S.I. No. 109/1981:
I, ALBERT REYNOLDS, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 2 of the Telegraph Act, 1885, hereby make, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, the following Regulations:
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Telegraph (Inland Written Telegram) (Amendment) Regulations, 1981.
(2) The Telegraph (Inland Written Telegram) Regulations, 1980 ( S.I. No. 196 of 1980 ), and these Regulations may be cited together as the Telegraph (Inland Written Telegram) Regulations, 1980 and 1981.
2. These Regulations shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1981.
3. The Interpretation Act, 1937 (No. 38 of 1937), applies to these Regulations.
4. The Telegraph (Inland Written Telegram) Regulations, 1980, are hereby amended by the substitution of the following Schedule for the Schedule thereto:
Part I
Charge |
Ref. No. |
Type of Telegram |
No. of Words |
Within British Administration |
1. |
Ordinary |
Up to 12 words |
138p |
147p |
Each word after the first 12 |
10p |
14p |
2. |
News Telegram |
For each 60 words or part thereof |
138p |
147p |
3. |
Overnight |
Up to 12 words |
32p |
N.S.* |
Telegram |
Each word after the first 12 |
6p |
N.S.* |
Part II
Charge |
Ref. No. |
Type of Telegram |
Description of Charge |
Within State |
Within British Administration |
1. |
Reply |
Minimum amount |
138p |
N.S.* |
Telegram |
Maximum amount |
£2.63 |
N.S.* |
2. |
Re-directed and Re-transmitted Telegrams |
Fee in substitution for the normal fee |
115p |
130p |
3. |
Telegram to Post Office Savings Bank |
Fee for Telegram applying for withdrawal from Savings Bank |
115p |
N.S.* |
4. |
Reply Telegram authorising withdrawal from Savings Bank |
115p |
N.S.* |
Part III
Ref. No. |
Description of Service |
Details in Respect of Fee |
Fee |
1. |
Delivery by Special Messenger beyond limit of free delivery of Terminal Telegraph Office |
For each 1,600 metres or part of 1,600 metres beyond the said limit |
14p |
2. |
Delivery of Ordinary Telegram at more than one address |
For each address after the first |
14p |
3. |
Delivery of News Telegram at more than one address |
For each 60 words or part thereof, at each address after the first |
9p |
4. |
Telegrams tendered on Sunday, Good Friday, or Public Holidays |
Additional Fee |
22p |
5. |
Cancellation of Telegram before transmission from office of origin |
Sum to be withheld in respect of cancellation |
14p |
6. |
Registration of Abbreviated or arbitrary Address |
Maximum Charge |
£14.00 |
7. |
Registration of Special |
When instructions apply |
Instructions in respect of |
for not longer than:-- |
Delivery in case of change of |
(i) one week
35p |
Residence or place of Business |
(ii) one month
71p |
In all other cases. |
£6.00 |
Annual fee when instructions apply for longer than a year |
£6.00 |
Registration of Special Instructions in respect of Delivery in all other cases |
£1.50 |
8. |
Receipt for Telegram |
1p |
*N.S.--No Service.".
GIVEN under my Official Seal this 27th day of March, 1981.
The Minister for Finance hereby consents to the foregoing regulations.
GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Finance, this 27th day of March, 1981.
The purpose of these Regulations is to provide for increases in charges of 15% approximately.