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No. 9/1926:
| | TRADE BOARDS ACTS, 1919 AND 1918.
| | The Trade Boards (Tailoring) Order, 1926. Special Order, dated the 15th day of January, 1926, made by the Minister for Industry and Commerce under Section 2 of the Trade Boards Act, 1918, varying the Trade Boards (Tailoring) Order, 1919, and the Trade Boards (Hat, Cap and Millinery) Order, 1919.
| | WHEREAS it is provided by Sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Trade Boards Act, 1918, that every Special Order may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Special Order;
| | And Whereas the Minister for Industry and Commerce is of opinion that it is desirable to vary the Trade Boards (Tailoring) Order, 1919, by altering the description of the trade specified in the Appendix thereto;
| | And Whereas the Minister for Industry and Commerce is further of opinion that it is desirable to vary the Trade Boards (Hat, Cap and Millinery) Order, 1919, in so far as it applies to any operation or process specified in the Appendix to this Order.
| | Now, therefore, I, Patrick McGilligan, Minister for Industry and Commerce, in pursuance of the powers in me vested as before recited, do hereby make a Special Order that from and after the 27th day of March, 1926, the following provisions shall have effect (that is to say):—
| | In this Order the expression "Factory" means any premises wherein or within the close or curtilage or precincts of which steam, water or other mechanical power is used in aid of the trade specified in this Order carried on there.
| | Article I.—The description of the trade specified in the Trade Boards (Tailoring) Order, 1919, shall be varied by the substitution therefor of the description set out in the Appendix to this Order.
| | Article II.—The Trade Boards (Hat, Cap and Millinery) Order, 1919, shall be varied by the exclusion therefrom of any operations, or processes comprised therein included in the Appendix to this Order.
| | Article III.—This Order may be cited as the Trade Boards (Tailoring) Order, 1926.
| | Dated this 15th day of January, 1926.
| | (Signed) P. McGILLIGAN,
| | Minister for Industry and Commerce.
| | Department of Industry and Commerce,
| | Dublin.
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| | THE TAILORING TRADE, that is to say:—
| | Men's and boys' readymade and wholesale bespoke tailoring; men's and boys' retail bespoke tailoring carried on in a factory where garments are made up for three or more retail establishments; and the making from any material of men's or male children's headgear;
| | Including:—
| | 1. (a) The altering, repairing, renovating or re-making of men's or boys' tailored garments, where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the above-mentioned branches of tailoring;
| | (b) the cleaning of such garments where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the altering, repairing, renovating or re-making of such garments;
| | 2. The lining with fur of the above-mentioned garments where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the making of such garments;
| | 3. All processes of embroidery or decorative needlework where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the above-mentioned branches of tailoring;
| | 4. All warehousing, packing and other operations incidental to or appertaining to any of the above-mentioned branches of tailoring.
| | But excluding:—
| | 1. The making of rubberised or oilskin garments; and the making of rubberised or oilskin head-gear where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the making of other rubberised or oilskin garments;
| | 2. The making of boys' readymade washing suits or sailor suits where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the making of garments to be worn by women or girls or by children without distinction of sex;
| | 3. The making of knitted head-gear and the making of head-gear from knitted fabrics where carried out in association with or in conjunction with the manufacture of knitted fabrics;
| | 4. The casting and making of solid metal helmets;
| | 5. The making of chefs' caps and similar articles;
| | 6. The making of fur hats where made in association with or in conjunction with the manufacture of furs or furriers' skins into garments, rugs or similar articles.
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