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- - - v - - - [1755] 5 Brn 837 (29 November 1755)      -----      - v - (London : Section 27A & 20C) [2013] UKFTT RP_LON_00AJ_LSC_2013_0524
- v - (London : Section 27A & 20C) [2013] UKFTT RP_LON_00BH_LSC_2013_213      -----      - v - (Southern : Service charge
- v - (Southern : Service charges)      -----      (1) Syed Omar
(1) Tan Keng      -----      3A Downshire Hill,
3A Garage Villas      -----      7 Wesley Court
7 Westbourne Arcade      -----      12 Moorholme, Woking,
12 Mount Street,      -----      18 Sycamore Gardens
18 The Esplanade      -----      26 Chapel Road
26 Charlton Road      -----      36 Perrymead -
36 Pinewood Place      -----      49 Fletton Fields,
49 Gillett Road      -----      70-74 High Street
70-78 (even) York      -----      109 South Norwood
109 Sydenham Road,      -----      263a Chiswick High
264 Beaumont Road      -----      [1996] NISSCSC C20/96(DLA)
[1996] NISSCSC C22/96(DLA)      -----      1999/30 - AG
1999/33 - AG      -----      [2002] UKSSCSC CIB_2154_2002
[2002] UKSSCSC CIB_2312_2002      -----      [2004] UKSSCSC CIB_4300_2003
[2004] UKSSCSC CIB_4497_2002      -----      [2007] UKSSCSC CH_3282_2006
[2007] UKSSCSC CH_3309_2006      -----      9574565 Canada Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A. v B. [1668] Mor 6119
A. v B. [1668] Mor 15724      -----      A Foster Mother
A. Fournier and      -----      A, Re [2017]
A, Re [2018]      -----      AA001832011 (unreported) [2012]
AA001842012 (unreported) [2012]      -----      AA011722010 & AA013872010
AA011742009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA022492014 & Others
AA022502006 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA033062015 [2016] UKAITUR
AA033072006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA044292011 (unreported) [2011]
AA044312008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      AA054462008 (unreported) [2009]
AA054472015 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA064662014 & Ors
AA064672006 (unreported) [2006]      -----      AA075752014 [2015] UKAITUR
AA075762007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      AA085542006 (unreported) [2009]
AA085542009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      AA097702011 (unreported) [2012]
AA097712013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      AA109352006 (unreported) [2007]
AA109352011 (unreported) [2013]      -----      AA125392015 & AA125232015
AA125452005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA162152009 (unreported) [2010]
AA162352010 (unreported) [2013]      -----      ABANKA (Trade Mark: Revocation) [2016]
ABANKA (Trade Mark: Revocation) [2019]      -----      Aberdeen City Council v. Shauri
Aberdeen City Council v. Stewart      -----      Accountant In Bankruptcy
ACCOUNTANT IN BANKRUPTCY      -----      Adams, (Transport �
Adams (Tribunal procedure      -----      ADV Allround v
ADV Allround (Taxation)      -----      AG -v- Trow
AG -v- Vattier      -----      AG v Dominguez
AG v Donachie      -----      AG v Le Garsmeur's
AG v Le Geyt      -----      AG v Ryan [1987]
AG v Ryan [2004]      -----      AG -v- Godel
AG -v- Godson      -----      AG v Vieira [2001]
AG v Vieira [2002]      -----      AH (Article 1F(b)
AH (Bangladesh) &      -----      AIELLO v. ITALY
AIEQ (Trade Mark:      -----      AKDENIZ AND OTHERS
Akdeniz v Procurator      -----      Alan M. Dransfield
ALAN MACKIE AGAINST      -----      AleS SESEL and
Ales VOVK and      -----      Alexander Webster and
Alexander Wedderburn v      -----      Alison v The
Alison v Trail.      -----      Allied Irish Bank PLC
Allied Irish Bank Plc      -----      Alvarez v Revenue
Alvarez y Bejarano      -----      Amin, R. v
Amin v R.      -----      Anderson v Anderson. [1727]
Anderson v Anderson. [1729]      -----      Andrew Mitchell &
ANDREW MITCHELL v.      -----      Anglo Beef Processors Ltd
Anglo Beef Processors UK      -----      Anthony White v
Anthony Willan v      -----      APOSTOLOVSKI AND OTHERS
APOSTU v. ROMANIA      -----      Aqua-Gas (Valves &
AQUAHYDROX Aquahydrox (Series      -----      Area Plant And
Area Solutions &      -----      Arora v Anas
Arora v Coopers      -----      AS001822005 (unreported) [2005]
AS001882004 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS055012004 (unreported) [2005]
AS055042004 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS174262004 (unreported) [2005]
AS175022004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS513792003 (unreported) [2004]
AS513842003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS579642003 (unreported) [2005]
AS579652003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      Aslakhanova and Others
ASLAKHANOVA v. RUSSIA      -----      ASWAT v. THE
Aswat v. the      -----      Att. Gen. v Godson
Att. Gen. v Godwin      -----      Attorney General's Reference No 37
Attorney General's Reference No 38      -----      AVAZ ZEYNALOV v.
Avazi & Ors,      -----      Aylesbury Vale District Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fer0903293 (17 February 2020)
Aylesbury Vale District Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fer0903293 (17 February 2020)      -----      Azzurro (Trade Mark:
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B T Wilson
B. TAGLIAFERRO &      -----      Bailey & Co.
Bailey & Ors      -----      Balcombe Group Plc
Bald & Ors      -----      Bangert, R (on
Bangert v. South      -----      Barbara Hopkins and
Barbara KALINECKA v      -----      Barnet London Borough Council (Local government) [2024] UKICO 292858
Barnet London Borough Council (Local government) [2024] UKICO 294137      -----      Basaglia v Commission (Access
Basaglia v Commission (Judgment)      -----      Baxendale-Walker v The Law Society [2006]
Baxendale-Walker v The Law Society [2007]      -----      BBC (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50789115
BBC (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50798076      -----      Beckett v Carver
Beckett v. Hutcheson      -----      Belgium v Commission
Belgium v Genette      -----      Benloulou -v- Minister
BENMEZIANE v. FRANCE      -----      Berry Piling Systems Ltd v Sheer Projects Ltd [2012]
Berry Piling Systems Ltd v Sheer Projects Ltd [2013]      -----      Bham v 2Gether
Bham v CFM      -----      Binder v Binder [2000]
Binder v Binder [2001]      -----      Bisson v Barker
Bisson v Bish      -----      Blair v Gibb.
