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P. (W.P.) v. W. (S.R.) [2000] IESC 14; [2000] 4 IR 401; [2001] 1 ILRM 371 (14th April, 2000)
of 2000
P. P.
R. W.
delivered the 14th day of April 2000 by Keane C.J. (nem. diss.)
1. This
is an appeal from a judgment and order of the High Court (Kearns J.) of the
27th January 2000 refusing to grant an order for the return of the minors named
in the title to the proceedings to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State
of California in the United States of America pursuant to Article 12 of the
Hague Convention. [*2]
2. The
facts, in so far as they are not in dispute, are as follows. The plaintiff is
the father and the defendant is the mother of the minors who were born on the
2nd September 1989 and the 16th November 1990 respectively and, accordingly,
are now aged 10 and 9 respectively. The plaintiff and the defendant were
married to one another but the marriage was dissolved by an order of the
Superior Court of California for the County of Santa Barbara made on the 16th
December 1994. The petitioner in those proceedings was the defendant, they were
not contested and the plaintiff was not present when they were heard.
3. In
addition to the order dissolving the marriage, the court also made other orders
which are set out in an attachment to the order and which, it is not in
dispute, reflected an agreement entered into between the parties prior to the
court proceeding but not reduced to writing. They are as follows:
Custody and Visitation:
shall have sole legal and physical custody of the minor children of the
parties, J W-P. (Birth date 9/2/89) and N. W-P. (Birth date 11/16/90).
Respondent shall be allowed reasonable visitation with children as follows:
children will be in respondent's care from Saturday mornings at 9.00 a. m.
until Monday mornings when respondent will take
to day care, beginning 5/22/93 for every other weekend. One child will spend a
Wednesday night overnight with respondent each week. Both agree to give the
other at least forty-eight (48) hours' notice of any changes in the schedule.
Both also agree to discuss with each other any out of State trips with the
support has been awarded to petitioner in Santa Barbara Superior Court case No.
200860. This court reserves jurisdiction to modify that order. Until further
court order, the child support awarded in Superior Court case No. 200860 shall
remain in full force and effect.
support has been waived by petitioner and the court hereby terminates
jurisdiction therein."
4. These
follow lists of
are not material to these proceedings.
5. The
order also stated that [*4]
is reserved to make other orders necessary to carry out this judgment".
6. As
appears from that order, the defendant had been granted a decree of child
support by the court in Santa Barbara in August 1994 in the sum of $1,063 per
month. As of the month of November 1997 there was outstanding a sum of
$45,794.90 on foot of that order and in the month of March 1998 the defendant
was granted an attachment of earnings order. The plaintiff says that this was
due to the failure of a business he was engaged in and health problems. The
defendant, as a result, was in serious financial difficulties and filed for
bankruptcy in 1995. On a number of occasions she informed the plaintiff that,
because of the financial difficulties she was in, she thought that she would
have no alternative but to return to Ireland.
7. On
the 3rd September 1999 the plaintiff saw the two minors, presumably on foot of
the access arrangements set out above. Two days later the defendant left for
Ireland with the children and. since then, has been living in Ireland. She
informed the plaintiff by telephone of her arrival in Ireland after the event,
but had not told him on the 3rd September that she was leaving for Ireland
almost immediately. On the 24th September 1999, the court in Santa Barbara
ordered the District Attorney's office to [*5]
all reasonable actions necessary to locate the minor children named above and
to return them to either the respondent's custody; the court's jurisdiction; or
Santa Barbara County Child Protection Services, as determined by the District
Attorney Office Agent(s) to be in the best interest of the aforementioned minor
the 30th September, 1999, the plaintiff made an application under the Hague
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (hereafter
"the Convention") for assistance and proceedings were then instituted in this
jurisdiction by way of special summons in the High Court under the
Abduction and Enforcement of Custody Orders Act, 1991 (hereafter "the 1991
Act"). The plaintiff sought an order for the return forthwith of the minors to
the jurisdiction of the Californian Court and a notice of motion was also
brought seeking that relief and orders restraining the removal of the minors
from this jurisdiction. Affidavits were filed on behalf of the plaintiff and
the defendant including affidavits giving evidence as to the relevant law in
the State of California sworn respectively by Aimee M. Libeu, an attorney at
law of the State of California who had been appointed by the Superior Court to
locate the minors, and by William Q. Liebmann, an attorney at law of the State
of California, on behalf of the defendant. [*6]
matter having come on for hearing before Kearns J., as already noted he refused
to make the order sought, giving his reasons in a brief extempore judgment.
