complaint
because of his failure to submit certain additional documents had
breached his right to an effective remedy under Article 13 of the
- The
Court has examined the applicant's complaint as submitted by him.
However, having regard to all the material in its possession, and in
particular to the fact that the Federal Constitutional Court must be
considered to have ruled on the merits of the applicant's Convention
complaints (compare, inter alia, Verein gegen Tierfabriken
Schweiz (VgT) v. Switzerland (no. 2) [GC], no. 32772/02, §§
43 and 45, ECHR 2009 ... with further references), the Court
finds that this complaint does not disclose any appearance of a
violation of Article 13 or Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. It
follows that the complaint must be rejected as manifestly
ill-founded, pursuant to Article 35 §§ 3 (a) and 4 of
the Convention.
- Lastly,
the applicant complained for the first time in his observations in
reply that his preventive detention failed to comply with his right
not to be punished twice under Article 4 of Protocol no. 7 of the
- As
Germany has not, however, ratified Protocol no. 7 to the Convention,
this complaint must be rejected as incompatible ratione personae
with the provisions of the Convention, pursuant to Article 35
3 (a) and 4.
- Having
regard to the circumstances of the case and the parties' arguments,
the Court considers it necessary to determine what consequences may
be drawn from Article 46 of the Convention for the respondent State.
- Article
46 of the Convention, in so far as relevant, provides:
“1. The High Contracting Parties
undertake to abide by the final judgment of the Court in any case to
which they are parties.”
2. The final judgment of the Court shall be
transmitted to the Committee of Ministers, which shall supervise its
A. The parties' submissions
- The
applicant stressed that he was still not granted relaxations in the
execution of his detention regime, let alone be prepared for life
outside prison, even though it was clear since 10 May 2010 at the
latest that he had to be released.
- The
Government argued that it was for the domestic courts to decide on
the termination of the applicant's preventive detention, which was
still executed, having regard to the Court's findings in the case of
M. v. Germany. Referring to recent decisions taken by the
Schleswig-Holstein, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt am Main and Hamm Courts
of Appeal (see paragraphs 33-34 above), they took the view that it
was possible for the courts responsible for the execution of
sentences to interpret German law in compliance with the Convention,
wherever relevant.
The proceedings were currently still pending
before the Federal Court of Justice which would decide on the
applicant's release in due course.
The Government, referring to
two decisions dated 12 May 2010 (file
no. 4 StR 577/09) and 21
July 2010 (file no. 5 StR 60/10; see in detail paragraphs 33 and 36
above), argued that two senates of that court had already considered
preventive detention in similar cases to be in breach of the
Convention. The applicant thus had an effective remedy before the
domestic courts but could not obtain his release before this Court.
B. The Court's assessment
- The
Court reiterates that, in accordance with Article 46 of the
Convention, the finding of a violation imposes on the respondent
State a legal obligation not just to pay those concerned the sums
awarded by way of just satisfaction under Article 41, but also to
select, subject to supervision by the Committee of Ministers, the
general and/or, if appropriate, individual measures to be adopted in
their domestic legal order to put an end to the violation found by
the Court and to redress so far as possible the effects (see, inter
alia, Broniowski v. Poland [GC], no. 31443/96, § 192,
ECHR 2004 V; and Sürmeli v. Germany [GC], no.
75529/01, § 137, ECHR 2006 VII).
- Furthermore,
it follows from the Convention, and from Article 1 in particular,
that in ratifying the Convention the Contracting States undertake to
ensure that their domestic legislation is compatible with it.
Consequently, it is for the respondent State to remove any obstacles
in its domestic legal system that might prevent the applicant's
situation from being adequately redressed (see Maestri v. Italy
[GC], no. 39748/98, § 47, ECHR 2004 I; and Assanidze v.
Georgia [GC], no. 71503/01, § 198, ECHR 2004 II).
- The
Court further reiterates that its judgments are essentially
declaratory in nature and that, in general, it is primarily for the
State concerned to choose, subject to supervision by the Committee of
Ministers, the means to be used in its domestic legal order in order
to discharge its obligation under Article 46 of the Convention,
provided that such means are compatible with the conclusions set out
in the Court's judgment
(see, among other authorities, Scozzari
and Giunta v. Italy [GC], nos. 39221/98 and 41963/98, §
249, ECHR 2000 VIII; Öcalan v. Turkey [GC],
no. 46221/99, § 210, ECHR 2005 IV; and Fatullayev
v. Azerbaijan, no. 40984/07, § 173, 22 April 2010).
- However,
exceptionally, with a view to helping the respondent State to fulfil
its obligations under Article 46, the Court will seek to indicate the
type of measure that might be taken in order to put an end to a
violation it has found to exist. In certain cases, the nature of the
violation found may be such as to leave no real choice as to the
measures required to remedy it and the Court may decide to indicate
only one such measure, such as, for instance, securing an applicant's
immediate release (see, in particular, Assanidze, cited above,
§§ 202-203; and Fatullayev, cited above,
- The
Court observes in the present case that following its judgment in the
case of M. v. Germany, the Aachen Regional Court and the
Cologne Court of Appeal considered that the applicant's preventive
detention was not to be declared terminated in view of this Court's
judgment as it was impossible for the German courts to interpret the
Criminal Code in compliance with the Convention (see paragraphs 20
and 21 above; several Courts of Appeal took the same view, see
paragraphs 35-36 above). As a result, they prolonged the applicant's
detention despite the fact that they were aware that it was in breach
of the Convention.