Blair v Graham      -----      BM, Re Application for Judicial Review [2005]
BM, Re Application for Judicial Review [2011]      -----      Bolland v Revenue
Bollard Proof Ltd      -----      Borneo Airways Limited,
BORNET v NORWAY      -----      Bowies Trustees v.
Bowie's Trustees v.      -----      Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Decision Notice) [2012] UKICO FER0420549
Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Decision Notice) [2012] UKICO FS50404233      -----      Brecon Beacons National
Breda Academy (Education)      -----      Briggs v South
Briggs (t/a Prontaprint)      -----      British Fisheries Society
British Flowplant Group      -----      Brook v Secretary
Brook Street Bureau      -----      Brown v Revenue & Customs [2014]
Brown v Revenue & Customs (INCOME      -----      BS v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (ESA)
BS v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)      -----      BULAT v. CROATIA
Bulathwela v Thomas      -----      Burnet v Nasmyth.
Burnet of Carlips      -----      Butter v Gray
Butter v Harvie.      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C. (R.) v.
C R Smith      -----      Cabinet Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 159959
Cabinet Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 161408      -----      Cain & Ors,
Cain Electrical Ltd      -----      Cambpell v Chief
Cambra v Jones      -----      Campbell v Irish Bank
Campbell v Irish Football      -----      Cantisani v Commission
CANTO (Trade Mark:      -----      Care Quality Commission (Health) [2022] UKICO 150030
Care Quality Commission (Health) [2022] UKICO 154399      -----      Carre of Cavers
Carrefour v NORTHCORE      -----      Casey v. Magistrates
Casey v McMenamin      -----      Cavenbridge Ltd v
Cavendish Corporate Finance      -----      CC225062000 (unreported) [2004]
CC225212000 (unreported) [2004]      -----      CC501222003 (unreported) [2005]
CC501242003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      Cem and 4
CEM Business Solutions      -----      Chadwick v Sainsbury's
Chadwicks Ltd. v.      -----      Charity Commission (Local government) [2022] UKICO 172619
Charity Commission (Local government) [2022] UKICO 192359      -----      Chee, R. v
Chee Wor Lok      -----      CHICHLIAN AND EKINDJIAN
Chichvarkin & Anor,      -----      Chinnock v Hocaoglu
Chinnock v Wasbrough      -----      Christopher Spence v
Christopher Stanley v      -----      City and County of Swansea (Decision Notice) [2006] UKICO FS50082845
City and County of Swansea (Decision Notice) [2006] UKICO FS50113427      -----      Claims of D.
Claims of Jurisdictions.      -----      Clause. [1671] 2
Clausen and Kristoffersen      -----      Club Taxis v
Club Tiviola Ltd      -----      Coelho, R. v
COEME AND OTHERS      -----      Collins v Bratton
Collins Brothers &      -----      Commission v Austria (Approximation of laws) [2003]
Commission v Austria (Approximation of laws) French      -----      Commission v Germany (Freedom of establishment) [2007]
Commission v Germany (Freedom of establishment) [2009]      -----      Commission v Malta (Conservation
Commission v Malta (Derogation      -----      Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Denmark. (Actions against Member States for failure to fulfil obligations) [1993] EUECJ C-234/91
Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Denmark. (Actions against Member States for failure to fulfil obligations) [1993] EUECJ C-243/89      -----      Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v Aweys
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v Malik      -----      COMPOSTELLA AND SALAMONE
Compound Interest Project      -----      Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena (Agriculture
Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena (Protection      -----      Cooper v Merck
Cooper v National      -----      Cornwall Council (Local government (District council)) [2014] UKICO FER0518352
Cornwall Council (Local government (District council)) [2014] UKICO FER0526220      -----      Council of the City
Council of the EC      -----      Cox v Ministry of Justice [2013]
Cox v Ministry of Justice [2016]      -----      Crawley Borough Council v -
Crawley Borough Council v Attenborough      -----      Crichton v Wallace.
Crichton v Watson.      -----      Crossley v Faithful
Crossley Hall Primary      -----      CSC Media Group
CSC Transport Ltd      -----      Cunninghamhead v Lindsay.
Cunningham-head v Town      -----      Czech Republic v Commission (Order)
Czech Republic v Commission (Social      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      Da Silva &
Da Silva v      -----      DA003932010 (unreported) [2010]
DA003942009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      DA009232014 [2016] UKAITUR
DA009252013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      Dachsberger & Sohne
DACIA SRL v.      -----      Damian Hill and
Damian KOTLARSKI v      -----      Darrell DIXON v the United Kingdom - 3468/10 [2011]
Darrell DIXON v the United Kingdom - 3468/10 [2012]      -----      David Murray of
David Murray v      -----      Davor PETRUSEV v
Davoren v. London      -----      DE GENNARO v.
De Geoffroy and      -----      Degorce v Revenue &
Degorce v Revenue And      -----      Denmark Mansions Coldharbour
Denmark v Revenue      -----      Department for Education (Central government) [2023] UKICO 256534
Department for Education (Central government) [2023] UKICO 271325      -----      Department for Work and Pensions (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50654155
Department for Work and Pensions (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50712353      -----      Department of the Environment (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FER0485592
Department of the Environment (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FER0506811      -----      Deutsche SiSi-Werke v
Deutsche Steinzeug Cremer      -----      DGP Law v
DGRFP Bucuresti (VAT      -----      Dieter Strack v
Dieter STREICHER v      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Beaumont
Director of Public Prosecutions v Behan      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v O'Connor
Director of Public Prosecutions v O'Donoghue      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Kirwan
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- K.K.      -----      Dixon. v Jefferson
Dixon v Jefferson      -----      Doe v. Armour
Doe, d. Oxenden      -----      Dong, R (on
Dong Sung Pharm.      -----      Douglas, Application for
Douglas v Beldray      -----      D.P.P. v. Dempsey
D.P.P. v. Desmond      -----      Dr Cunningham v Livingston. [1737] 1
Dr Cunningham v Livingston. [1737] 2      -----      Dragisa PAUNOVIC v Serbia - 6382/06
Dragisa PAUNOVIC v Serbia - 43509/06      -----      D&SMB UK Ltd
DSN v Blackpool      -----      Duke of Hamilton v Castlemilk.
