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IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - The source of this judgment is the web site of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. The information in this database has been provided free of charge and is subject to a Court of Justice of the European Communities disclaimer and a copyright notice. This electronic version is not authentic and is subject to amendment.
29 September 1999 (1)
(Directive 69/335/EEC - Indirect taxes on the raising of capital - Charge for
drawing up a notarially attested act recording an increase in share capital and a
change in a company's name and registered office)
In Case C-56/98,
REFERENCE to the Court under Article 177 of the EC Treaty (now Article 234
EC) by the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (Portugal) for a preliminary ruling
in the proceedings pending before that court between
Modelo SGPS SA
Director-Geral dos Registos e Notariado,
in the presence of:
Ministério Público,
on the interpretation of Articles 4(3), 10 and 12(1)(e) of Council Directive
69/335/EEC of 17 July 1969 concerning indirect taxes on the raising of capital (OJ,
English Special Edition 1969 (II), p. 412), as amended by Council Directive
85/303/EEC of 10 June 1985 (OJ 1985 L 156, p. 23),
THE COURT (Sixth Chamber),
composed of: P.J.G. Kapteyn, President of the Chamber, J.L. Murray and
H. Ragnemalm (Rapporteur), Judges,
Advocate General: G. Cosmas,
Registrar: L. Hewlett, Administrator,
after considering the written observations submitted on behalf of:
- Modelo SGPS SA, by C. Osório de Castro, of the Oporto Bar,
- the Portuguese Government, by L. Fernandes, Director of the Legal Service,
Directorate-General for the European Communities, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and Â. Seiça Neves, of the same Service, and R. Barreira, Adviser
in the Centre for Legal Studies, attached to the office of the Prime Minister,
acting as Agents,
- the Belgian Government, by J. Devadder, Director of Administration in the
Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and
Cooperation with Developing Countries, acting as Agent,
- the German Government, by C.-D. Quassowski, Regierungsdirektor in the
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, and A. Dittrich, Ministerialrat in the
Federal Ministry of Justice, acting as Agents,
- the Austrian Government, by C. Stix-Hackl, Gesandte in the Federal
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, acting as Agent,
- the Commission of the European Communities, by A.M. Alves Vieira and
H. Michard, of its Legal Service, acting as Agents,
having regard to the Report for the Hearing,
after hearing the oral observations of Modelo SGPS SA, represented by C. Osório
de Castro; the Portuguese Government, represented by L. Fernandes and A. César
Machado, Adviser in the Centre for Legal Studies, attached to the office of the
Prime Minister, acting as Agent; the Belgian Government, represented by A.
Snoecx, Adviser with the Legal Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and
Cooperation with Developing Countries, acting as Agent; the German Government,
represented by A. Dittrich; the Spanish Government, represented by S. Ortiz
Vaamonde, Abogado del Estado, acting as Agent; the French Government,
represented by S. Seam, Foreign Affairs secretary in the Legal Directorate, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, acting as Agent; and the Commission, represented by A. Alves
Vieira and H. Michard, at the hearing on 25 March 1999,
after hearing the Opinion of the Advocate General at the sitting on 20 May 1999,
gives the following
- By decision of 21 January 1998, received at the Court on 24 February 1998, the
Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (Supreme Administrative Court) referred to the
Court for a preliminary ruling under Article 177 of the EC Treaty (now Article 234
EC) four questions on the interpretation of Articles 4(3), 10 and 12(1)(e) of
Council Directive 69/335/EEC of 17 July 1969 concerning indirect taxes on the
raising of capital (OJ, English Special Edition 1969 (II), p. 412), as amended by
Council Directive 85/303/EEC of 10 June 1985 (OJ 1985 L 156, p. 23; hereinafter
'the Directive').
- Those questions arose in proceedings between Modelo SGPS SA (hereinafter
'Modelo') and the Director-Geral dos Registos e Notariado (Director-General for
Registries and the Notariat) concerning the payment of a charge for the notarial
certification of deeds recording an increase in Modelo's share capital and a change
in its name and registered office.
Community legislation
- The aim of the Directive, as is clear from the preamble thereto, is to encourage the
free movement of capital, which is regarded as essential for the creation of an
economic union whose characteristics are similar to those of a domestic market.
As far as concerns taxes on the raising of capital, the pursuit of that objective
presupposes the abolition of indirect taxes in force in the Member States until then
and imposing in their place a duty charged only once in the common market and
at the same level in all the Member States (Case C-188/95 Fantask and Others
[1997] ECR I-6783, paragraph 13).
