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England and Wales Cases

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# (A Child) [2010] EWMC 75 (FPC) (2010)      -----      1-6 Lansdowne Court
1-6 Moorcourt Moorcourt      -----      4 Southall Court
4 Southampton Road      -----      8 Pluto Road
8 Portland Place      -----      12 Nova Court
12 Oats Royd      -----      17 Winyate Hill
17 Wood Lane      -----      23A Primrose Gardens
23B & 23C      -----      32 Henryson Road
32 Howard Road      -----      42-48 Bell Street
42A Commercial Road      -----      57 Witcombe Point
57/59 Kitchener Road      -----      82 Frobisher Approach
82 Oxford House      -----      124 Queens Gate
124 Wrottesley Road      -----      341 Langsett Road
343 Langsett Road      -----      889457 Alberta Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A and B (Children) [2010]
A and B (Children) [2014]      -----      A v D
A (Death of      -----      A Ltd &
A Ltd v      -----      AA (Saudi Arabia)
AA (Somalia) v      -----      Abadir v Credit
Abaidildinov & Anor      -----      Aboulkadir & Ors,
Abou-Rahmah & Anor      -----      Adams v Options UK Personal Pensions LLP [2021] EWCA Civ 474
Adams v Options UK Personal Pensions LLP [2021] EWCA Civ 1188      -----      Aerotel Ltd v Wavecrest Group Enterprises Ltd & Ors [2008]
Aerotel Ltd v Wavecrest Group Enterprises Ltd & Ors [2009]      -----      Ahmed & Ors v Ingram
Ahmed & Ors v Khan      -----      AK, R (On
AK, Re Human      -----      Alba Life Ltd.
Alba Radio Ltd      -----      Ali, R v [2018] EWCA Crim 1475
Ali, R v [2018] EWCA Crim 2359      -----      Allianz Marine Aviation
Allianz Versicherungs AG      -----      Amarteifio & Ors
Amaryllis Ltd v      -----      Anders & Kern UK Ltd (t/a Anders & Kern Presentation Systems) v CGU Insurance Plc (t/a Norwich Union Insurance) [2007] EWCA
Anders & Kern UK Ltd (t/a Anders & Kern Presentation Systems) v CGU Insurance Plc (t/a Norwich Union Insurance) [2007] EWHC      -----      Anwoir & Ors,
Anya v Anya      -----      Arava v Court
Aravco Ltd &      -----      Arshad v Court
Arshad, R. v      -----      Ashton v The City
Ashton v The General      -----      ATH & Anor
Atha & Co      -----      Attorney General's Reference No.
Attorney General's Reference No      -----      AW (A Child:
AW (A Child),      -----      Azzurri Communications Ltd
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B Osborn &
B v P      -----      Bailey & Ors, R (on the application of) v London
Bailey & Ors, R (on the application of) v Secretary      -----      Bamsey & Ors
Banaga, R (on      -----      Barclays Bank PLC v Dylan & Ors [2024] EWHC 74
Barclays Bank PLC v Dylan & Ors [2024] EWHC 1415      -----      Barracks v Coles
Barraclough v Mell      -----      Bateman & Anor
Bateman & Anor,      -----      Beard & National
Beard & Ors,      -----      Bello v Ideal
Bello, R (on      -----      Berresford v Shah
Berriedale House 251-255      -----      Bibb v Bristol
Bibby v Chief      -----      Birmingham City Council v Ram
Birmingham City Council v Riaz      -----      Block A Knightsbridge
Block A, Lion      -----      Bole & Anor v Huntsbuild Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 770
Bole & Anor v Huntsbuild Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 1146      -----      Bourne Leisure Ltd
Bourne v Lloyds      -----      Brady v Norman [2010]
Brady v Norman [2011]      -----      Bridgend County Borough Council v Boland
Bridgend County Borough Council v GM      -----      British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc & Ors v Digital Satellite Warranty Cover Ltd & Ors [2011]
British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc & Ors v Digital Satellite Warranty Cover Ltd & Ors [2012]      -----      Brown v BCA