Duke of Hamilton v Countess      -----      Dunn & Anor,
Dunn & Dyer      -----      Dyer v Piclux
Dyer, R v      -----      DZYRUK v. POLAND
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      EA008352015 [2019] UKAITUR
EA008362016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      EA037502019 [2021] UKAITUR
EA037502019 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      EA075912018 [2019] UKAITUR
EA075982017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      EARL de Kerlast
Earl Fife and      -----      East Kent Hospitals
East Kilbride Housing      -----      Eccles v HM
Eccles v Lisburn      -----      Eduardo Lutete KEMEVUAKO
Eduardo Pena Abizanda      -----      Ehawaja v Stefanova
E.H.G.A.(Venezuela) v The      -----      Elfering Export (Agriculture)
Elfriede EBMER v      -----      Elmbridge Borough Council (Local government) [2021]
Elmbridge Borough Council (Local government) [2022]      -----      Endress + Hauser
Endress (Judgment of      -----      E.P. v. ITALY - 31127/96 [1999]
E.P. v. ITALY - 31127/96 [2001]      -----      ErZebet PAP v
Erzeugergemeinschaft Goldenes Rheinhessen      -----      Euphame Seton v
Euphame Seton, Lady      -----      Evans, R v
Evans, R. v      -----      Explainaway Ltd &
Explainaway Ltd, Quartfed      -----      EZZOUHDI v. FRANCE
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Fairbairn Trust v
Fairbank v Care      -----      Farr v Information Commissioner
Farr v Information Commissioner's      -----      Federal Republic of Germany v Commission of the EEC. (Common
Federal Republic of Germany v Commission of the EEC. (Customs      -----      Fernandez Gonzalez v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2016]
Fernandez Gonzalez v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2017]      -----      Filippi v Jakob
Filippo Alvino and      -----      Fiorucci v OHMI-
Fio's Cash And      -----      Fitzpatrick & Ors
FITZPATRICK & Ors      -----      Flat 2, 282
Flat 2 291      -----      Flat 6 Laurel
Flat 6, New      -----      Flat 98, Taplow
Flat 101 Wimborne      -----      Flats A-D 65
Flats A-D 70A      -----      FNCBV v Commission (Competition) French Text [2006] EUECJ T-217/03
FNCBV v Commission (Competition) French Text [2006] EUECJ T-245/03      -----      Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50614967
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50615716      -----      Fortin v. Delahunty
Fortington v Lord      -----      France v Commission (State aid) French Text [2010] EUECJ T-446/04
France v Commission (State aid) French Text [2010] EUECJ T-450/04      -----      Frederick Alexander James Appeal
Frederick Alexander James v      -----      Fruit Loop (Trade
Fruit of the      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gadinala v Secretary
Gadir MUSAYEV v      -----      Gammon v Stoke
GAMZE ULUDAG v.      -----      GASHI v. CROATIA
Gashi, R (on      -----      Gebr. Weber (Environment
Gebremariam v Ethiopian      -----      Generics (UK) Ltd (t/a Mylan) v Warner-Lambert Company LLC [2015] EWHC 2548
Generics (UK) Ltd (t/a Mylan) v Warner-Lambert Company LLC [2015] EWHC 3370      -----      George Weir v
George White v      -----      Gheorge Pasare (application
Gheorghe and Anatol      -----      Gill & Anor v Kaur
Gill & Anor v Lewis      -----      GL v 1.
G.L. v HSE      -----      Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture and Scottish Ministers (Implications
Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture and Scottish Ministers (Numbers      -----      GOGIC v. CROATIA
GOGIN v. UKRAINE      -----      GOODS 2 GO
Goodshelter Holdings Ltd      -----      Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso v Parliament (Law governing the institutions) [2009]
Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso v Parliament (Law governing the institutions) French      -----      Gradon Construction Ltd
Gradual Investment Ltd      -----      Grant v the
GRANT v. THE      -----      Greece v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2015] EUECJ T-107/14
Greece v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2015] EUECJ T-241/13      -----      Grenville College London
Grenville Hampshire v      -----      Ground Floor Flat,
Ground Floor Flat      -----      Guillaume v Clark
GUILLEMIN v. FRANCE      -----      Gwara v Mid
Gwatidzo v Beatson      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      HABABOU v. FRANCE
Habanos v OHMI      -----      Haliburton v Hunter. [1633]
Haliburton v Hunter. [1669]      -----      Hamilton v Bishop
Hamilton v Board      -----      Handon v. Caledonian
Hands v Information      -----      Hargreaves Property Holdings Ltd v Revenue And Customs [2024]
Hargreaves Property Holdings Ltd v Revenue And Customs (INCOME      -----      Harrods Ltd v James
Harrods Ltd v Newwave      -----      Hastings Borough Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fs50845649 (11 May 2020)
Hastings Borough Council (Local government) [2020] UKICO fs50845649 (11 May 2020)      -----      Hayes v Willoughby [2013]
Hayes v Willoughby [2019]      -----      Heath, R (on
Heath v Ravenblack      -----      Hemming (Judgment) [2016]
Hemming MP v      -----      HENWORTH v. THE
Hepburn v Alexander      -----      Herron v. Evans
Herron v. Haughton      -----      Higgins v. DHL
Higgins v Fitzgibbon      -----      Hindawi v The
Hindcastle Ltd v      -----      HM Mobiles v
HM (Policy concessions      -----      Hochtief (UK) Construction Ltd & Anor v Atkins Ltd [2019] EWHC 2109
Hochtief (UK) Construction Ltd & Anor v Atkins Ltd [2019] EWHC 3028      -----      Holt v Holley
Holt v Holroyd      -----      Home Office (Decision Notice) [2009] UKICO FS50148702
Home Office (Decision Notice) [2009] UKICO FS50154876      -----      Hormann Reisen GmbH
Hormel Foods Corporation      -----      Howard Frapwell Insurance
Howard Gardens Manco      -----      HR349342002 (unreported) [2003]
HR349442002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HU006762018 & Ors.
