S.I. No. 870/2007 - Derelict Sites (Urban Areas) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 870 of 2007
Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in
�Iris Oifigi�il� of 7th March, 2008.
The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 4 and 21 of the Derelict Sites Act, 1990 (No. 14 of 1990), hereby makes the following Regulations:-
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Derelict Sites (Urban Areas) Regulations, 2007.
(2) These Regulations and the Derelict Sites Regulations, 1990 to 2006 may be cited together as the Derelict Sites Regulations, 1990 to 2007.
Prescription of urban areas
2. The areas in the administrative counties of Kildare and Longford indicated in Column 2 of the Schedule to these Regulations opposite the mention of the relevant administrative county in Column 1 of the said Schedule are hereby prescribed to be urban areas for the purposes of the Derelict Sites Act, 1990 .
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Cardington, Ardree, Gallowshill, Foxhill, Forest, Courtown West, Courtown East, Goulyduff, Charterlands, Kilcoo, Bray Upper, Bray Lower, Bennetsbridge, Belview, Barkersford, Ballynasculloge, Coolroe, Salisbury, Woodstock North, Willsgrave, Tullygouey, Townsparks, Tomard, Snowland, Geraldine, Sawyerswood, Russellstown, Roundhills, Rosbran, Quarry, Prusselstown, Milltown and Shanrath East in the electoral division of Athy Rural.The townlands of Newtownallen, Monaclaudy, Lisbush, Knocknagee, Gorteenvacan, Gotham, Ballyburn Upper, Ballaghmoon Castle and Ballaghmoon in the electoral division of Ballaghmoon.The townlands of Timolin, Spratstown, Portersize, Moyle Abbey, Crookstown Upper, Crookstown East and Ballitore in the electoral division of Ballitore.The townlands of Riverstown, Lughil, Larch Hill, Kilpatrick, Killeen West, Killeen East, Kilbeg, Gorteen, Fearmore, Fasagh, Derryoughter West, Derryoughter East, Cush and Ashgrove in the electoral
division of Ballybrackan.The townlands of Donode, Ballydallagh, Ballymore Eustace East, Ballymore Eustace West, Bishopshill Commons, Bishopsland, Bishopslane, Briencan, Broadleas Commons, Ardinode East, Coghlanstown East, Horsepasstown, Kimmeens, Longstone, Seasons, Silverhill Lower, Silverhill Upper, Sousleen Commons, Tinnycross, Fishery and Brumlin in the electoral division of Ballymore Eustace.The townlands of Royal Oak, Moyvally, Garrisker, Clonuff, Calf Field, Ballyonan, Ballynakill and Ballynadrummy in the electoral division of Ballynadrummy.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Moortown, Curragh, Brownstown Lower, Brownstown Little, Brownstown Great, Ballysaxplain, Ballysax Little, Ballysaxhills and Ballysax Great in the electoral division of Ballysax East.The townlands of Common South, Bohergoy Lower, Bohergoy Upper, Brownstown Upper, Carn, Churchland East, Churchland South, Ballyfair, Common North, Emlagher, Maddenstown Demesne, Maddenstown Middle, Maddenstown North, Maddenstown South, Sheshoon, Suncroft and Churchland West in the electoral division of Ballysax West. The townlands of Martinstown, Ballyshannon Demesne, Blackhall, Ballhill, Calverstown, Calverstown Demesne, Calverstown Little, Carrighill Lower, Carrighill Upper, Crownglass, Ballyshannon, Davidstown, Moortowncastle, Mullaghmoyne East, Mullaghmoyne West, Racefield, Thomastown, Tippeenan Lower, Tippeenan Upper, Wevil, Whitehouse and Crockaun in the electoral division of Ballyshannon.The townlands of Forranadrum, Ballybrack, Ballyloughan, Baltracey,
