Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in
“Iris Oifigiúil” of 19th February, 2013.
I, EAMON GILMORE, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 (amended by section 28 of the Passports Act 2008 (No.4 of 2008)) of the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Provision of Services) Act 1993 (No. 33 of 1993), as adapted by the Foreign Affairs (Alteration of Name of Department and Title of Minister) Order 2011 ( S.I. No. 246 of 2011 ), with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, hereby make the following Regulations:
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Diplomatic and Consular Fees Regulations 2013.
(2) These Regulations come into operation on 1 March 2013.
2. In these Regulations-
“Act” means the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Provision of Services) Act 1993 (No.33 of 1993);
“apostille” means the certificate described in Article 4 of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, done at The Hague on 5 October 1961 and annexed to that Convention;
“emergency passport” means a passport issued in accordance with section 15 (1) of the Passports Act 2008 (No.4 of 2008);
“emergency travel certificate” means an emergency travel issued in accordance with section 15 (2) of the Passports Act 2008 ;
“European Union Emergency Travel Document” means a document issued in accordance with the Decision1 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Union, meeting within the Council of 25 June 1996, on the establishment of an emergency travel document (96/409/CFSP);
“Irish visa” means an authorisation given by, or a decision taken by the Minister, in relation to a passport other than an Irish passport, such authorisation or decision being required for travel to the State of the passport holder, and which is inserted into the passport by any person to whom the Act applies;
“passport” includes any travel document or document of identity (not being a passport) issued, for the purpose of facilitating travel, by or on behalf of the competent authorities of any country;
“working holiday authorisation” means a certificate, issued in accordance with the Aliens Orders 1946 to 1999 and the Aliens (Visas) Order 2003 ( S.I. No. 708 of 2003 ), on behalf of the Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation, by any person to whom section 2 (as amended by section 28 (b) of the Passports Act 2008 ) of the Act applies, that the person to whom it is issued is permitted to be employed in work of a casual or temporary nature undertaken in the course of a holiday in Ireland.
3. The fees set out in column (3) of Schedule 1 are fixed as the fees to be charged by any officer of the Minister in respect of each service, specified in column (2) at the same Reference Number, rendered by a person to whom section 2 (as amended by section 28 (b) of the Passports Act 2008 ) of the Act applies.
4. (1) The fees set out in column (3) of Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 2 are fixed as the fees to be charged by any officer of the Minister for each service specified in column (2) of that Schedule at the same Reference Number.
(2) The fees set out in column (3) of Part 3 of Schedule 2 at Reference Numbers 1 to 8 are fixed as the fees to be charged for each service specified in column (2) and administered, sworn or done by a person to whom section 5 of the Act applies.
(3) The fees set out in column (3) of Part 3 of Schedule 2 at Reference Numbers 9 to 11 are fixed as the fees to be charged by an officer of the Minister for each service specified in column (2).
5. The fees specified in column (3) of Schedules 1 and 2 shall be paid in euro or in the currency of the state in which the fee concerned is paid.
6. The Minister may waive any fee chargeable pursuant to these Regulations in any of the following circumstances:
(a) where the service for which the fee is chargeable is rendered for, and at the request of, any official or public authority;
(b) where the Minister considers that the service for which the fee is chargeable-
(i) is rendered for, or on behalf of, a person who is in straitened circumstances,
(ii) the levying of the fee would for other reasons constitute a serious hardship, or
(iii) the waiver is otherwise desirable on compassionate grounds;
(c) where the service in respect of which the fee is chargeable is performed for official purposes or for reasons of public policy;
(d) in the case of Irish visas, where the service for which the fee is chargeable is rendered for a citizen, subject or national of any other state the Government of which waives the fee or does not charge a fee for the same or a similar service when rendered for an Irish citizen; or
(e) where the Minister considers that the issue of a passport-
(i) by the relevant Passport Office outside its normal hours of opening, or
(ii) by the relevant diplomatic mission or consular post outside its normal hours of opening for the purpose of providing such a service,
to an Irish citizen requesting the issue of a passport at that time is due to circumstances constituting an emergency.
7. The following Regulations are hereby revoked:
(a) Diplomatic and Consular Fees Regulations, 2001 ( S.I. No. 117 of 2001 );
(b) Diplomatic and Consular Fees (Amendment) Regulations 2004 ( S.I. No. 82 of 2004 );
(c) Diplomatic and Consular Fees (Amendment) Regulations 2005 ( S.I. No. 391 of 2005 );
(d) Diplomatic and Consular Fees (Amendment) Regulations 2009 ( S.I. No. 21 of 2009 );
(e) Diplomatic and Consular Fees (Amendment) Regulations 2010 ( S.I. No. 365 of 2010 ).
(f) Diplomatic and Consular Fees (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 47 of 2011).