HU006772015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      HU028242015 [2018] UKAITUR
HU028242020 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      HU049742019 [2019] UKAITUR
HU049772019 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      HU071552015 [2017] UKAITUR
HU071562018 & HU071592018      -----      HU093792018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU093802018 & Ors.      -----      HU117642015 [2018] UKAITUR
HU117672018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU143272018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU143322018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU175582018 [2020] UKAITUR
HU175622016 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU220812018 & Ors.
HU220922016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      Hugh Maxwel v
Hugh Maxwel of      -----      Hunt v United
Hunt v Weston      -----      Hutchinson & Anor
Hutchinson v Mapfre      -----      HX022492003 (unreported) [2003]
HX022512003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX064562004 (unreported) [2005]
HX064582003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX112732004 (unreported) [2005]
HX112762004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX165662003 (unreported) [2004]
HX165672001 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX219562003 (unreported) [2004]
HX219562003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX278622002 (unreported) [2003]
HX278682003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX332042002 (unreported) [2004]
HX332092002 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX387092001 (unreported) [2003]
HX387092001 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX439822002 (unreported) [2003]
HX439862003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX494342003 (unreported) [2005]
HX494382002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX532992003 (unreported) [2004]
HX533062001 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX572062003 (unreported) [2004]
HX572122002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX615762003 (unreported) [2005]
HX615922002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX662142002 (unreported) [2003]
HX662172002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX756962002 (unreported) [2004]
HX756962002 (unreported) [2005]      -----      Hzustaljova -Guzhova v
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor      -----      IA007402006 (unreported) [2006]
IA007402015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA018822007 (unreported) [2007]
IA018832014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA031482009 (unreported) [2009]
IA031482015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA047082015 [2016] UKAITUR
IA-04711-2005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      IA063082010 (unreported) [2011]
IA063112013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA079332007 (unreported) [2008]
IA079342007 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA096112009 (unreported) [2009]
IA096142008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA113012014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA113022015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA132492007 (unreported) [2008]
IA132492011 (unreported) [2011]      -----      IA149212011 & IA149272011
IA149232009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA168792015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA168802013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA188152015 & IA251052015
IA188162009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA208922015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA209122015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      IA229512011 (unreported) [2012]
IA229532013 & IA229592013      -----      IA253002011 (unreported) [2013]
IA253012011 & IA253022011      -----      IA277122011 (unreported) [2012]
IA277152014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA302932014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA303032015 & Others      -----      IA331722013 [2014] UKAITUR
IA331742009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA356812009 (unreported) [2010]
IA356862009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA396752014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA396812014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      IA443672014 & Ors.
IA443792014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      IA499322013 [2015] UKAITUR
IA499462013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      Ibrahim v Revenue & Customs [2014]
Ibrahim v Revenue & Customs (EXCISE      -----      Ike v London
IKE v. TURKEY      -----      IM094312006 (unreported) [2007]
IM094442005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      Imosphere Ltd (Patent)
IMOVIE MacX (Trade      -----      In re Pkt
In re Plus      -----      In the matter of Grencorp
In the matter of GTI      -----      In the matter of the Lochmore
In the matter of the M      -----      Information Commissioner (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50471842
Information Commissioner (Decision Notice) [2013] UKICO FS50473803      -----      Innox Trading Ltd v Direct
Innox Trading Ltd v Peter      -----      International Power Plc
International Primary Curriculum      -----      Irina Petrovna BAZHENOVA
Irina SEKT v      -----      Islamic Republic of
IVANOV AND OTHERS v. BULGARIA - 46336/99      -----      IZZO v. ITALY
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      J Uddin v
J. Ullman and      -----      Jagmohan Singh and
Jago & Ors      -----      James Eggay Taylor Appeal
James Eggay Taylor v      -----      James Rymer v
James S Anderson      -----      Janne Petteri LAPPALAINEN
Janne RANINEN v      -----      Jean Budge, &c.
Jean Burden and      -----      JESUS (word only) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) [2003] UKIntelP o21003
JESUS (word only) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) [2003] UKIntelP o21103      -----      JN v Secretary
JN v Staatssecretaris      -----      JOHN DENTON v
John Devalle v      -----      John Maxwel v
John Maxwell v      -----      John Youngs Insurance
John Yule v      -----      Jones & Anor v Gray
Jones & Anor v Hamilton      -----      Joseph Flourez and
Joseph Fournier v      -----      JR041622019 [2020] UKAITUR
JR042882018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      Just Beer Limited
JUST COOL BY      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      KACAN v. TURKEY
KĽACANOVA v. SLOVAKIA      -----      Kanyenkiko v Secretary
KANYGIN AND OTHERS      -----      Kathleen Dykes v
Kathleen Frances Foster      -----      Kearns & Ors,
Kearns & Ors      -----      Kelly -v- Judge
Kelly -v- Kelly      -----      Kent County Council v
Kent County Council (t/a      -----      KEY TO STEEL
Key2Law (Surrey) LLP      -----      Khiroya & Anor
KHISMATULLIN v. RUSSIA      -----      King v Department
King v Director      -----      Kiriacoulis Lines SA
KIRICHENKO AND BELINSKIY      -----      Klima-Therm Ltd v
KLIMEK v. SLOVAKIA      -----      Koksal v Colonial
Koksal v Information      -----      Kostova v Revenue
KOSTOVA AND APOSTOLOV      -----      KRONE VERLAGS GMBH & CO KG v. AUSTRIA (No. 4) - 72331/01 [2006] ECHR 952
KRONE VERLAGS GMBH & CO KG v. AUSTRIA (No. 4) - 72331/01 [2006] ECHR 968      -----      KURSUN v. TURKEY
Kurt A. Becher      -----      KZ v The
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      La. Collington v
LA v Commission      -----      Lady Ross v Tenants.