Barreen, Belgard, Boherhole, Castlebrown or Clongowes, Clonduff, Clonfert North, Clonfert Sth., Clonshanbo, Aghafullim, Danielstown, Richardstown, Graiguepottle, Hodgestown, Loughtown, Mainham, Moortown, Mountarmstrong, Painestown, Raheen, Raheen Old, Rathcoffey Demesne, Rathcoffey North, Rathcoffey South and Common in the electoral division of Balraheen.The townlands of Hobartstown West, Hobartstown East, Belan and Ballyvass in the electoral division of Belan.The townlands of Tyrellstown, Shanraheen, Oldcourt, Newtownbert, Clogorrow, Bert Demesne and Ardmore in the electoral division of Bert.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Litterath, Baronrath, Blackhall, Bodenstown, Castlesize, Clownings, Daars North, Daars South, Keeloges, Killeenmore, Ladycastle Lower, Ballyhays, Ladyhill, Prospect, Rathmore, Sallins, Sherlockstown, Sherlockstown Commons, Shortwood, Turnings, Turnings Lower, Turnings Upper, Whitechurch and Ladycastle Upper in the electoral division of Bodenstown.The townlands of Irishtown, Inch, Glassely, Burton Little, Burton Big, Ballindrum, Ardscull and Aghanure in the electoral division of Burtown.The townlands of Thomastown, Martinstown, Kilmorebrannagh, Kilmore, Johnstown, Clonagh, Cadamstown and Ballina in the electoral division of Cadamstown.The townlands of Freagh, Ballygibbon East, Ballygibbon West, Ballyhagan, Calfstown, Carbury, Clonkeen, Callinstown, Coolanacoose, Coolcor, Coonagh, Ardkill, Derrinturn, Haggard, Kilmore, Kishawanny Lr, Kishawanny Upr, Knockcor, Oldcourt, Rinaghan, Tarderagee, Teelough, Windmill and Demesne in the electoral
division of Carbury.The townlands of Knockatippaun, Brownstown, Carnalway, Coghlanstown West, Cramersvalley, Delamain, Dunnstown, Flemingstown North, Flemingstown South or Tonaphuca, Harristown, Harristown Common, Brannockstown, Kilcullenbridge, Logstown, Mullacash Middle, Mullacash North, Mullacash South, Mullaghboy, Mylerstown, Oldtown, Sallymount Demesne, Rochestown, Silliothill, Walterstown and Johnstown or Dunshane in the electoral division of Carnalway. The townlands of Yeomanstown, Thomastown, Raheens, Halverstown, Gingerstown, Derreens, Castlekeely and Carragh in the electoral division of Carragh.The townlands of Russellswood, Rahin, Kinnafad, Grange West, Grange East, Corwig, Carrick, Brackagh and Ballindoolin in the electoral division of Carrick.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Glebe, Ballynacarrick Lower, Ballynacarrick Upper, Bolton, Carrigeenhill, Carrigeen North, Carrigeen South, Collin, Commonstown, Coolrake, Corballis, Aglmerstown, Davidstown Demesne, Glowens, Grangeford, Hughstown, Killelan, Marshalstown, Newtown, Sheriffhill, Simonstown East, Simonstown West, Tankardstown and Davidstown in the electoral division of Carrigeen.The townlands of Davidstown Upper, Ballyburn Lower, Ballyhade, Ballyvannan, Barnhill, Barnhill East, Barnhill West, Bigbog, Burton Hall Demesne, Castledermot, Coltstown, Crophill, Abbeyland, Davidstown Lower, Deerpark, Garterfarm, Halfmiletown, Knockaphuca, Knockbane, Knocknacree, Mullarney, Newtown, Townparks, Woodlands East, Woodlands West and Dairyfarm in the electoral division of Castledermot. The townlands of Kilmacredock Lower, Ardrass Lower, Ardrass Upper, Ballymakealy Lr., Ballymakealy Upr., Castletown, Celbridge, Celbridge Abbey, Crippaun, Crodaun, Aghards, Killeenlea Thornhill,