From that judgment, an appeal has now been brought on behalf of the
defendant/respondent. On Friday, March 31st, this court gave liberty to the
plaintiff to file a further lengthy affidavit as to the law of California. The
appeal was heard by the court on the following Tuesday, April 4th.
submissions made on behalf of the respective parties can be briefly summarised.
The plaintiff says that, although the defendant was, under Californian law,
solely entitled to the legal and physical custody of the minors, the defendant
in removing the minors from the jurisdiction of the courts of California
without first seeking the leave of the court in Santa Barbara or, at the least,
notifying the plaintiff of her intention to remove the minors from that
jurisdiction, thereby effectively frustrating him in the exercise of the rights
given to him under the order of that court, acted in breach of a right of
custody vested either in him or in the court of Santa Barbara and that, in
these circumstances, the removal of the minors was
within the meaning of the Convention and the 1991 Act. The defendant says that
as the person entitled to the legal and physical custody of the minors under
Californian law she was also the person who was entitled to determine where
they should reside and that, accordingly, their removal was not
within the meaning of [*7] the Convention and the 1991 Act and that, if the
plaintiff wished to enforce the right of access granted to him under the order
of the court of Santa Barbara, he should have applied under the appropriate
provisions of the Convention, but had elected not to do.
8. It
is necessary at the outset to refer to the relevant provisions of the
Convention, the text of which is set out in the First Schedule to the 1991 Act.
The preamble reads as follows:
States signatory to the present convention
- firmly
convinced that the interests of children are of paramount importance in matters
relating to their custody,
- desiring
to protect children internationally from the harmful effects of their wrongful
removal or retention and to establish procedures to ensure their prompt return
to the State of their habitual residence, as well as to secure protection for
rights of access,
- have
resolved to conclude a convention to this effect, and have agreed upon the
following provisions... ".
9. Article
12 provides that:
a child has been wrongfully removed or retained in terms of Article 3 and, at
the date of the' commencement of the proceedings before the judicial or
administrative authority of the contracting State where the child is, a period
of less than one year has elapsed from the date of the wrongful removal or
retention, the authority concerned shall order the return of the child
10. Article
3 provides that:
removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where:
- it
is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any
other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the
child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention; and
- at
the time of the removal or retention those rights were actually exercised,
either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or
rights of custody mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above may arise in particular
by operation of law or by reason of judicial or
decision, or by reason of an agreement having legal effect under the law of
that State."
11. Article
21 under the heading "RIGHT OF ACCESS" provides that:
application to make arrangements for organising or securing the effective
exercise of rights of access may be presented to the central authorities of the
contracting States in the same way as an application for the return of a child.
"The central authorities are bound by the obligations of co-operation which are
set forth in Article 7 to promote the peaceful enjoyment of access rights and
the fulfilment of any conditions to which the exercise of those rights may be
subject. The central authorities shall take steps to remove, as far as
possible, all obstacles to the exercise of such rights.
central authorities, either directly or through intermediaries, may initiate or
assist in the institution of proceedings with a view to organising or
protecting these rights and securing respect for the conditions to which the
exercise of these rights may be subject."
12. The
meaning of the expression
of custody "
3 of the Convention was recently considered by this court in
v. M.G.
(1999) 2 ILRM 22. In my judgment in that case (with which Hamilton C.J., Denham
and Barrington JJ. agreed), I said:
where the parent, or some other person or body concerned with the care of the
child, is not entitled to custody, whether by operation of law, judicial or
administrative decision or an agreement having legal effect, but there are
proceedings in being to which he or it is a party and he or it has sought the
custody of the child, the removal of the child to another jurisdiction while
the proceedings are pending, would, absent any legally excusing circumstances,
be wrongful in terms of the convention. The position would be the same, even
where no order for custody was being sought by the dispossessed party, if the
court had made an order prohibiting the removal of the child without the
consent of the dispossessed party or a further order of the court itself. In
such cases, the removal would be in breach of rights of custody, not attributed
to the dispossessed party, but to the court itself, since its right to
determine the custody or to prohibit the removal of the child necessarily
involves a determination by the court that,
at least until circumstances change, the child's residence should continue to
be in the requesting state."
13. In
the present case, there were no proceedings in being, at the time of the
removal of the minors, in which the plaintiff was seeking the custody of the
minors. Nor was there any order prohibiting the removal of the minors without
the consent of the defendant or a further order of the court itself.