- Article 4(1) of the Directive provides:
'The following transactions shall be subject to capital duty:
(a) the formation of a capital company;
(b) ...
(c) an increase in the capital of a capital company by contribution of assets of
any kind;
- Under Article 4(3) of the Directive, formation within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a)
does not include 'any alteration of the constituent instrument or regulations of a
capital company'.
- Article 4(2) of the Directive lists the various transactions in respect of which the
decision whether or not to charge capital duty rests, subject to certain conditions,
with the Member States.
- In accordance with the final recital in its preamble, the Directive also provides for
the abolition of other indirect taxes having the same characteristics as capital duty.
The taxes in question, levying of which is prohibited, are set out in Article 10 of the
Directive, which reads as follows:
'Apart from capital duty, Member States shall not charge, with regard to
companies, firms, associations or legal persons operating for profit, any taxes
(a) in respect of the transactions referred to in Article 4;
(b) in respect of contributions, loans or the provision of services, occurring as
part of the transactions referred to in Article 4;
(c) in respect of registration or any other formality required before the
commencement of business to which a company, firm, association or legal
person operating for profit may be subject by reason of its legal form'.
- Article 12(1) of the Directive sets out an exhaustive list of taxes and duties other
than capital duty which, by derogation from Article 10, may be levied on capital
companies in respect of transactions listed therein (see Case 36/86 Dansk Sparinvest
[1988] ECR 409, paragraph 9). Article 12(1)(e) of the Directive mentions 'duties
paid by way of fees or dues'.
The relevant national legislation
- The Portuguese Code governing the notarial profession, enacted by Decree-Law
No 47619 of 31 March 1967, provides that certain acts must be recorded in
officially attested deeds, that is to say, documents drawn up by a notary. They
include acts which 'incorporate commercial companies, change their form, dissolve
them or put them into ordinary liquidation ... and those which amend any
memorandum of association' (Article 89(e) of the Code).
- Charges for drawing up notarial instruments are set forth in the table of notarial
charges (hereinafter 'the Table'), in the version annexed to Decree-Law No 397/83
of 2 November 1983.
- Article 1(1) of the Table provides that, in general, the value of notarially attested
acts is that of the assets to which they relate. Article 1(2) specifies the value to
be attributed to each type of notarially attested act. Thus, for an act incorporating
a company, amending the memorandum of association or dissolving the company,
the value is equal to the company's capital (Article 1(2)(e)); for an increase in
capital, whether or not the memorandum of association is amended, it is the
amount of the increase (Article 1(2)(f)); and for increases in capital where a partial
alteration has been made to clauses other than that directly affected by the
increase, it is either the amount of the increase or the resulting amount of share
capital, whichever entails a higher charge (Article 1(2)(g)).
- Article 5 of the Table provides that where the officially attested deed is of a certain
value, variable charges are to be applied in addition to the fixed charges set out in
Article 4 of the Table. These are calculated by reference to the overall value of
the deed: for every PTE 100, the sum of PTE 10 is payable on values up to
PTE 200 000; PTE 5 on values between PTE 200 000 and PTE 1 000 000; PTE 4
on values between PTE 1 000 000 and PTE 10 000 000; and PTE 3 on values in
excess of PTE 10 000 000.
- Article 27(1)(c) of the Table provides for a 50% reduction in the charges set out
in Article 5 in the case of deeds recording a partial amendment of a company's
memorandum of association, or the fact that the period for which the company was
constituted has been extended or continued.
The main proceedings
- Modelo decided to increase its share capital from PTE 7 240 000 000 to
PTE 14 000 000 000 and to change its name and registered office. On 31
December 1992 it had officially attested deeds to that effect drawn up in the Sixth
Notarial Office, Oporto. On that account, it was called upon to pay a charge of
PTE 21 006 000.
- Modelo contested the calculation of the charge before the Tribunal Tributário de
Primeira Instância (Tax Court of First Instance), Oporto, which found against it.
Modelo thereupon appealed to the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo on the
ground that the contested charge was really a tax, the level of which should
therefore be set, not by the Government, but by Parliament, that the amount
demanded was out of all proportion to the services provided and that the levying
of that charge was incompatible with the Directive.
- Uncertain whether the Table was compatible with the Directive, the Supremo
Tribunal Administrativo decided to stay proceedings and to refer the following
questions to the Court for a preliminary ruling:
'(1) Is it open to an individual to rely on Article 10 of Council Directive
69/335/EEC in his relations with the State where the latter has not
transposed that directive into its national legal system?