Kilmacredock Upper, Kilwoghan, Moortown, Oakley Park, Oldtown, Parsonstown, Posseckstown, Rinawade Lower, Rinawade Upper and Killadoon in the electoral division of Celbridge.The townlands of Churchstown North, Blackford, Brackney, Brownstown, Castlemitchell North, Castlemitchell South, Ballyroe, Castlereban South, Churchstown South, Crohanree, Kilcrow, Moatstown, Raheenadeeragh, Sheean and Castlereban North in the electoral division of Churchstown.The townlands of Firmount West, Ballynaboley, Ballynagappagh, Betaghstown, Butterstream Commons, Capdoo, Capdoo Commons, Carrigeen, Clane, Crockaun Commons, Abbeyland, Firmount East, Hoganswood, Hoganswood East, Kilmurry, Loughanure Commons, Loughbollard Commons, Millicent Demesne, Millicent North, Millicent South, Moat Commons, Fishery and Firmount Demesne in the electoral division of Clane.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Corcoranstown, Ballycaghan, Killeighter, Kilbrook, Kilbride, Grange, Kilmagarroge, Fanaghs, Lugadoo, Cloncurry, Cappagh, Ballyvoneen, Ballynakill, Ballykeelan, Ballyconon, Craigrooth, Newtown, Nicholastown, Ovidstown, Pitchfordstown, Tirmoghan Common, Killickameeny, Bostoncommon, Glencree, Feighcullen, Drumsru, Drinnanstown South, Drinnanstown North, Cappanargid, Blakestown and Cloncurry in the electoral division of Cloncurry.The townlands of Newtownmoveenluggagh, Newtownportland, Knockanally, Kilnamoragh South, Kilnamoragh North, Kilmurry, Hortland, Dunmurraghill, Donadea Demense, Donadea, Cooltrim South, Cooltrim North and Ballyteige in the electoral division of Donadea.The townlands of Castledillon Upr., Ardclagh, Coolfitch, Coneyburrow, Commons Upper, Commons Lower, Commons, Donaghcumper, Celbridge Abbey, Elmhall, Castledillon Lr., Balscott, Ballyoulster, Ballymadeer, Ballycommon, Backweston Park, Clonaghlis, Pluckstown, Wheatfield Lr.,
Tipperstown, Stacumny, Stacumny Cottage, Straleek, Simmonstown, Dangan, Reeves, Wheatfield Upr., Newtown, Lyons, Loughlinstown, Kerneystown U., Kearneystown Lr., Friarstown and St. Wolstans in the electoral division Donaghcumper.The townlands of Waterstown, Stickens, Oldtowndonore, Newtowndonore, Landenstown, Fleshtown, Donore, Barrettstown, Ballysize and Aghapaudeen in the electoral division of Donore.The townlands of Longtown South, Longtown North, Longtown Demesne, Killybegs Demesne, Killybegs, Goatstown, Downings South, Downings North, Curryhills and Colt in the electoral division of Downings.The townlands of Mylerstown, Drehid, Clonkeeran and Ballynamullagh in the electoral division of Drehid.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Rosberry, Piercetown, Oldconnell, Morristownbiller, Moorefield, Kilbelin, Greatconnell Common and Ballymany in the electoral division of Droichead Nua Urban.The townlands of Fishery, Walshestown, Rosetown, Oldtown, Hillsborough, Greenhills, Greatconnell, Corbally, Clownings and Athgarvan & Blackrath in the electoral division of Droichead Nua Rural.The townlands of Mulgeeth, Mucklon, Kilshanchoe, Kilmurry, Killyon, Gorteen, Dysart, Dunfierth, Coobree and Clonagh in the electoral division of Dunfierth.The townlands of Newtownpilsworth, Maganey Upper, Maganey Lower, Livitstown, Knockroe, Jerusalem, Dunmanoge, Crooket, Castleroe West, Castleroe East and Blackcastle in the electoral division of Dunmanoge.The townlands of Guidenstown South, Boherkill, Carrickanearla, Conlanstown, Dunmurry East, Dunmurry West, Friarstown, Blackmillershill, Guidenstown North, Keeloge, Killeagh Common, Kilmoney South, Loughandys, Rahilla Commons, Rahilla Glebe and