- The
Court would recall that the subsidiary nature of the supervisory
mechanism of complaint to the Court articulated in Articles 1, 35 §
1 and 13 of the Convention and reiterated in the Interlaken
Declaration of
19 February 2010 (ibid., PP 6 and part B.,
§ 4 of the Action Plan) lays the primary responsibility for
implementing and enforcing the rights and freedoms of the Convention
on the national authorities. It notes that several Courts of Appeal,
as well as a senate of the Federal Court of Justice, on the contrary,
have considered it possible to interpret German law in accordance
with the Convention (see paragraphs 33-34 above) and that the
Government in the present proceedings agreed with that view. In the
light of the foregoing, the Court does not consider it necessary, at
present, to indicate any specific or general measures to the
respondent State which are called for in the execution of this
judgment. It would, however, urge the national authorities, and in
particular the courts, to assume their responsibility for
implementing and enforcing speedily the applicant's right to liberty,
a core right guaranteed by the Convention.
- Article
41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a
violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the
internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford
just satisfaction to the injured party.”
A. Damage
- The
applicant claimed 322,827 euros (EUR) in respect of loss of earnings.
He argued that, had he been able to work outside prison during the
time he spent in preventive detention, he would have earned some
EUR 356,000 (EUR 100 net per day), from which the salary and
pocket money paid in prison by the State (some EUR 33,173) had to be
The applicant further claimed at least EUR 98,800 in
respect of
non-pecuniary damage suffered as a result of his
preventive detention since 28 March 1996, that is, EUR 19 per day of
preventive detention.
He requested in person that all payments be
made into his lawyer's account.
- The
Government considered that the applicant's claim for compensation for
loss of earnings was wholly unsubstantiated. As for the applicant's
claim in respect of non-pecuniary damage, they left it to the Court's
discretion to fix an appropriate amount. They stressed, however, that
the applicant could claim compensation for potential damage only in
so far as it had arisen since 28 March 2006, when he was in
preventive detention for more than ten years.
- As
for the applicant's claim concerning pecuniary damage having arisen
from a loss of earnings the Court, having regard to the material
before it, considers that no clear causal connection between the
Convention violations found and the applicant's loss of estimated
earnings has been established. It therefore rejects the applicant's
claim in this respect.
- As
for the applicant's claim in respect of non-pecuniary damage, the
Court takes into consideration that the applicant has been detained
in breach of the Convention since 28 March 2006, that is, for more
than four years and eight months at present, and that his preventive
detention continued also long after the Court's judgment in the case
of M. v. Germany became final on 10 May 2010. This must have
caused him non-pecuniary damage such as distress and frustration,
which cannot be compensated solely by the finding of a Convention
violation. Having regard to all the circumstances of the case and
making its assessment on an equitable basis, it awards the applicant
EUR 30,000 under this head, plus any tax that may be chargeable.
Having regard to the request made by the applicant in person, it
orders this sum, awarded to the applicant, to be paid into his
lawyer's fiduciary bank account.
B. Costs and expenses
- The
applicant also claimed EUR 2,500 net for the costs and expenses
incurred before the Court, plus value-added tax (VAT), having been
charged by his lawyer EUR 250 per hour for ten hours' work.
- The
Government did not comment on that point.
- According
to the Court's case-law, an applicant is entitled to the
reimbursement of costs and expenses only in so far as it has been
shown that these have been actually and necessarily incurred and were
reasonable as to quantum. In the present case, regard being had to
the documents in its possession and the above criteria, the Court
considers it reasonable to award the full sum of EUR 2,500 claimed
for the costs and expenses incurred in the proceedings before this
Court, plus any tax (including VAT) that may be chargeable.
C. Default interest
- The Court considers it appropriate that the default
interest should be based on the marginal lending rate of the European
Central Bank, to which should be added three percentage points.
- Declares the complaints under Article 5 § 1
and Article 7 § 1 admissible and the remainder of the
application inadmissible;
- Holds that there has been a violation of Article
5 § 1 of the Convention in so far as the applicant has been
retained in preventive detention after 27 March 2006;
- Holds that there has been a violation of Article
7 § 1 of the Convention;
- Holds
(a) that
the respondent State is to pay the applicant, within three months
from the date on which the judgment becomes final in accordance with
Article 44 § 2 of the Convention,
(i) EUR
30,000 (thirty thousand euros), plus any tax that may be chargeable,
in respect of non-pecuniary damage;
(ii) EUR
2,500 (two thousand five hundred euros), plus any tax that may be
chargeable, in respect of costs and expenses;
(b) that
from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement
simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal
to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the
default period plus three percentage points;
- Dismisses the remainder of the applicant's claim
for just satisfaction.
Done in English, and notified in writing on 13 January 2011, pursuant
to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Westerdiek Peer Lorenzen
Registrar President