Lady Ross v Yeoman.      -----      Lalic v Revenue
LALIHAN EKINCI v.      -----      Landes v Dick.
Landesamt fuer Ausbildungsforderung      -----      Lattanzio KIBS and
Latte Più and      -----      LAWYER PARTNERS, A.S.
LAX SA v      -----      Lebedef v Commission
Lebedev Holdings Limited      -----      Lehane -v- Yesreb
Lehane v Wealth      -----      LEROY AND OTHERS v. FRANCE - 32439/19 (
LEROY AND OTHERS v. FRANCE - 32439/19 (Non-pecuniary      -----      LEXA v. SLOVAKIA
LEXCOMSYS (Trade Mark:      -----      Lihant v Liqt
liife (Trade Mark:      -----      Lipton & Anor
Lipton Group Ltd      -----      LKW WALTER (Judicial
LKW WALTER (Opinion)      -----      Lockwood -v- Ireland
Lockyer v. Ferryman      -----      London Borough of Bromley (Local government) [2023] UKICO 259224
London Borough of Bromley (Local government) [2023] UKICO 259227      -----      London Borough of Merton Council (Local government) [2023] UKICO 245381
London Borough of Merton Council (Local government) [2023] UKICO 260156      -----      Long Live Southbank
Long v Lloyd      -----      Lord Lovat and Kintail
Lord Lovat and Lord      -----      Low & Bonar
Low & Ors,      -----      Ludwig Kunz v
Ludwig Post GmbH      -----      Lynch v. Doncaster
Lynch v. D.P.P.      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v F      -----      M, R v
M, R. v      -----      MA v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (ESA) (Employment and support allowance : other)
MA v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (ESA) (Employment and support allowance : Post      -----      MacKelden, R (on
MackelFleck v Northern      -----      Madappa Hegde Bin
MADARA ROCK (Trade      -----      Mahant Har Kisden
Mahant Kristna Dayal      -----      Makdessi v Cavendish
MAKDOUDI v. BELGIUM      -----      MAMEE MONSTER (Trade
MAMERE v. FRANCE      -----      Mansoor, R (on
Mansoor v Revenue      -----      Margolle & Anor
Margot Gibbs v      -----      Market & Opinion Research International Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2013]
Market & Opinion Research International Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2015]      -----      Martin & Anor,
Martin & Anor      -----      Mash Holdings Ltd,
Mash It Up      -----      Matthew Davis v
Matthew Degville v      -----      Mayer, R (on
Mayer (Social policy)      -----      M'Candies v. M'Candie.
McAndrew v Chemical      -----      McCaugherty & Ors,
McCaugherty, R v      -----      McDonagh v Bank
McDonagh v Belfast      -----      MCGLEISH v GRAHAM
McGlinchey v Department      -----      McKenna v Pepper Finacne
McKenna v Pepper Finance      -----      McMeekin, R. v
McMeel v Gissing-McMeel      -----      MD, R (On
MD� -REPORT! (Trade      -----      Meegan -v- Timesd
Meehan & Anor      -----      Menci (Failure to
Mendal v Mendal      -----      Merton London Borough Council (Decision Notice) [2011]
Merton London Borough Council (Decision Notice) [2012]      -----      Metropolitan Properties (Investments)
Metropolitan Property Realizations      -----      Michael Eydes v
Michael Fagan v      -----      Midhage v 60
Midi Loc Sarl      -----      Miles & Anor
Miles & Ors      -----      Milsum & Anor
MILTAYEV AND MELTAYEVA      -----      Minister for Justice v O'Kane
Minister for Justice v Orsolic      -----      Ministry of Justice (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50625834
Ministry of Justice (Central government ) [2016] UKICO FS50626968      -----      Mirjana PAVLESKA v
Mirka v Muort      -----      Miss A Moore v A2b
Miss A Moore v Shreyas      -----      Miss C Danford
Miss C Daniels      -----      Miss D Fercik
Miss D Finlay      -----      Miss E Wickerson v Castle Cement Ltd T/a Hanson Cement and
Miss E Wickerson v Castle Cement Ltd T/a Hanson Cement (England      -----      Miss I Johnson
Miss I Jones      -----      Miss J White v Cex
Miss J White v Mulberry      -----      Miss Keeley Adams
Miss Kelly McKenna      -----      Miss Lisa Bright
Miss Lisa Harper      -----      Miss N Bennett v Churchill
Miss N Bennett v Jesbir      -----      Miss R Bustin
Miss R Camara      -----      Miss S Fraser
Miss S Freeman      -----      Miss T Chappelle-Molloy
Miss T Chauhan      -----      Mitchell v. Urquhart
Mitchell -v- Ireland      -----      M'Laughlan v. Colin
M'Laughlan v. Orr,      -----      Modgill v Registrar
Modha v Babcocks      -----      Monahan, R (On
Monahan -v- Byrne      -----      Moore & Co.
Moore & Gallop      -----      Morin v Bonhams & Brooks Ltd.