(2) Are the transactions referred to in Article 4(3) of Directive 69/335/EEC to
be regarded as covered by the prohibition contained in Article 10 thereof,
to the effect that the charging is prohibited not only of capital duty but also
of any other tax, in whatever form?
(3) Must Articles 10 and 12(1)(e) of Directive 69/335/EEC be interpreted as
precluding notarial fees for drawing up a (legally binding) official document
attesting to resolutions to increase capital or to amend articles of association
from being varied according to the amount of the capital or the increase
therein, rather than according to the cost of the service provided?
(4) If so, is it permissible, in the light of Articles 10 and 12(1)(e) of Directive
69/335/EEC, for the amount of the aforementioned fees manifestly and
unreasonably to exceed the actual cost of the specific service provided?'
The questions referred for a preliminary ruling
- By those questions, the national court is essentially asking whether notarial charges
may be regarded as taxes for the purposes of the Directive and, if so, whether they
are caught by the prohibition laid down in Article 10 thereof or whether they are
fees or dues within the meaning of Article 12(1)(e). Lastly, the national court asks
whether Article 10 of the Directive creates rights on which individuals may rely in
proceedings before the national courts.
The meaning of 'tax' for the purposes of the Directive
- It appears from the Portuguese Government's reply to questions put by the Court
that, in Portugal, notaries are employed by the State and have the same rights and
duties as other civil servants, their remuneration being made up partly of a fixed
amount - determined in accordance with the same criteria as are applied to all
other civil servants - and partly of a variable amount representing a share of the
monies received in payment.
- Notaries prepare a monthly statement of the monies collected. From the total
amount thus obtained, the percentage amounts payable to the notary and his agents
are deducted. The balance is paid to the Cofre dos Conservadores, Notários e
Funcionários de Justiça (Fund for Registrars, Notaries and Legal Officials;
hereinafter 'the Fund').
- According to the Portuguese Government, the Fund is responsible for paying the
fixed portion of the salaries payable to notaries and other civil servants; it also
meets the cost of training notaries and of acquiring office space and equipment for
them; and, subject to authorisation from the Ministry of Justice, it covers other
expenditure arising from the conduct of legal business.
- Thus, a proportion of the charges at issue in the main proceedings, payable
pursuant to a rule of law laid down by the State, is paid by a private individual to
the State for the financing of its official business.
- In the light of the objectives pursued by the Directive, in particular the abolition
of indirect taxes having the same characteristics as capital duty, charges collected
by public officials for notarising a transaction covered by the Directive, which are
in part paid to the State in order to subsidise public expenditure, must be regarded
as taxes for the purposes of the Directive.
- Consequently, the Directive must be interpreted as meaning that charges constitute
taxes for the purposes of the Directive where they are collected for drawing up
notarially attested acts recording a transaction covered by the Directive, under a
system where notaries are employed by the State and the charges in question are
paid in part to that State for the financing of its official business.
The prohibition laid down in Article 10 of the Directive
- Article 10(c) of the Directive prohibits, in addition to capital duty, taxes in respect
of registration or any other formality required before the commencement of
business, to which a company may be subject by reason of its legal form. That
prohibition is justified by the fact that even though the taxes in question are not
levied on capital contributions as such, they are nevertheless levied on account of
formalities connected with the company's legal form, that is to say, on account of
the instrument employed for raising capital, so that their continued existence would
similarly risk frustrating the aims of the Directive (Case C-2/94 Denkavit
Internationaal and Others [1996] ECR I-2827, paragraph 23).
- That prohibition covers not only charges paid for the registration of new
companies, but also duties payable by companies for the registration of increases
in capital since these, too, are levied on account of an essential formality connected
with the legal form of the companies in question. While registration of an increase
in capital is not, strictly speaking, a formality required before the commencement
of business by a company, it is none the less necessary for the carrying on of that
business (Fantask and Others, paragraph 22).
- Since it is compulsory under Portuguese law to register increases in share capital
by a notarially attested act, it follows that this constitutes an essential formality
connected with the legal form of the company and that it is necessary if the
company is to carry on business.
- Moreover, a tax in the form of a charge collected for drawing up a notarially
attested act recording a change in a company's name and registered office must be
regarded as having the same characteristics as capital duty in so far as it is
calculated by reference to the company's share capital. Otherwise, it would be
possible for Member States, while refraining from imposing taxes on the raising of
capital as such, to tax that capital whenever the company amended its articles of
association. That would enable the objective pursued by the Directive to be
- The answer should therefore be that a charge payable for drawing up a notarially
attested act recording an increase in share capital or a change in a company's name
or registered office is, where it amounts to a tax for the purposes of the Directive,
in principle prohibited under Article 10(c) thereof.