Brown v Birmingham      -----      Buckinghamshire County Council
Buckinghamshire County Council,      -----      Burns, Application to
Burns v Bridge      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C (Injuries to
C (interim judgment      -----      Calderdale MBC v AB
Calderdale MBC v NK      -----      Candy & Ors
Candy v Holyoake      -----      Carpenter, R. v
Carpenter v Secretary      -----      Cava Bien Ltd,
Cavadore Ltd &      -----      CF Capital Plc
CF v KM      -----      Charisma, R. v
Charity Commission for      -----      Chester, R (on the application of) v HM
Chester, R (on the application of) v Parole      -----      Christiana Properties Ltd
Christianuyi Ltd &      -----      CJ, R (on
CJ, Re [2015]      -----      Clear Edge -
ClearCourse Partnership AcqireCo      -----      Coates, R (on
Coates, R v      -----      Colonel M, R
Colonial Finance (UK)      -----      Connell v Director
Connell v Mutch      -----      Co-Operative Group (CWS) Ltd v Pritchard
Co-Operative Group (CWS) Ltd v Stansell      -----      Council for the Regulation of Healthcare Professionals, R (on the application of) v Health
Council for the Regulation of Healthcare Professionals, R (on the application of) v The      -----      Cranway Ltd v
Cravecrest Ltd. v      -----      Crown Prosecution Service v Iqbal
Crown Prosecution Service v K      -----      Cupi v The
Cuppage & Ors      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      Dabrowski v Regional
Daburn v Persons      -----      Darke v Strout
Darling & Ors,      -----      Davila v Davila
Davila-Puga, R (on      -----      Dean and Chapter
Dean and Dyball      -----      Denware Ltd. v
Denzil v Mohammed      -----      D&G Cars Ltd
DG v District      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Bolton
Director of Public Prosecutions v Briedis      -----      DM and SC,
DM (Bangladesh) v      -----      Dormco SICA Ltd
Dormco Sica Ltd      -----      Draper v St
Draszonowski v District      -----      Dunhill v Burgin [2012] EWCA
Dunhill v Burgin [2012] EWHC      -----      Dzuibek v Circuit
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      Easton v B
Eastpoint Block A      -----      Edwards Lifesciences LLC v Boston Scientific Scimed,
Edwards Lifesciences LLC v Boston Scientific Scimed      -----      Elite Insurance Company
Elite Mobile Plc,      -----      Enercon GmbH Wobben
Ener-G Holdings Plc      -----      ES (A Child), Re [2016]
ES (A Child), Re [2017]      -----      Evans v Betesh
Evans v Director      -----      Ezz, R (on
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Fairpark Estates Ltd
Fairstar Heavy Transport      -----      FCC Environment (UK)
FCC v WF      -----      Filipek v Lublin
Filippi v Jakob      -----      Fitzgerald v CPS
Fitzgerald v Preston      -----      Flat 2 45
Flat 2 46      -----      Flat 4, Dunsmore
Flat 4 Eastdown      -----      Flat 11, Cedars,
Flat 11 Chestnut      -----      Flat 523 Omega
Flat 527 The      -----      Flats 3, 5,
Flats 3,4,9,11 &      -----      Foodco UK Llp
Foods v Manton      -----      Foxtons Ltd v
Foy v HM      -----      Fromageries Bel SA
"Front Ace", Owners      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gaisiance, R (on the application of) v Crown
Gaisiance, R (on the application of) v McLone      -----      Gaspar v Zaleski
Gassa & Anor,      -----      General Medical Council, R (on the application of) v Syed
General Medical Council, R (on the application of) v Tate      -----      Ghulam & Ors,
Ghulam v Bristol      -----      Gladman Developments Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government &
Gladman Developments Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government [2021]      -----      GN (Iran) v
GN v MA      -----      Goodinson v PRA