Accordingly, that passage would be of no assistance to the plaintiff in the
present case. However, I went on to say:
could even be that an order by the court granting a right of access to the
dispossessed parent might, by implication, be treated as prohibiting the
removal of the child without the consent of the dispossessed parent or a
further order of the court. That would fall to be determined in accordance of
the law with the state of the habitual residence at the time of the removal. A
further question could then arise as to whether, in any event, the appropriate
machinery for enforcing the access rights in that case was under Article 21
rather than Article 3, which is invoked in the present case. Since, however, at
the time of the allegedly wrongful removal in the present case, no rights of
access had been granted by the court in New York, it is unnecessary to express
view on that question. It is sufficient to say, in the context of the present
proceedings, that, giving the Convention the purposive and flexible
construction which it should be given, circumstances can arise in which a
removal can be 'wrongful' within the meaning of Article 3 because it is breach
of rights of custody, not vested in either of the parents but in the court
14. In
the present case, unlike
v. M.G.
the dispossessed parent, i.e. the plaintiff, had, at the time of the removal of
the minors, a right of access to them granted by the Californian court.
Accordingly, the first question that falls to be determined in this case is
whether, under the law of California, the granting of the right of access, by
implication, prohibited the removal of the child without the consent of the
plaintiff or a further order of the court.
15. The
first affidavit of Ms. Libeu did not address that matter, although it did point
out that the removal of the minors was in breach of the Californian penal code,
para. 278.5 which provides that:-
Every person who takes, entices away, keeps, withholds, or conceals a child and
maliciously deprives a lawful custodian of a right to custody, or a person of a
right of visitation, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not
exceeding one year,
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or both that fine and imprisonment...".
16. In
his affidavit, Mr. Liebmann referred to the fact that a trial court did have
authority to enter a specific order restraining a parent from relocating with
the child without prior agreement or court approval, such authority being
contained in Family Code para. 3024. However, he said that it was his opinion
that a custodial parent, such as the defendant, was entitled to move without
prior court approval, unless a specific order was entered under para. 3024. He
added that there appeared to be a conflict between the civil code and the penal
code in this context, having regard to para. 278.5 of the penal code. He said
that he was not aware of any cases which discussed an application made to a
court in the United States to return a child to another jurisdiction in
circumstances where the party seeking such return had rights of access only and
not a right of custody.
17. In
the further affidavit filed with the leave of this court, Ms. Libeu referred to
the provision in the order under which the parties agreed to discuss with each
other any
of State trips with the children".
said that, since the defendant never discussed any out of State trip with the
plaintiff, she deprived him of a most important right under Californian family
law. She cited [*14] in support of this proposition the decision of the
Californian Supreme Court in a case of
re Marriage of Burgess
13 Cal. 4th 25, 51, Cal. RPTR 2D444; 913 p. 2D473. However, that decision,
which is annexed to the affidavit. determined one matter only, i.e.
a parent seeking to relocate after dissolution of marriage is required to
establish that the move is 'necessary' before he or she can be awarded physical
custody of minor children."
18. In
that case, a parent with temporary physical custody of two minor children had
sought a judicial determination of permanent custody and expressed the
intention to relocate with the children to another town, approximately 40 miles
away. The Supreme Court concluded that a custodial parent seeking to relocate
did not bear the burden of establishing that it was
to do. Instead, he or she had the right to change the residence of the child
subject to the power, of the court to restrain a removal that would prejudice
the rights or welfare of the child."
19. The
decision gives no guidance as to whether a parent, who has, as in this case,
not merely the temporary, but the permanent legal and physical [*15] custody of
the child, is obliged to notify the other parent or the court before relocating
the child in another jurisdiction.
20. The
affidavits as to Californian law, accordingly, do not afford any conclusive
guidance as to whether the granting of rights of access to the plaintiff by
implication prohibited the removal of the minors to another jurisdiction,
whether in the United States or elsewhere, without the leave of the court or
the consent of the plaintiff. Mr. Liebmann did not, in his affidavit, address
the question as to whether the provision in the attachment to the order that
the parties agreed to discuss any
of State trips"
meant that the relocation of the minors in another jurisdiction was, in this
case, a breach of the court order. Nor could he be expected to do so, since it
was raised for the first time in the affidavit filed immediately before the
hearing of the appeal. It is sufficient to say that the undisputed facts in
this case are that the defendant informed the plaintiff on a number of
occasions that she proposed to return to Ireland with the children and that the
plaintiff, for whatever reason, did not apparently think it necessary to apply
to the court for an order restraining her from so doing. Whether in these
circumstances the removal of the minors without the leave of the court or the
consent of the plaintiff was in breach of the order of the court in Santa
Barbara must be at least doubtful. [*16]
21. In
these circumstances, the question arises in this case, which did not arise in
v. M.G.
as to whether, even assuming that the granting of the rights of access by
implication prohibited the removal of the minors without the consent of the
plaintiff of a further order of the court, the appropriate machinery for
enforcing the access rights is under Article 21 rather than Article 3.