Morin v Bonhams & Brooks Ltd      -----      Moss v The Information Commissioner &
Moss v The Information Commissioner [2023]      -----      Mr A Adebonojo
Mr A Adeeko      -----      Mr A Cox
Mr A Coxall      -----      Mr A Hussain v The
Mr A Hussain v Volkerrail      -----      Mr A v
Mr A Muckle      -----      Mr A Sneddon
Mr A Snell      -----      Mr Alexander M'Bain,
Mr. Alexander M'Bean,      -----      Mr B Edwards v Team
Mr B Edwards v Zulu      -----      Mr BB Payne
Mr BC Caisley      -----      Mr C Girvan
Mr C Glassey      -----      Mr C Rhodes
Mr C Richards      -----      Mr D Addison
Mr D Adeyemi-King      -----      Mr D Ficek
Mr D Finlayson      -----      Mr D Mailhe
Mr D Makdani      -----      Mr D Skinner v Safran
Mr D Skinner v Vodafone      -----      Mr DJ Parnall
Mr DJ Renford      -----      Mr F and Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform (Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform) [2023] IEIC 127176
Mr F and Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform (Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform) [2023] IEIC 135064      -----      Mr G Cunningham v Mr
Mr G Cunningham v Royal      -----      Mr G Ramsey
Mr G Randhawa      -----      Mr H E
Mr H Eaton      -----      Mr I Katsikopoulos
Mr I Kellichan      -----      Mr J Bradley v Michael
Mr J Bradley v STA      -----      Mr J Goff
Mr J Golden      -----      Mr J Marks v Pure Payroll Ltd (England and Wales : Unlawful Deduction from Wages) [2020]
Mr J Marks v Pure Payroll Ltd (England and Wales : Unlawful Deduction from Wages) [2021]      -----      Mr J S
Mr J Sadler      -----      Mr James Justice v Mrs
Mr James Justice v Murray      -----      Mr K Chima v Elite
Mr K Chima v Iliad      -----      Mr K Rae
Mr K Rai      -----      Mr L Davis v OYO
Mr L Davis v Switch      -----      Mr Leonard Mowles
Mr Les Webster      -----      Mr M Chesworth v Thoranmart
Mr M Chesworth v Time      -----      Mr M Henderson v Ingleby
Mr M Henderson v Stein      -----      Mr M Mercer
Mr M Merchelski      -----      Mr M Skubis
Mr M Skwiot      -----      Mr Martin McGartland and Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police [2012] ScotIC 037_2012
Mr Martin McGartland and Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police [2012] ScotIC 216_2012      -----      Mr N Hasaj
Mr N Hatchett      -----      Mr O Allen
Mr O Alvarez      -----      Mr P Cooper and
Mr P Cooper v      -----      Mr P McQueen
Mr P Meakin      -----      Mr Patrick Casserley
Mr. Patrick Collace      -----      Mr R Brown v Royal
Mr R Brown v West      -----      Mr R Kitson
Mr R Kleina      -----      Mr R Stocks
Mr R Stokes      -----      Mr S Akinjirin
Mr S Akram      -----      Mr S Elzailaee
Mr S Emeali      -----      Mr S Lazarou
Mr S Leaberry      -----      Mr S Sahni
Mr S Said      -----      Mr Stephen Calder and Aberdeenshire Council (...)
Mr Stephen Calder and Aberdeenshire Council (Lease      -----      Mr T McCarthy v Secretary
Mr T McCarthy v The      -----      Mr W and Scottish Prison Service [2013] ScotIC 014_2013
Mr W and Scottish Prison Service [2013] ScotIC 077_2013      -----      Mr X and A
Mr X and a      -----      Mr. X and
Mr X and      -----      Mr Y Eroglu
Mr Y Farah      -----      Mrs A James v LHS
Mrs A James v Tesco      -----      Mrs B M
Mrs B Malhi-Kainth      -----      Mrs C Smith v Marshall
Mrs C Smith v Mrs      -----      Mrs E Balcerzak
Mrs E Banda      -----      Mrs G Massey
Mrs G McAuley      -----      Mrs J Bull
Mrs J Burgess      -----      Mrs J Sermon
Mrs J Shaddick      -----      Mrs K Newbould
Mrs K Newton      -----      Mrs L Murdoch
Mrs L Murgatroyd      -----      Mrs M Kennedy v Manchester
Mrs M Kennedy v South      -----      Mrs N Murray
Mrs N N      -----      Mrs R Moussa
Mrs R v      -----      Mrs S Lowther
Mrs S Lucas      -----      Mrs T Ngondo
Mrs T Oakes      -----      Ms A Goodwin
Ms A Gordon      -----      Ms B Genova
Ms B Gillard      -----      Ms C Tabares
Ms C Tarenghi      -----      Ms E Famokunwa
Ms E Farley      -----      Ms H Allan v East Dunbartonshire Council (Scotland : Equal Pay Act) [2017] UKET 103330/2008
Ms H Allan v East Dunbartonshire Council (Scotland : Equal Pay Act) [2017] UKET 115966/2008      -----      Ms J Harrison v Kibo
Ms J Harrison v St      -----      Ms K Green
Ms K Griffin      -----      Ms L Murray
Ms L Naraine      -----      Ms M Monteith
Ms M Montero      -----      Ms V Nwosu
Ms. O &      -----      Ms Raminder Sandher
Ms Rani v      -----      Ms S Phillips v Community
Ms S Phillips v Tilehouse      -----      Ms W and the
Ms W and West      -----      Ms Y Azirar
Ms Y Barker      -----      Mukoro v European
Mukoro Independent Workers'      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1629] 1 Brn 277
Multiple cases with citation: [1629] 1 Brn 279      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1673] 3 Brn 30
Multiple cases with citation: [1673] 3 Brn 32      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1693] 4 Brn 107
Multiple cases with citation: [1693] 4 Brn 108      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1741] 2 Elchies 425
Multiple cases with citation: [1741] 2 Elchies 475      -----      Mungur v. Harrow
Muni Deo Bidesi      -----      Murray Construction Ltd
Murray v. Countess      -----      Mustapha Kassara el
Mustapha Mohammed AHMED      -----      MZT LEARNICA A.D.