Goodlad & Anor      -----      Graham v Entec
Graham Ernest Powney      -----      Green v Briscoe
Green v Chief      -----      Griffiths v Newport
Griffiths, R. v      -----      Guest & Anor
Guest v Guest      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      HA & Ors
HA (A Child      -----      Hall, R. v
Hall, R (on      -----      Hands, Application of
Hands, R. v      -----      Harris v General
Harris & Anor      -----      Hassan v Gill
Hassan v Holburn      -----      HCP (Hendon) Ltd,
HCS (North East)      -----      Heneghan v Manchester
Henein v Laffa      -----      Hibbert Pownall &
Hibbert v The      -----      Hirst v Secretary
Hirtenstein & Anor      -----      HM Solicitor General v Millinder
HM Solicitor General v Stoddart      -----      Holt v Allianz
Holt v Edge      -----      Hotel Portfolio II UK Ltd & Anor v Ruhan & Anor [2023]
Hotel Portfolio II UK Ltd & Anor v Ruhan & Anor [2022]      -----      Huber & Anor
Hubert v Carmarthenshire      -----      Huntress Search Ltd
Huntsworth Wine Company      -----      Hyde v Milton Keynes Hospital
Hyde v Milton Keynes NHS      -----      HZ & Ors,
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor,      -----      Ikram v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities
Ikram v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities,      -----      Inland Revenue v Wimbledon
Inland Revenue v Zorab      -----      Iqbal, R v
Iqbal v R.      -----      Ivy Technology v
IW, R (on      -----      Izzet & Anor
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      Jabeen v Lloyds
Jaber v Al      -----      Jamp Pharma Corporation
Jamshidi, R (on      -----      Jemma Trust Company Ltd v Kippax
Jemma Trust Company Ltd v Lewis      -----      Jobsin Co UK
Jobson v Record      -----      Jones v Hamilton
Jones v Irmac      -----      Joshi & Anor, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016]
Joshi & Anor, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018]      -----      Jusan Technologies Ltd v Bureau
Jusan Technologies Ltd v Uconinvest      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      Kadir & Anor
Kadir v Mistry      -----      Kau Media Group
Kaupaitis v Prosecutor      -----      Kelly v Secretary
Kelly & Anor      -----      Keyhole Bridge User
Keymed (Medical &      -----      Khouj v Acropolis Capital Management
Khouj v Acropolis Capital Partners      -----      Kinnear v Whittaker
Kinneir, R v      -----      Knights v Townsend
Knightsbridge Property Development      -----      KR, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the
KR, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Work      -----      Kwik-Fit Properties Ltd
Kwok & Ors      -----      Kyzuna Investments Ltd.
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      Lahrar, R. v
Lai, R (on      -----      Langbar International Ltd
Langdale, Application for      -----      Laydoe v Thistle
Layher Ltd v      -----      Legal & General
Legal Aid Area      -----      Levett v Health
Levett v The      -----      Lifestyles Equities CV & Anor v
Lifestyles Equities CV & Anor v Sportsdirect.Com      -----      Livewell Southwest Community
Livewest Homes Limited      -----      Lomas v Republic
Lomas & Ors      -----      London Borough of Bromley v Bromley
London Borough of Bromley v C      -----      London Borough of Southwark & Anor v Transport for London [2015]
London Borough of Southwark & Anor v Transport for London [2017]      -----      Lord Chancellor v
Lord Chancellor's Department      -----      Lumley v (1)
Lumley v Gye      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v F      -----      M M H,
M v M      -----      MacLennan v Hartford
MacLennan v Morgan      -----      Major v Chief
Major v Kirishana      -----      Mandrake Holdings Ltd.