Grangecommon in the electoral division of Dunmurry.The townlands of Wheelam, Punchersgrange, Milltown, Grangecommon, Christianstown, Canronstown, Blakestown and Baronstown West in the electoral division of Feighcullen.The townlands of Fontstown Upper, Ardellis Upper, Ballynagussaun, Boleybeg, Boley Great, Boley Little, Castlefarm, Ardellis Lower, Fontstown Lower, Lynamsgarden, Monatore, Oldgrange, Rathconnell, Rathconnellwood, Rathsillagh Lower, Rathsillagh Upper and Derrynine in the electoral division of Fontstown.The townlands of Whileleas, Newabbey, Moorhill, Milemill, Kennycourt, Grangemore, Grange Beg, Gilltown, Gaganstown, Coldwells, Boleybeg, Ballybought, Ardinode West and Alliganstown in the electoral division of Gilltown.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Knockashannagh, Ballycullane Upper, Ballyraggan, Broadstown, Coltstown, Davidstown (Pilsworthy), Grange East, Grange West, Knockfield, Ballycullane Lower, Knockroe, Moatavanny, Narraghbeg, Newtown, Plunketstown Lower, Plunketstown Upper, Roscalvin, Saintjohn, Skenagun and Knockpatrick in the electoral division of Graney.The townlands of Turnerstown, Snugburrow, Rosetown, Nicholastown, Levitstown, Leinster Lodge, Heath, Grangemellon, Dollardstown, Ballyroe and Ballycullane in the electoral division of Grangemellon.The townlands of Gorteen Upper, Boghall, Boherbawn Lower, Boherbawn, Upr or Monaphuby, Cherrymills, Clarey, Cloneybeg, Coolagh, Bawn, Gorteen Lower, Harristown Lower, Harristown Upper, Lenagorra, Mylerstown, Pullagh, Richardstown Lower, Richardstown Upper and Eskerhill in the electoral division of Harristown.The townlands of Rahoonbeak, Lipstown, Inchaquire, Colbinstown, Blackrath, Ballintaggart and Annalough in the electoral
division of Inchaquire. The townlands of Prumplestown Lower, Prumplestown Upper, Johnstown South, Johnstown North and Hallahoise in the electoral division of Johnstown.The townlands of Sheean, Lowtown, Kilberry and Cloney in the electoral division of Kilberry.The townlands of Gragadder, Branaganstown, Clonsast, Commons East, Commons Sth., Commons West, Courtown Great, Boycetown, Duncreevan, Rosetown, Hodgestown, Kilcock, Laragh, Laragh Demesne, Newtownlaragh, Portgloriam and Courtown Little in the electoral division of Kilcock.The townlands of Knockaulin, Castlefish, Castlemartin, Common, Glebe North, Glebe South, Halverstown, Cartersbog, Kineagh, Knockbounce, Nicholastown, Old Kilcullen, Sunnyhill, Toberogan, Yellowbogcommon, Fishery and Kilcullenbridge in the electoral division of Kilcullen.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Rathmuck, Kildangan, Grangebeg, Fennor, Duneany, Ballyvarney and Ballygreany in the electoral division of Kildangan.The townlands of Loughlion, Brallistown, Brallistown Commons, Brallistown Little, Cloghgarret Glebe, Collaghknock Glebe, Crockanure Glebe, Curragh, Curraghfarm, Greyabbey, Kildare, Kilnagorman, Bishopsland, Knockshough Glebe, Loughinane, Mooretown, Newtown, Shanacloon, Silliothill, Southgreen, Strawhall, Tully East, Tully West, Whitesland East, Whitesland West and Kingsbog or Common in the electoral division of Kildare.The townlands of Mullaghreelan, Kilkea Lodge Farm, Kilkea Upper, Kilkea Lower, Kilkea Demesne, Grangenolvin Upper, Grangenolvin Lower, Grangenoluin, Coolane, Beaconstown and Ballynamony in the electoral division of Kilkea.The townlands of Killhill, Boherphilip, Broguerstown, Fadeens, Greenhills, Hartwell Lower, Hartwell Upper, Johnstown, Kerdiffstown, Arthurstown, Killeenbeg, Kill West, Newtown, Palmerstown,
