S.I. No. 738/2007 - Marriage Registration form Regulations 2007
S.I. No. 738/2007 - Marriage Registration form Regulations 2007
S.I. No. 738 of 2007
Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in
�Iris Oifigi�il� of 13th November, 2007.
I, MARY HARNEY, Minister for Health and Children, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by sections 3, 48 and 67 of the Civil Registration Act 2004 (No. 3 of 2004), hereby make the following regulations:
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Marriage Registration Form Regulations 2007.
(2) These Regulations come into operation on 5 November 2007.
2. The form set out in the Schedule is prescribed as the form referred to in section 48 of the Civil Registration Act 2004 (No. 3 of 2004).
Regulation 2.
Foirm Cl�raithe Psta/Marriage Registration Form
Arna Heisi�int ag / Issued By
Uimhir Leagain / Version Number
D�ta Eisi�na / Date of Issue
Uimhir Fhgra / Notification Number
1: Nta� T�bhachtacha / Important Notes
1. You must take this Marriage Registration Form with you to your marriage ceremony, where section 6 will be completed. Your marriage can not proceed without this form.2. This is NOT your Marriage Certificate. To obtain your Marriage Certificate, this completed form must be brought or posted to any Registrar�s Office within 1 month of the date of marriage.3. An interpreter is required for this marriage ceremony.
2: Sonra� Ph�irt� 1 agus Ph�irt� 2 / Details of Party 1 and Party 2
Ainm / NameSloinne / SurnameSloinne Eile / Other SurnamesD�ta Breithe / Date of BirthSeoladh / AddressN�isi�ntacht / NationalityInsce /SexUimh. PPS / PPS No.Sl� Beatha / OccupationSt�das Psta / Marital StatusAinm & Sloinne Breithe na M�thar /Mother�s Forename & Birth SurnameAinm & Sloinne Breithe an Athar /Father�s Forename & Birth Surname
3: Sonra� an Phsta Bheartaithe / Details of Intended Marriage
D�ta / Date�it / PlaceD� r�ir seo a leanas /According ToFinn� 1 / Witness 1Finn� 2 / Witness 2
Ainm & Seoladh an tSoll�na� /Name & Address of SolemniserSeoladh Todhcha� /Future Address
4: Dearbh� na bP�irtithe sa Phsadh Beartaithe / Declaration of Parties to Intended Marriage
I confirm that I have today received this Marriage Registration Form from, Registrar of Marriages. I confirm that I have read the contents of this form and the details on it are correct to the best of my knowledge.
...................................................................S�ni� Ph�irt� 1 / Signature of Party 1
...................................................................S�ni� Ph�irt� 2 / Signature of Party 2
5: Leasuithe arna nD�anamh L� an Phsta / Amendments on Day of Marriage
This section is only to be used in exceptional circumstances where there is an unavoidable change to some of the details on this form which were given to the Registrar by the parties at the time of the issue of the form. Any such change should be clearly noted on the form and initialled by the Solemniser, the parties to the marriage and both witnesses. In such cases the following should also be completed.
We hereby confirm that this Marriage Registration Form was altered by us on the date of marriage to reflect the following change of details (please specify)-
Change of witness/es (and Date of Birth)
Change of Solemniser
Change of Venue
Change of address of parties
Other (please specify)
6: Le comhl�n� ag bhur searmanas psta / To be completed at your marriage ceremony
The above couple were married at:
This marriage was solemnised by
......................................................................................S�ni� an tSoll�na� / Signature of Solemniser
This marriage was soleminsed between
......................................................................................S�ni� Ph�irt� 1 / Signature of Party 1......................................................................................S�ni� Ph�irt� 2 / Signature of Party 2
In the presence of
......................................................................................S�ni� Finn� 1 / Signature of Witness 1......................................................................................S�ni� Finn� 2 / Signature of Witness 2

GIVEN under my Official Seal,
2 November 2007
Minister for Health and Children.
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.)
The effect of this Order is to allow for the provision of a form, to be known as the Marriage Registration Form, for the purposes of Part 6 (Marriage Provisions) of the Civil Registration Act, 2004.