22. In
the course of her explanatory report on the Convention, Madame Elisa Perez-Vera
said (at para. 65):-
for what could be termed the juridical element present in these situations, the
Convention is intended to defend those relationships which are already
protected, at any rate by virtue of an apparent right to custody in the state
of the child's habitual residence, i.e. by virtue of the law of the State where
the child's relationships developed prior to its removal. The foregoing remark
requires further explanation in two respects. The first point to be considered
concerns the law, a breach of which determines whether a removal or retention
is wrongful, in the convention sense. As we have just said, this is a matter of
custody rights. Although the problems which can arise from a breach of access
rights, especially where the child is taken abroad by its
custodian, were raised during the 14th Session, the majority view was that such
situations could not be put in the same category as the wrongful removals which
it was sought to prevent.
example, and others like it where breach of access rights profoundly upsets the
equilibrium established by a judicial or administrative decision, certainly
demonstrates that decisions concerning the custody of children should always be
open to review. This problem, however, defied all efforts of the Hague conference
co-ordinate views thereon. A questionable result would have been attained had
the application of the Convention, by granting the same degree of protection to
custody and access rights, led ultimately to the substitution of the holders of
one type of right by those who held the other."
v. Thompson
(1994) 3 SCR 551, La Forest J., speaking for the majority of the Canadian
Supreme Court, said that it was clear from the wording of the preamble and
Article 3 of the Convention that the primary object of the Convention was the
enforcement of custody rights. By contrast, the Convention left the enforcement
of access rights to the administrative channels of central authorities.,
designated by the States who were parties to the Convention. He also said:- [*18]
is clear also from the definitions of custody and access in Article 5 that the
removal or retention of a child in breach merely of access rights would not be
a wrongful removal or retention in the sense of Article 3.
Convention contains no mandatory provisions for the support of access rights
comparable with those of its provisions which protect breaches of rights of
custody. This applies even in the extreme case where a child is taken to
another country by the parent with custody rights and has been so taken
deliberately with the view to render the further enjoyment of access rights
23. Counsel
for the plaintiff cited in support of his arguments Article 5 of the Convention
which provides that:
"(a) "rights
of custody" shall include rights relating to the care of the person of the
child and, in particular, the right to determine the child's place of
24. Accordingly,
he said, the right which he submitted the plaintiff had to be notified of the
decision of the defendant to alter the minor's place of residence was itself a
of custody "
meaning of the Convention. I am [*19] unable to accept that proposition. No
doubt a parent who has the right to determine the child's place of residence
but who may not have the right to the physical custody of the child is
regarded, by virtue of that article, as having a
of custody"
is protected by the Convention. The affidavits as to Californian law do not
suggest that the plaintiff enjoyed any such right: on the contrary, they
proceed on the basis that the defendant, as the parent having custody, was
entitled to determine the minors' place of residence. The issue was as to
whether the defendant could unilaterally exercise that right in circumstances
where the court had already awarded the plaintiff access rights.
25. The
exercise of the right to determine a child's place of residence may, of course,
be restricted by the order of the court awarding custody to one parent by
prohibiting the removal of the child from the jurisdiction of the court without
the further leave of the court or the consent of the other parent. In such a
case, as already indicated, the removal of the child, without such leave and
without the consent of the other parent may constitute a breach of a right of
custody vested in the court. In this case, however, we are concerned with an
order which gave the plaintiff rights of access only. It is clear, in my view,
that the appropriate machinery for enforcing such rights is Article 21 of the
Convention. To order the return of children and their custodial parent to the
jurisdiction in which they were formerly habitually resident merely so as to
[*20] entitle the non-custodial parent to exercise his rights of access is not
warranted by the terms of the Convention.
26. In
reaching that conclusion, I have not lost sight of the fact that the more
appropriate course for the defendant to have taken in the present case would
have been to inform the plaintiff that she intended to bring the minors to
Ireland, thereby enabling him to make an application, if he wished, to the
Californian court prohibiting her from removing the minors from the
jurisdiction of the court. Whether such an order would have been granted by the
Californian court having regard to the undisputed facts of the present case is
another matter entirely. It is sufficient to say that the removal of the minors
was not in breach of any rights of custody attributed to either the defendant
or the Californian court and, accordingly, was not wrongful within the meaning
of Articles 3 and 12 of the Convention.
27. I
would dismiss the appeal and affirm the order of the High Court.
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