Painestown, Palmerstown Demesne, Rathgorragh, Thornberry, Toberton and Kill East in the electoral division of Kill.The townlands of Walshestown, Tipperkevin, Swordlestown Sth., Swordlestown Nth., Sillagh, Punchestown Little, Punchestown Great, Punchestown, Morganstown, Killashee, Donode Big and Bawnoge in the electoral division of Killashee.The townlands of Newtown, Kilmoney North, Killyguire, Killinthomas, Inchanearl and Cushalig in the electoral division of Killinthomas.The townlands of Drumsru, Derrymullen, Ballyteige North, Allenwood South, Allenwood North and Allenwood Middle in the electoral division of Kilmeage North.The townlands of Newpark, Lowtown, Littletown, Kilmeage Little, Kilmeage, Killeagh, Grangeclare Little, Grangeclare West, Grangeclare East, Coolaught, Cloncumber, Ballyteige South and Ballintine in the electoral division of Kilmeage South.The townlands of Ticknevin, Kilpatrick, Killinagh Upper, Killinagh Lower, Ballynakill Upper, Ballynakill Lower and Ballybrack in
the electoral division of Kilpatrick.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Fearavolla, Ballinlig, Ballycowan, Balrinnet, Claremount, Clonard New, Ballinderry, Derryart, Kilglass, Killinagh, Kilrainy, Kilrathmurry, Nurney, Williamstown and Cornamucklagh in the electoral division of Kilrainy.The townlands of Hillfarm, Bushypark, Castlefarm, Chapelfarm, Coolyphullagh, Eaglehill, Elone, Borough, Greatrath, Ironhills, Kilboggan, Kilrush, Millfarm, Newtown, Rock, Tawnrush and Fearaun in the electoral division of Kilrush.The townlands of Oldmilltown, Coolahocka, Cromwellstown, Cromwellstownhill, Cupidstown, Cupidstownhill, Furryhill, Blackdown, Kilteel Upper, Oldtown, Porterstown, Punchestown Lower, Rathbane, Rathmore East, Segravescastle and Kilteel Lower in the electoral division of Kilteel.The townlands of Mountrice, Cherryville, Clondown, Concealment, Coolier, Crossmorris, Hybla Or Ballyreage, Knavinstown, Lackagh Beg, Lackagh Bog, Ballykelly, Mayfield or Ballynagalliagh, Mountrice Bog, Mullaghroe Lower, Mullaghroe
Upper, Myragh, Shindala, Tobercocka, Toghereen, Togherorymore, Ummeras More and Lackagh More in the electoral division Lackagh.The townlands of Fishery (Rod) In River Liffey, Stephenstown Sth., Stephenstown Nth., Newtown, Newland West, Newland South, Newland North, Newhall, Moortown, Lewistown, Ladytown, Herbertstown and Dowdingstown in the electoral division of Ladystown.The townlands of St. Catherines (Township), Barnhall, Collinstown, Confey, Cullaghreeva, Easton (Township), Jarrettstown, Leixlip (Township), Allenswood, Newtown (Township), Leixlip, St. Catherines Park (Township), Rinnawade Upper (Township), Castletown (Township), Barnhall (Township), Collinstown (Township), Confey (Township), Leixlip Demesne (Township) and Leixlip Demesne in the electoral division of Leixlip.The townlands of Lullymore West, Lullymore East, Lullybeg, Derrybrennan and Barnaran in the electoral division of Lullymore.