The derogation provided for in Article 12(1)(e) of the Directive
- The distinction drawn between taxes prohibited by Article 10 of the Directive and
duties paid by way of fees or dues implies that the latter comprise only payments
the amount of which is calculated on the basis of the cost of the service rendered.
Where the amount is wholly unrelated to the cost of the service in question or is
calculated, not by reference to the costs of the transaction for which it constitutes
the consideration, but to all the operational and capital costs incurred by the
department responsible for that transaction, a payment would have to be regarded
as a tax falling exclusively within the prohibition laid down in Article 10 of the
Directive (see Joined Cases C-71/91 and C-178/91 Ponente Carni and Cispadana
Costruzioni [1993] ECR I-1915, paragraphs 41 and 42).
- Furthermore, charges with no upper limit which increase directly in proportion to
the nominal value of the capital raised cannot, by their very nature, constitute
duties paid by way of fees or dues within the meaning of the Directive. Even
though in some cases the complexity of a registration may be linked to the amount
of capital raised, the amount of the charge will generally bear no relation to the
costs actually incurred by the administrative body which provided the service (see,
to that effect,Fantask and Others, paragraph 31).
- In the present case, even though the charge is levied in accordance with a sliding
scale, the amount of tax payable increases in direct proportion to the nominal value
of the capital raised. Moreover, given that in the case of values above
PTE 10 000 000 the charge is levied at the not inconsiderable rate of 0.3%, and
that no upper limit has been set, the amount payable could be substantial.
- The answer should therefore be that 'fees or dues' within the meaning of Article
12(1)(e) of the Directive do not cover a charge collected for drawing up a
notarially attested act recording an increase in share capital or a change in a
company's name or registered office, such as the charge at issue in the main
proceedings, the amount of which increases in direct proportion to the share capital
raised and in respect of which there is no upper limit.
The direct effect of Article 10 of the Directive
- The Court has consistently held that wherever the provisions of a directive appear,
so far as their subject-matter is concerned, to be unconditional and sufficiently
precise, they may be relied upon by an individual against the State in proceedings
before the national courts where the State has failed to transpose the Directive into
national law by the end of the period prescribed or has failed to do so correctly
(see, inter alia, Case C-236/92 Comitato di Coordinamento per la Difesa della Cava
and Others [1994] ECR I-483, paragraph 8).
- On that point, the Court has already observed that the prohibition laid down in
Article 10 of the Directive is expressed in sufficiently precise and unconditional
terms to be relied upon by individuals in the national courts in order to contest a
provision of national law which is contrary to the Directive (Case C-347/96 Solred
[1998] ECR I-937, paragraph 29).
- It must therefore be stated that Article 10 of the Directive creates rights on which
individuals may rely in proceedings before the national courts.
36. The costs incurred by the Portuguese, Belgian, German, Spanish, French and
Austrian Governments and by the Commission, which have submitted observations
to the Court, are not recoverable. Since these proceedings are, for the parties to
the main proceedings, a step in the proceedings pending before the national court,
the decision on costs is a matter for that court.
On those grounds,
THE COURT (Sixth Chamber),
in answer to the questions referred to it by the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo
by decision of 21 January 1998, hereby rules:
1. Council Directive 69/335/EEC of 17 July 1969 concerning indirect taxes on
the raising of capital, as amended by Council Directive 85/303/EEC of 10
June 1985, must be interpreted as meaning that charges constitute taxes for
the purposes of the directive where they are collected for drawing up
notarially attested acts recording a transaction covered by the directive,
under a system where notaries are employed by the State and the charges
in question are paid in part to that State for the financing of its official
2. A charge payable for drawing up a notarially attested act recording an
increase in share capital or a change in a company's name or registered
office is, where it amounts to a tax for the purposes of Directive 69/335, as
amended by Directive 85/303, in principle prohibited under Article 10(c)
3. 'Fees or dues' within the meaning of Article 12(1)(e) of Directive 69/335,
as amended by Directive 85/303, do not cover a charge collected for drawing
up a notarially attested act recording an increase in share capital or a
change in a company's name or registered office, such as the charge at
issue in the main proceedings, the amount of which increases in direct
proportion to the share capital raised and in respect of which there is no
upper limit.
4. Article 10 of Directive 69/335, as amended by Directive 85/303, creates
rights on which individuals may rely in proceedings before the national
Delivered in open court in Luxembourg on 29 September 1999.
R. Grass
P.J.G. Kapteyn
President of the Sixth Chamber
1: Language of the case: Portuguese.
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