S.I. No. 154/1949 -- Standard Specification (Ready Mixed Oil Paints) Order, 1949.
I, DANIEL MORRISSEY, Minister for Industry and Commerce, in exercise of the power conferred on me by subsection (3) of section 20 of the Industrial Research and Standards Act, 1946 , (No. 25 of 1946), hereby order as follows : |
1. This Order may be cited as the Standard Specification (Ready Mixed Oil Paints) Order, 1949. |
2.--(1) The specification set forth in Part II of the Schedule to this Order is hereby declared to be the standard specification for the commodity described in Part I of the said Schedule. |
(2) The said standard specification may be cited as Irish Standard 18 : 1949. |
In this specification, the letters I.S., when followed by two sets of numbers, refer to the Irish Standard of which the first is the serial number and the second the year of its promulgation by the Minister for Industry and Commerce. |
In this specification, the letters B.S., when followed by two sets of numbers, refer to the British Standard of which the first is the serial number and the second is the year of its publication by the British Standards Institution. |
1. This specification covers the requirements of ready mixed oil paints suitable for use as priming, undercoating or finishing oil paints. |
2. The paint shall be thoroughly ground and in such condition that stirring readily produces a smooth uniform mixture of such consistency that the paint works well under the brush and satisfies the requirements of Clause 8. |
3. The composition shall conform to the requirements set out in the appropriate tables. |
Table 1. Priming oil paints. |
Table 2. Undercoating oil paints. |
Table 3. Finishing oil paints. |
4. The materials used in the paints shall conform to the appropriate Standards as set out in Table 4. |
Stand oil, if used, shall consist of refined, or raw, linseed oil and/or tung oil, which have been polymerised. The oils shall conform to I.S. 14 : 1949 " Linseed Oil for Paints ", and B.S. 391 : 1936 " Tung Oil ", respectively. |
5. Liquid driers may be added when necessary, in order that the paint may conform to the requirements for drying time specified in Clause 6. |
Such driers shall not contain volatile matter other than white spirit and/or turpentine. |
Where a rosinate drier is used the paint shall not contain more than 0·5 per cent. of rosin. |
6. The paint when tested in the manner described in Appendix A, shall become " surface dry " in not less than 8 hours, and shall become " hard dry " in not more than 24 hours. |
The surface drying time clause shall not apply to undercoating paints. |
For the purpose of this clause the term " surface dry " shall mean a condition such that clean dry silver sand sprinkled on to the surface of the paint film and kept there for one minute, can be removed by means of a camel-hair brush without injury to the paint film. The sand used shall be graded so as to pass a No. 44 British Standard test sieve conforming to B.S. 410 : 1943, but to be retained on a No. 100 British Standard test sieve conforming to B.S. 410 : 1943. |
For the purpose of this clause the term " hard dry " shall mean a condition such that a second coat of the paint can be satisfactorily applied. |
7. The colours of paints shall be agreed between the Purchaser and Vendor. It is desirable that there shall be a distinct variation in colour between undercoats and finishes. |
8. The paint film prepared in the manner described in Appendix A shall, after drying for 48 hours, match in colour, opacity and finish (i.e., degree of gloss, smoothness of surface, freedom from runs, specks, etc.) a film prepared in the same way and at the same time from an agreed sample. |
9. The change in colour of the dried paint film when tested in the manner described in Appendix B, shall not be greater than that of a film of an agreed sample tested in the same way and at the same time. The method, conditions and duration of the exposure test shall be agreed between the Purchaser and the Vendor. |
10. The paint shall not contain more than 0·5 per cent. of water, when tested in the manner described in Appendix C. |
11. The flash point (Abel's closed test) shall not be below 90°F |
12. The paint, when stored in the original sealed containers, shall retain the properties detailed above for a period to be agreed between the Purchaser and the Vendor. In all such cases the conditions of storage shall be defined by the Purchaser. |
13. Containers of paint conforming to this specification shall be marked distinctly with the Manufacturer's name or mark. |
14. Representative samples, each weighing not less than 1 lb., shall be taken in triplicate from one or more original and previously unopened containers. |
The contents of each container so used shall be thoroughly mixed by shaking and/or stirring as may be necessary to obtain a representative sample. After mixing, the material shall be freed from coarse skins by passing through a No. 10 British Standard test sieve conforming to B.S. 410 : 1943. |
The samples of the mixed and sieved paint shall be placed in clean dry, air-tight, non-absorbent containers made of material on which the sample has no action. The containers shall be of such size that they are nearly filled by the sample. Each container so filled shall be sealed and shall be marked with the date of sampling, and with sufficient information to identify the sample. |
