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No. 275/1936:
| | I, FRANK AIKEN, Minister for Defence, by virtue of the powers conferred on me by Article 2A of the Constitution do hereby make and prescribe the following regulations for the Conduct of Prisons, Internment Camps and other places in which prisoners may be detained or imprisoned under the said Act, that is to say :—
| | 1. The Regulations (Statutory Rules and Orders of 1936, No. 206) made by the Minister for Defence under Article 2A of the Constitution on the 15th July, 1936, are hereby amended in the following respects and shall be construed and have effect accordingly :—
| | (a) by the insertion at the end of paragraph 15 of the following new sub-paragraph :
| | "(6). Where there has been a forfeiture of marks in accordance with paragraph 33 (c) of these Regulations the Governor may, if the subsequent conduct of the prisoner so warrants, restore at his discretion any or all of the marks so forfeited."
| | (b) by the deletion in paragraph 18 of sub-paragraph (1) and the insertion in lieu thereof of the following new subparagraph :
| | "(1). In the prisons detailed under A of Appendix I hereof, convicted prisoners shall, when practicable, be permitted to take exercise daily and to associate during such exercise. Normally the hours for exercise shall be from 09.00 hours to 12.30 hours and from 14.00 hours to 16.30 hours.
| | Communication or exercise between convicted prisoners when not at exercise in accordance with these regulations shall be forbidden save where it is necessary for the conduct or business of the prison or where specially authorised by the Adjutant General."
| | (c) by the deletion in paragraph 28 of sub-paragraph (1) and the insertion in lieu thereof of the following new sub-paragraph :
| | "(1) Convicted prisoners may with the permission of the Governor be allowed to smoke when in their cells and when taking exercise in the open."
| | (d) by the insertion at the end of the said regulations of a new paragraph as follows :
| | "76. These regulations may be cited as The Prisons (Article 2A of the Constitution) Regulations, 1936."
| | 2. These regulations may be cited as the Prisons (Article 2A of the Constitution) (Amendment No. 1) Regulations, 1936.
| | (Signed) FRANK AIKEN,
| | Minister for Defence.
| | Dated this 24th day of September, 1936.
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