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Catherinestown, Dowdstown, Donaghstown, Donaghmore, Crewhill, Crinstown, Ballycurraghan, Collegeland, Kellystown, Carton Demesne, Blakestown, Barrogstown West, Barrogstown East, Barrogstown, Ballygoran, Cormickstown, Maynooth Sth., Tinnard, Sian, Rowanstown, Ravensdale, Railpark, Oldcarton, Greenfield, Moneycooly, Griffinrath, Maynooth, Maws, Mariavilla, Laraghbyran West, Laraghbryan East, Treadstown and Newtown in the electoral division of Maynooth.The townlands of Millfarm, Barraderra, Clogheen, Clonegath, Coolnafearagh, Cowpasture, Clobe Island or Cloncarlin, Gorteenoona, Ballyfarsoon, Kill, Monasterevin, Monasterevin Bog, Moorabbey Demesne, Oghil, Oldgrange, Passlands, Skirteen, Stramillian and Grangecoor in the electoral division of Monasterevin.The townlands of Mullamast and Moone in the electoral division of Moone.The townlands of Fishery (Rod In River Liffey), Scarletstown, Rosberry, Rickardstown, Piercetown, Morristownbiller,
Moorfield, Kilbelin (Without Township), Hawkfield, Crotanstown, Cornelscourt, Common, Clongownagh and Ballymany in the electoral division of Morristownbillar.The townlands of Tipper South, Tipper North, Rathasker, Osberstown, Monread North, Maudlins, Kingsfurze, Killashee, Jigginstown, Cradockstown West, Cradockstown East, Cradockstown Demesne, Broadfield and Bluebell in the electoral division of Naas Rural.The townlands of Narraghmore Demesne, Narraghmore, Lipstown Upper, Lipstown Lower, Killan, Crookstown Lower, Boleybeg, Battlemount, Ballybarney and Ballyadams in the electoral division of Narraghmore.The townlands of Greenhall Upper, Barrettstown, Blackhall, Commons,Dowdenstown Great, Dowdenstown Little, Elverstown Great, Elverstown Little, Glebe East, Glebe West, Athgarrett, Greenhall Lower, Kilmalum, Lugadowden, Newtown Great, Newtown Little, Newtownpark, Nunsland, Slate Quarries, Slieveroe, Walshestown and Glenmore in the electoral division of Newtown.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Walterstown Lower, Walterstown, Nurney Demesne, Nurney Bog, Nurney, Kildoon, Blackditch and Balkinstown in the electoral division of Nurney.The townlands of Tankardsgarden, Oldconnell, Newhall, Morristown Upper, Morristown Lower, Morristown Little, Littleconnell, Lattensbog, Coolreagh, Clongorey, Blacktrench and Barrettstown in the electoral division of Oldconnell.The townlands of Tickmilltown, Quinsborough, Oughterard, Newrow, Kilwarden, Huttonread, Castlewarden South, Castlewarden North, Boston, Blackhill, Blackchurch, Bishopscourt Upper, Bishopscourt Lower and Alasty in the electoral divison of Oughterard.The townlands of Rathbride, Pollardstown, Newtown and Loughbrown in the electoral division of Pollardstown. The townlands of Ummeras Beg, Pollagorteen, Derrylear, Coolsickeen or Quinsborough, Coolatogher, Clogheen and Aughrim in the electoral division of Quinsborough.The townlands of Sheean, Rathangan Demesne, Rathangan, Kilnabooley,
Colelan, Bonaghmore, Ballysooghan South, Ballysooghan North, Ballygaddy and Ballinure in the electoral division of Rathangan.The townlands of Russellstown, Rathernan, Pluckerstown, Grangehiggin, Dunbyrne, Carrick, Baronstown East and Barnacrow in the electoral division of Rathernan.The townlands of Newtown, Baysland, Bullockpark, Bunntfurze, Caureen, Crosscoolharbour, Eadestown, Forenaghts Great, Forenaghts Little, Greenmount, Haynestown, Baltracey, Morristown, Newtown Baltracey, Philipstown, Pipershall, Punchestown Upr., Rathmore West, Redbog, Slatequarries, Tipper East, Westown, Wolfestown and Hempstown Commons in the electoral division of Rathmore.The townlands of Robertstown West, Robertstown East, Mylerstown, Moods, Graigues, Coolree, Brockagh, Blackwood in the electoral division of Roberstown.