They shall be stored, prior to examination, in such a manner that the temperature of the sample shall not vary unduly from the normal. |
15. Except where otherwise agreed between the Purchaser and the Vendor, the agreed sample referred to in this specification shall be one and the same sample and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this specification. The sample shall weigh not less than 1 lb. and shall be packed in the manner described in Clause 14. |
Method for the Determination of Drying Time |
The paint, after complete removal of any surface skin, shall be well mixed by shaking and/or stirring as may be necessary. The mixed paint shall then be brushed out on a clean non-absorbent surface approximately 15 cm. by 15 cm. and exposed in a vertical position in a well-ventilated room at 16°C. to 20°C. The painted surface shall be illuminated by diffused daylight for at least six hours during the drying period. In order to avoid interference through excessive humidity, care shall be taken that throughout the drying process the temperature of the room is above the dewpoint. |
Fastness to Light |
The method, conditions and duration of the exposure test shall be agreed between purchaser and vendor. The following notes are suggestive of a method which may be used. |
Direct exposure (that is, glass or other transparent medium not intervening) to bright summer sunlight for 100 hours is usually a sufficiently good test. |
In the absence of such sunlight the paint film may be exposed to the standard lamp described below for 80 hours. |
The standard lamp shall be an enclosed vertical arc lamp burning solid pure carbons of 13mm. diameter and consuming approximately 13 amperes with a voltage drop across the carbons of 90 to 100 volts. The arc shall be enclosed in a cylindrical globe of clear colourless " Hysil " heat-resisting boro-silicate glass not less than 180 mm. in diameter, and 1·5mm. in thickness. |
The paint films to be tested shall be 10 cm. by 5 cm. the portion exposed being approximately 5 cm. by 5cm., the remainder being covered by a metal shield during the exposure. They shall be fixed vertically at a distance of 280 mm. from the arc so that a line drawn from the centre of any paint film to the mean centre of the arc shall make an angle of not more than 15° with the horizontal. The lower carbon must be raised, before 38 mm. has been consumed. The globe shall be cleaned during the exposure at intervals of not more than twelve hours. |
Method for the Determination of Water |
(i) Apparatus required (see fig. 1) : |
a. Boiling or extraction flask 250 ml. capacity. |
b. Reflux condenser. Length of jacket 300 mm. but having plain tube lower end. |
c. 2 ml. Graduated receiver. |
d. Spray tube 500 mm. long. |
e. Oil bath with suitable heater. |
The apparatus shall be assembled according to fig. 1 using tight fitting corks (not rubber stoppers). |
Alternatively to the above, similar apparatus complete with standard ground glass joints may be employed, the parts being as follows : |
f. Boiling flask 250 ml. capacity, B 34 neck, conforming to B.S. 572 : 1934. |
g. Reflux condenser conforming to B.S. 756 : 1939, fig. 2. Length of jacket 300 mm. |
h. 2 ml. graduated receiver conforming to B.S. 756 : 1939, fig. 4, but with B 34 ground glass joint for fitting into, flask, conforming to B.S. 572 : 1934. |
j. Spray tube 500 mm. long, conforming to B.S. 756 : 1939, fig. 3. |
k. Oil bath with suitable heater. |
(ii) Method : 100 g. of the paint shall be weighed in the flask (see fig. 1), 100 ml. petroleum spirit and 1 ml. dry amyl or ethyl acetate added, and the contents of the flask well mixed. Petroleum spirit shall be poured into the receiver up to the level of the side tube. After connecting the flask to the apparatus, the oil bath, which should contain sufficient heavy mineral oil to cover the flask nearly to the neck, shall be heated to a temperature such as will keep the contents of the flask boiling briskly. Distillation shall be continued until no further water collects in the receiver. At the conclusion of the determination, and before moving the apparatus, any water still clinging to the condenser tube shall be washed down with petroleum spirit by means of the spray tube, which shall be inserted at the top of the condenser, the spray tube being fed from a small reservoir by means of a blowing ball. The condenser shall then be removed, and any further quantities of water on the sides of the receiver shall be rinsed down into the graduated section. |
The petroleum spirit used in this test shall have a boiling point between 75°C. and 85°C. The petroleum spirit used can be recovered for further use by distillation. |
Note : It is important that the receiver and condenser should be thoroughly clean. They should, therefore, be treated with a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid or other suitable cleansing agent prior to use. When the apparatus is in constant use it is usually sufficient to clean it after every third determination. |
TABLE 4--contd. |
GIVEN under my Official Seal this 23rd day of December, 1949. |
Minister for Industry and Commerce. |