Miscellaneous Consular Services
Reference Number(1)
Service Rendered(2)
For verifying or certifying a copy of any document
For making a translation of certain documents for consular purposes-(a) for the first 200, or fraction of 200 words(b) for every additional 100, or fraction of 100 words
For certifying a translation of any document or part of a document
For rendering a service specified at Reference Number 1, where the document concerned is in a language other than Irish or English
For rendering a service specified at Reference Number 2, where the document concerned is in a language other than Irish or English-(a) for the first 200 words or fraction of 200 words(b) for every additional 200 words or fraction of 200 words
For rendering a service specified at Reference Number 3, where the document concerned is in a language other than Irish or English
For attesting the signature or seal of a foreign Authority
For each signature attested by a diplomatic or consular officer in any document where a fee is not otherwise provided for
For arranging the repatriation of a person
For arranging the repatriation of a group of persons of the same family travelling together
For arranging the collection of funds for an Irish citizen destitute outside the State seeking financial assistance and the payment of such funds outside the State to or on behalf of such person
For issuing a certificate to an Irish citizen in connection with a marriage abroad
For issuing a certificate in connection with a marriage abroad submitted to the relevant diplomatic mission or consular office 28 days or less before the date of the intended marriage
For issuing a certificate (other than a certificate of nationality issued in accordance with section 28 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 (No. 26 of 1956), letter or other document not otherwise provided for
For the provision, at a place other than a diplomaticor consular office, of any service for which a fee is charged under these Regulations in addition to such a fee and to any travel and other expenses incurred in relation to the provision of the service concerned
€50 for each hour or fraction thereof, subject to a maximum fee of €300 per day
For the provision of any service (other than the issue of a passport in the circumstances provided for inRegulation 6 (e) of these Regulations), for which a fee is charged under these Regulations, whether at a diplomatic or consular office, outside its normal hours of opening, or at a diplomatic or consular officers residence, in addition to suchfee
€50 for each hour or fraction thereof, subject to a maximum fee of €300 per day
Part 1
Passports and Travel Documents
Reference Number (1)
Service Rendered (2)
Fee (3)
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person over 18 years of age but under 65 years of age
For the issue of a passport of 66 pages to a person over 18 years of age
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person under 3 years of age
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person over 3 years of age but under 18 years of age
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person aged 18 years or over through an arrangement for express processing of passport applications entered into between the Minister and providers of postal services
For the issue of a passport of 66 pages to a person aged 18 years or over through an arrangement for express processing of passport applications entered into between the Minister and providers of postal services
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person under 3 years of age through an arrangement for express processing of passport applications entered into between the Minister and providers of postal services
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person aged 3 years or over but under 18 years through an arrangement for express processing of passport applications entered into between the Minister and providers of postal services
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person aged 18 years or over through a diplomatic mission or consular post
For the issue of a passport of 66 pages to a person aged 18 years or over through a diplomatic mission or consular post
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person under 3 years of age through a diplomatic mission or consular post
For the issue of a passport of 34 pages to a person aged 3 years or over but under 18 years through a diplomatic mission or consular post
For the issue of an emergency passport to a person aged 18 years or over by the relevant Passport Office, diplomatic mission or consular post outside its normal hours of opening
For the issue of an emergency passport to a person under 18 years of age by the relevant Passport Office, diplomatic mission or consular post outside its normal hours of opening.
For the issue of a passport to a person aged 18 years or over by the relevant Passport Office, diplomatic mission or consular post during normal hours of opening within 5 days of the application being received in addition to the appropriate fee specified at Reference Number 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 or 10
For the issue of a passport to a person under 18 years of age by the relevant Passport Office, diplomatic mission or consular post during normal hours of opening within 5 days of the application being received, in addition to the appropriate fee specified at Reference Number 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 or 12
For the issue of an emergency travel certificate
For the issue of a European Union Emergency Travel Document, valid for a single journey
Part 2
Visas, work authorisations and working holiday authorisations
Reference Number (1)
Service Rendered (2)
Fee (3)
For processing an application for an Irish visa valid for a single journey in transit through the State
For processing an application for an Irish visa valid for a single journey to the State
For processing an application for an Irish visa valid for multiple entries to the State
For processing an application for a working holiday for a citizen of the United States
For processing an application for a working holiday authorisation for citizens of other states
For processing a replacement working holiday authorisation where the original has been lost or stolen
Part 3
Oaths, affidavits and notarial acts
Reference Number (1)
Service Rendered (2)
Fee (3)
For administering an oath or receiving a declaration or affirmation, with or without attestation of signature
For each diplomatic or consular signature attached to an exhibit referred to in an affidavit or declaration
For each execution of a power of attorney attested by a diplomatic or consular officer
€40,subject to a maximum fee of €120where 4 or more persons execute a power at the same time
For affixing a signature of a diplomatic or consular officer or a diplomatic or consular seal to, or attesting a signature or seal on, any commercial document connected with the export of merchandise from the State or all of the above
For affixing a signature or seal of a diplomatic or consular officer or both to any document or object for which a fee is not otherwise provided for in these Regulations
For uniting documents and attaching a diplomatic or consular seal to the fastening of the resulting bundle of documents
For each alteration or interlineation initialled by a diplomatic or consular officer in any document not prepared by that officer
For taking evidence on commission
€60 for each houror fraction thereof, subject to a maximum fee of€300 per day
For issuing an apostille attesting a signature or seal on any document not otherwise provided for by these Regulations
For issuing a series of apostilles or authentication seals attesting signatures or seals on a set of documents in relation to the adoption of a child
For issuing a series of apostilles or authentication seals attesting signatures or seals on a set of documents for all Post Placement Dossiers relating to the adoption of a child
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform hereby consents to the making of the foregoing Regulations.

GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform,
14 February 2013.
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.

GIVEN under my Official Seal,
14 February 2013.
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade.
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation)
The purpose of these Regulations is to consolidate the Diplomatic and Consular Fees Regulations 2001 to 2011 inclusive and to bring into effect a new set of fees commencing on 1st March 2013.
1 OJ No. L168, 6.7.96, p.4