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N v D      -----      Nailrile Ltd v
Nailstone Parish Council      -----      Nathaniel Stuart Chalmers v Lawrence
Nathaniel Stuart Chalmers v The      -----      Natural Elements (Trade
Natural England v      -----      Nedrick, R. v
Nedrick -Smith v      -----      NEUMEISTER v. AUSTRIA
Neural Net (UK)      -----      Next Distribution Ltd
Next Generation Holdings      -----      Nicholas Perry v
Nicholas Pike v      -----      Nino FERRARI v
Nino SMAKOVIK v      -----      Nokia Technologies OY
Nokia Technoloties OY      -----      North East Lincolnshire Council (Local government (District council)) [2014] UKICO FS50533913
North East Lincolnshire Council (Local government (District council)) [2014] UKICO FS50539729      -----      Northern Lincolnshire &
Northern Lincolnshire and      -----      Novatrust Limited v
Novatus Ltd. v      -----      Nutley v. Thames Valley University [2000]
Nutley v. Thames Valley University [2001]      -----      NZXT (Trade Mark:
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v C      -----      OA016232011 (unreported) [2011]
OA016232014 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      OA053722010 (unreported) [2011]
OA053772013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      OA091032015 [2019] UKAITUR
OA091042005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA132722014 [2016] UKAITUR
OA132772012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      OA182442012 [2013] UKAITUR
OA182662012 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      OA23884 & 2007,
OA238922008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      OA335002007 (unreported) [2008]
OA335262006 (unreported) [2007]      -----      OA504582009 & OA504602009
OA504812007 (unreported) [2012]      -----      OA780102008 (unreported) [2009]
OA780252008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      O'Carroll v. Ryanair
O'Carroll -v- Diamond      -----      O'Farrell v O'Farrell
O'Farrell -v- Governor      -----      O'Hanlon v ICO
O'Hanlon v Information      -----      Oliphant & Anor
Oliphant and Auchterlony      -----      O'Neal v Cordes
Onebill Residential LTD      -----      Oraki & Anor
Oraki v Director      -----      Osborne, R (on
Osborne, R (On      -----      Ovsyannikov v Council (Judgment)
Ovsyannikov v Council (Order)      -----      OZYOL v. TURKEY
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v P      -----      PA002112021 [2022] UKAITUR
PA002142020 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      PA012642015 [2017] UKAITUR
PA012662017 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA024252017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA024262018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA035652018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA035662017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA048682017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA048692017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA063832017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA063832018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA077542016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA077562019 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      PA091332019 [2020] UKAITUR
PA091352018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA106262019 [2020] UKAITUR
PA106282016 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      PA120632016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA120652018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PA137982018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA138012018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      PALLOTTA v. ITALY
Palm Developments Ltd,      -----      Paris M Herouni
Paris Misak Herouni      -----      Partito Media Services
PARTNER Apelski Dariusz      -----      Patrick Conheady v
Patrick Crawford Bruce,      -----      Pawel WITKOWSKI v
Pawel ZELCER v      -----      Peebles v The
Peek & Cloppenburg      -----      PepsiCo v OHMI-Intersnack
PEPSZOLG KFT. ("v.a.")      -----      Peter Bolton v
Peter Boote Ltd      -----      Petrotrade Inc v Channel Islands and International Law Trust Co. Limited and Others [1994] JRC 180
Petrotrade Inc v Channel Islands and International Law Trust Co. Limited and Others [1994] JRC 209      -----      Phillips v National
Phillips v. NES      -----      Pine v Law Society [2001]
Pine v Law Society [2002]      -----      Planet eStream Connect
PLANET FOOTBALL (Trade      -----      Point Village Development
Point village Development      -----      Pop v Foristal & Anor (Approved) [2024] IEHC 179
Pop v Foristal & Anor (Approved) [2024] IEHC 560      -----      Poulter v Fordingbridge
Poulter v Revenue      -----      Prendergast & Anor
Prendergast v Care      -----      Prison Officers' Association,
Prison Officers Association,      -----      Properties at Bell
Properties at Chapel      -----      Pugh v Secretary
Puglia v C      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      QUILES GONZALES v.
QUILICHINI v. FRANCE      -----      Q-ZAR (Trade Mark:
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R, R (on
R, R (On      -----      Rafferty (Kieran) v
Rafferty v. Lamp      -----      Rajeswary v Revenue
Raji & Anor,      -----      Rank Group (Taxation) [2011] EUECJ C-259/10
Rank Group (Taxation) [2011] EUECJ C-260/10      -----      Razak, R (on
Razak, Re Judicial      -----      Reckitt Benckiser (España)
Reckitt Benckiser Plc      -----      Regent Gate Old
Regent Inns Plc      -----      Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Ltd
Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Ltd,      -----      Republic of Djibouti
Republic of India      -----      REVIVAL AUDIO (Trade
Revive A Phone      -----      Richard Thorold Grant
Richard TUHEIAVA v      -----      Riniker v Al-Turk
Riniker v City      -----      ROBBIE THE PICT
Robbie The Pict      -----      Robert Stewart v
Robert Stewart, v      -----      Robinson v Finlay Communications Ltd [2002]
Robinson v Finlay Communications Ltd (Unfair      -----      Rogers v Meda
Rogers v Melvill.      -----      Rose Gesellschaft v
Rose v. Gollan.      -----      Row v Dick.
Row v Meiklejohn.      -----      Royal Mail Estates Limited
Royal Mail Estates Ltd      -----      R.T.K & Ors
RTL Belgium (Freedom      -----      Rutherford, R (on
Rutherford v Rankine      -----      Rzucek v Vinnicombe
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v F      -----      S v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2006]
S v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012]      -----      SAFIR EUROPA/SAFIREUROPA (Trade
Safir (Free movement      -----      Salomon S.A.S v
Salomone Haim v      -----      Sandra JANKOVIC v
SANDRA JANKOVIC v.      -----      Sastry & Anor
Sastry v General      -----      SC v BH
Schwartz v VGV      -----      SCOTTISH LAND COURT,
Scottish Lands and      -----      SEBAHATTIN EVCIMEN v.
SEBALJ v. CROATIA      -----      Secretary Of State For Trade & Industry v Eastaway
Secretary Of State For Trade & Industry v Forde      -----      Selbix Ltd v
Selby Area Internal      -----      Serious Organised Crime Agency v Pelekanos
Serious Organised Crime Agency v Perry      -----      Shah Zahid Husain
Shah v Zeta      -----      SHAW v. HUNGARY
Shaw v Hutton-Shaw      -----      Sheppard v London
Sheppard v Loughview      -----      Short v Hopkins.
Short v. Ireland      -----      Silk v Egerton
Silk v Inspector      -----      Sinclair Gardens Investments (Kensington) Ltd.