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Youngstown, Tinnakill, Smallford, Skerries South, Skerries North, Rathgrumly, Loughabor, Kilmead, Blackwood, Ballynabarna and Ardnagross in the electoral division of Skerries.The townlands of Irishtown Upper, Barberstown Lower, Barberstown Upper, Bawnoges, Baybush, Bryanstown, Clonagh, Corbally, Cowanstown, Derrinstown, Glebe, Graiguelin, Barberstown, Irishtown Lr., Windgates, Johninstown, Kealstown, Lodgepark, Longtown, Newtownmacabe, Ovidstown, Roosk, Smithstown, Straffan, Straffan Demesne, Taghadoe, Toolestown and Graiguesallagh in the electoral division of Straffan.The townlands of Mullantine, Clonmoyle West, Ellistown, Foy, Grangeclare, Kiltaghan North, Kiltaghan South, Clonmoyle, Mountprospect, Rathwalkin, Redhills, Thomastown East, Thomastown West, Tullylost, Watergrange and Knocknagalliagh in the electoral division of Thomastown.The townlands of Timahoe West, Timahoe East, Staplestown, Gilltown, Garvoge, Derryvarroge, Derrycrib,
Corkeragh, Coologmartin and Ballynafagh in the electoral division of Timahoe North.The townlands of Hodgestown, Corduff, Coolearagh West, Coolearagh East and Coolcarrigan in the electoral division of Timahoe South.The townlands of Usk Little, Usk, Kingsland, Killinane, Kilgowan, Gormanstown, Gilbenstown, Dalkinstown, Brewel West, Brewel East or Merville, Baronsland and Ballymount in the electoral division of Usk.The townlands of Rathmore, Parsonstown, Loughnacush, Kilkeaskin, Drummond, Dreenan and Ballyshannon in the electoral division of Windmill Cross.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townland of Cloonaghmore in the electoral division of Firry.The townlands of Ranaghan, Abbeylara, Tonymore North, Tonymore South, Kilbride and Ballywillin in the electoral division of Abbeylara.The townlands of Ratharney, Cloonbrin and Drumanure in the electoral division of Agharra.The townlands of Ardagh Demesne, Banghill, Ballygar, Cross(Ardagh By) and Lyanmore in the electoral division of Ardagh East.The townlands of Moor, Moyra and Fortmill in the electoral division of Ardagh West.The townland of Rathmore (Granard By) in the electoral division of Ballinamuck East.The townlands of Aghnacliff and Ballinrooey in the electoral division of Sonnagh.The townland of Dunbeggan (Granard By) in the electoral division of Columbkille.The townlands of Currycahill, Aghnashannagh, Vicarsfield Glebe, Gorteenrevagh, Ederland, Ballinalee or Saintjohnstown and School Land in the electoral division of Ballinalee.The townland of Soran in the electoral division of
Aghaboy.The townlands of Shanmullagh and Kiltycreevagh in the electoral division of Ballinamuck West.The townlands of Ballycloghan, Druming, Carn, Carrickboy, Corry (Shrule By), Colehill, Killinbore, Streamstown (Shrule By), Tennalick, Lisnacreevy, Taghshinny and Glebe (Shrule By) in the electoral division of Kilglass.The townlands of Drinan, Creevaghmore, Creevagh Beg, Ballymulvey, Rathmore (Shrule By), Moygh (Rathcline By), Ballymahon and Barry (ED Ballymahon) in the electoral division of Ballymahon.