S.I. No. 626/2007 - Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee Establishment, Order 2007
Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in |
�Iris Oifigi�il� of 14th September, 2007. |
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 36 of the Industrial Relations Act, 1946 (hereinafter referred to as �the Act�), application has been made to the Labour Court for the establishment of a Joint Labour Committee with respect to workers employed in contract cleaning and their employers; |
AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 38 of the Act as amended by Section 45 of the Industrial Relations Act, 1990 have been complied with; |
AND WHEREAS the Labour Court held, in pursuance of the said Section 38, an inquiry into the application and considered objections submitted to it in accordance with the said Section; |
NOW, THEREFORE, the Labour Court by virtue of the powers conferred on it by Section 35 and 39 of the Act, hereby orders as follows: |
1. A Committee is hereby established to perform in relation to the workers described in the Schedule to this Order and their employers, the functions assigned to it by Part IV of the Act, as amended by the Industrial Relations Act 1990 . |
2. The Committee established by this Order may be known as the Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee. |
3. This Order may be known as the Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee Establishment Order, 2007. |
4. This Order shall come into operation on 14th September 2007. |
1. Workers employed in Contract Cleaning on any of the following duties, that is to say- |
The cleaning of the interior of offices, shops, hospitals, factories, stores and other similar establishments. |
(i) Workers affected by any Employment Agreement, that is �an agreement relating to the remuneration or the conditio ns of employment of workers of any class, type or group made between a trade union of workers and an employer or trade union of employers or made, at a meeting of a registered joint industrial council, between members of the council representative of workers and members of the council representative of employers.� |
(ii) Workers to whom an Employment Regulation Order made as a result of proposals received from another Joint Labour Committee applies. |
(iii) Workers engaged on exterior structural cleaning. |
2. In this schedule �Contract Cleaning� means the cleaning of premises by companies engaged in whole or in part on the provision of cleaning and janitorial services in establishments such as hospitals, offices, shops, factories, stores or similar establishments on a contract basis. |
Given under the Official Seal of the Labour Court |
7 September 2007 |
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.) |
The purpose of this instrument is to establish the Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee. |