Sinclair Gardens Investments (Kensington) Ltd      -----      Sir Archibald Grant v The
Sir Archibald Grant v William      -----      Sir Robert Montgomery
Sir Robert Munro      -----      Skean Homes Ltd
Skechers U .      -----      Slough Borough Council
Slough Children First      -----      Smith, D.P.P. (People)
Smith v Drew.      -----      Smyth v Composite
Smyth V Composite      -----      Societe Les Commissionnaires
Societe Louis Dreyfus      -----      Somjee v Merseyside
Somjee v North      -----      South Staffordshire District
South Staffordshire Water      -----      Spaclean Limited v
SPADA v. ITALY      -----      Spencer & Co.
Spencer & Ors      -----      SRI Lalithambika Foods
Sri Mahant Govind      -----      Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen      -----      Stanley George Williamson
Stanley House Logistics      -----      Steel's Trustees v.
Steelux v Edmonstone      -----      Stevens, R (On
Stevens, R (on      -----      Stirling Investments v
Stirling v Jamieson.      -----      Strain v. Strain [1890] ScotLR 27_239
Strain v. Strain [1890] ScotLR 27_586      -----      Subramaniam, son of
Subramanian Chettiar v      -----      Super Heroes (Trade
Super Industrial Services      -----      Suzor v. Buckingham
Suzor v. M'Lachlan      -----      Sword's Trustees v.
Swords -v- AIB      -----      SZYSZKOWSKI v. SAN
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v B      -----      Tahir v Registrar
Tahir & Anor,      -----      Target Group Ltd v Her
Target Group Ltd v Revenue      -----      Taylor v. The
Taylor v The      -----      Telefonica v OHMI-Branch
Telefonica SA and      -----      Test Claimants In
Test Claimants in      -----      TH080802004 (unreported) [2005]
TH081362004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      TH535012003 (unreported) [2005]
TH535872003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      The Applicant and City of Edinburgh Council [2019] ScotIC 155_2019
The Applicant and City of Edinburgh Council [2019] ScotIC 166_2019      -----      The Beach Hut
The Beaches Management      -----      The Commissioner of Income Tax, Central and
The Commissioner of Income Tax, Central Provinces      -----      The Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Independent
The Director of Public Prosecutions -v- John      -----      The Feuers and Heads
The Feuers and Inhabitants      -----      The Incorporation of Tailors
The Incorporation of the      -----      The Litsters of
THE LITTLE BIG      -----      The Minister for Justice and Equality -v- M.Z.
The Minister for Justice and Equality -v- O'Connor      -----      The Plain Language
The Planning Service      -----      The Scotch Whisky Association & Ors, Re Judicial Review [2012]
The Scotch Whisky Association & Ors, Re Judicial Review [2013]      -----      The Trustees and
The Trustees Corporation      -----      Thomas v. British
Thomas Brown Estates      -----      Thompson v. Age
Thompson v Anderson      -----      THUONG KHAM NGUYEN
Thurban and Brown      -----      <TITLE>LRCB AGAINST AJB
<title>LW v Proprietor      -----      Tombs v Wilson
Tombstone Ltd v      -----      Toucan Energy Holdings
Touch Clarity Limited      -----      Tralee Penthouse Apartments
Tralee UDC v.      -----      Trico v Buckingham [2019]
Trico v Buckingham [2020]      -----      TSG Building Services
TSG (Trade Mark:      -----      Turner, R (On
Turner v Reed      -----      Tzu-Tsai Cheng v.
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U. & Anor      -----      UI2022002340 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2022002349 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2022006363 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2022006366 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023002182 [2023] UKAITUR
UI2023002183 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023004658 & UI2023004657
UI2023004662 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2024001243 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2024001248 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2024004899 [2025] UKAITUR
UI2024004902 [2025] UKAITUR      -----      UNGEHEUER AND OTHERS
Unger & Anor      -----      Universidad Internacional de
Universita del Salento      -----      Unsworth v Director
Unsworth Group Practice      -----      UZZO v. ITALY
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
v [2012] JCA      -----      VA124572013 [2014] UKAITUR
VA124972013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      VA348362014 [2014] UKAITUR
VA348752010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      Valentina CONOVALI v
Valentina Georgiyevna ALESHKOVA      -----      Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2020]
Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2021]      -----      Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) (Central government
Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) (Central government)      -----      VG Media (Approximation
VG Media (provision      -----      Virciglio v Judicial
Virdee & Anor,      -----      Vodafone Espana (Electronic
Vodafone Espana (French      -----      VV004962002 (unreported) [2003]
VV004962005 (unreported) [2006]      -----      VV132883003 (unreported) [2004]
VV133062003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      VZ (Soumissionnaire definitivement
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W. Ż. ()      -----      Wainbody Estates v
Wainhomes (North-West) Ltd      -----      Wallace v Wallace. [1624]
Wallace v Wallace. [1665]      -----      Ward v. Abraham
Ward v AG      -----      Waterside Apartments, St
Waterside Block 9      -----      Weaver v London
Weaver, R. v      -----      Welsh Government (Decision
Welsh Government v      -----      West Yorkshire Police (Police and criminal justice) [2020]
West Yorkshire Police (Police and criminal justice) [2021]      -----      Whiston Motor Factors
Whiston, R (on      -----      WIDMANN v. AUSTRIA
Widney Cabs Ltd      -----      William Clark, M.D.
William Clark of      -----      William Ross v
William Ross of      -----      Williamson v Williamson.
Williamson v Williamson      -----      Wilverley Court 29
Wimbledon & District      -----      W.L. Sleigh Ltd
Wladyslaw DZIEDZIC v      -----      Woodlands Court Residential
Woodlands Court Woodlands      -----      Wright v Lady
Wright v Lauder.      -----      WZ, Re (Placement
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      X v Y (England and Wales : Public
X v Y (England and Wales : Unfair      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      YENGO v. FRANCE
Yenkanna v Achanna      -----      Young v Thomson. [1672] Mor 11207
Young v Thomson. [1672] Mor 12520      -----      YZEIRAJ v ALBANIA
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      Zawislak v Regional
Zawisza v Mallaghan      -----      Zoan v Rouamba
Zobortrans EU S.R.O.      -----      ZZZZZ (Trade Mark: Opposition) [1998] UKIntelP o05498 (9 March 1998)

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