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townlands of Barry (ED Kilcommock), Keenagh, Aghnacranagh, Laughil (Rathcline By), Mosstown (Moydow By), Island, Cartrons (Moydow By), Snugborough, Stonepark (Moydow By), Mosstown (Rathcline By) and Creagh in the electoral division of Kilcommock.The townlands of Ballinlough, Halfcartron and Bunlahy in the electoral division of Bunlahy.The townlands of Glebe (Longford By), Clogher and Rinn, Cloondara and Aghnagore in the electoral division of Cloondara.The townlands of Tully (Granard By) and Aghaboy (Granard By) in the electoral division of Milltown.The townland of Creeve in the electoral division of Corboy.The townlands of Killyfad, Farraghroe, Knockloughlin, Killeenatruan and Clonee in the electoral division of Cloonee.The townland of Derraghan More in the electoral division of Cashel East.The townland of Dring in the electoral division of Mullanalaghta.The townland of Ballinulty Lower in the electoral division of Dalystown.The townlands of Derawley,
Drumlish, Barragh Beg and Enybegs in the electoral division of Drumlish.The townland of Corrabaun (Longford By) in the electoral division of Breanrisk.The townlands of Curry (ED Edgeworthstown), Bracklon, Keelogenasause, Edgeworthstown, Aghafin, Tinnynarr in the electoral division of Edgeworthstown.The townland of Lisnageeragh in the electoral division of Crosagstown.The townlands of Clontumpher and Aghaboy (Longford By) in the electoral division of Aghaboy.The townlands of Forgney and Kildordan in the electoral division of Forgney.The townlands of Rathcronan, Moatfield, Ballynacross, Churchquarter, Higginstown, Ballymaurice, Granard, Carragh, Grassyard, Mullingee, Teemore, Cartron (Granard By), Balnagall and Granardkill in the electoral division of Granard Urban.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townland of Ballybrien in the electoral division of Granard Rural.The townlands of Killashee and Aghakeeran and Templeton Glebe in the electoral division of Killashee.The townlands of Cloonbony, Knock, Commons North, Aghamore (Rathcline By), Gorteengar and Lanesborough in the electoral division of Rathcline.The townlands of Clygeen, Foxhall, Treel(ED Foxhall) and Smithfield in the electoral division of Foxhall.The townlands of Legan and Ardanragh in the electoral division of Agharra.The townlands of Leggagh, Kiltycon and Moyne in the electoral division of Drumgort.The townlands of Ballaghgowlan and Froghan, Lisryan and Lechurragh in the electoral division of Coolamber.The townlands of Corragarrow (Longford By), Derryharrow, Knockawalky and Gorteenorna in the electoral division of Caldragh.The townlands of Aughine, Bunalough and Toneen (Moydow By) in the electoral division of Moydow.The townland of Ballyduffy in the electoral division of Moyne.
Column 1Administrative County
Column 2Urban Areas
The townland of Cloonagh (Granard By) in the electoral division of Mullanalaghta.The townlands of Cornadowagh, Ballagh (Rathcline By), Carrow Beg and Ballyrevagh in the electoral division of Cashel West.The townlands of Castleforbes Demesne and Lisbrack (ED Newtown Forbes) in the electoral division of Newtown Forbes.The townlands of Lamagh, Corry (Longford By) and Lismoy in the electoral division of Caldragh.The townlands of Castlewilder, Rathsallagh and Ratharney in the electoral division of Agharra.The townlands of Dunbeggan (Moydow By), Cloonturk and Stonepark (Ardagh By) in the electoral division of Longford Rural.The townlands of Taghshinny, Lisnacreevy and Glebe (Shrule By) in the electoral division of Kilglass.

GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Ministe for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government,
21 December 2007
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation)
These regulations prescribe areas in the counties of Kildare and Longford to be urban areas for the purposes of the Derelict Sites Act, 1990 .