Mane, R. v      -----      Maritime Developments Ltd
Maritime Investment Holdings      -----      Marzurkiewicz v District
MAS v ZK      -----      Maxwell, R (on
Maxwell-King v United      -----      McCoubrey v Ministry of Defence [2006]
McCoubrey v Ministry of Defence [2007]      -----      McKinnon, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Home Affairs [2009] EWHC 2021
McKinnon, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Home Affairs [2009] EWHC 2449      -----      Medsted Associates Ltd v Canaccord Genuity Wealth (International) Ltd [2017]
Medsted Associates Ltd v Canaccord Genuity Wealth (International) Ltd [2019]      -----      Merit Process Engineering
Meritgold Ltd v      -----      Miao v Government
Miao, R. v      -----      Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2004] EWLVT 287
Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2004] EWLVT 290      -----      Miller Homes Ltd,
Miller v Imperial      -----      Mitchell & Ors
Mitchell, Application for      -----      Mohamed v Breish
Mohamed v London      -----      Mooney, R. v
Mooney, R (on      -----      Morris, R (on the application of) v Wealden
Morris, R (on the application of) v Westminster      -----      Mr A Zeb
Mr Abdul Qayum      -----      Mudey, R (on
Mudibo, R (on      -----      Murray v Lancashire
Murray v Leisureplay      -----      MZ (Pakistan) v
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N v D      -----      Naseem (t/a SH
Naseer, R (on      -----      Navig8 Chemicals Pool
Navig8 Inc v      -----      Neumans LLP (a
Neumans LLP v      -----      NHS Trust v K
NHS Trust v T      -----      Noel and Edith
Noel v Chief      -----      North Yorkshire County Council
North Yorkshire County Council,      -----      NS, R (On
NS, R (on      -----      Nzolameso v City
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v C      -----      OCC v L
OCC v M      -----      OJSC Bank of
OJSC Oil Company      -----      O'Neil, R v
O'Neil, R (on      -----      Osborne, R (on
Osborne, R (On      -----      Oyston Estates Ltd,
Oyston, R (on      -----      Ozturk & Ors,
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v P      -----      Packham v Wightman
Packman Lucas Ltd.v      -----      Parbulk II AS
Parchment v R.      -----      Patel v Folkestone
Patel v Freddy's      -----      Peak Hotels and
Peak Hotels And      -----      Perinpanathan v City
Perinpanathan v Popat,      -----      PGF II SA v OMFS Company &
PGF II SA v OMFS Company 1      -----      Pike & Anor
Pike v HM      -----      Plevin v Paragon Personal Finance Ltd & Anor [2012]
Plevin v Paragon Personal Finance Ltd & Anor [2013]      -----      Portland Place (Historic
Portland Road -      -----      Prestige Properties Ltd.
Preston & Anor      -----      Prompt Motor Ltd
Promptu Systems Corporation      -----      Purvis v Purvis
Purvis, Application for      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      QXB v University
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R (on the application of
R (on the application of)      -----      Rahman, R (on
Rahman, R (On      -----      Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority v Azima [2020]
Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority v Azima [2021]      -----      Re G, S
Re Golden Key      -----      Regal Seas Maritime
Regalway Care Ltd      -----      Revenue & Customs v Sunico
Revenue & Customs v Tallington      -----      Richards, R. v
Richards, R v      -----      RMM v HW
RMO v Secretary      -----      Roddis v R.
Roddis, R. v      -----      Rotala Plc, R
Rotam Agrochemical Company      -----      Royal York Mansions The Parade - Thanet : Midland : Birmingham (Service Charges) [2012]
Royal York Mansions The Parade - Thanet : Midland : Birmingham (Service Charges) [2016]      -----      Ryan, R. v [2021]
Ryan, R. v [2022]      -----      Rzucek v Vinnicombe
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v F      -----      S, R (on
S, R (On      -----      Saigol v Cranley
Saigol v Thorney      -----      Sanderson, R. v
Sandford & Anor      -----      Saunders, R (on the application of) v Secretary
Saunders, R (on the application of) v Tendring      -----      Schofield, R (On
Schofield v Schofield      -----      Sebry v Companies
Secchi v Deputy      -----      Secretary of State for the Home Department v Dumliauskas
Secretary of State for the Home Department v E      -----      Seidi v Tribunal
Seiko Epson Corporation      -----      Shackleford v Nursing
Shackleton And Associates      -----      Shawbrook Bank Ltd,
Shawe -Lincoln v      -----      Shirtcliffe v Baker [2013] EW Misc B32 (CC) (02 October 2013)
Shirtcliffe v Baker [2013] EW Misc B32 (CC) (02 October 2013)      -----      Simon-Hart v Standard
Simoni v Secretary      -----      Sivakumar v Immigration
Sivakumar, R (on      -----      Smaili, R (on
Smale, R v      -----      Smith, R (On
Smith, R (on      -----      Sofia Houria Benouda
Sofola v Coles      -----      South Oxfordshire District Council v Secretary
South Oxfordshire District Council v Smith      -----      Spencer v West
Spencer v Wincanton      -----      St Helens Borough Council v M &
St Helens Borough Council v M and      -----      Starlight Shipping Company v Allianz Marine & Aviation Versicherungs AG & Ors [2011]
Starlight Shipping Company v Allianz Marine & Aviation Versicherungs AG & Ors [2014]      -----      STL Global Group
St.Maximus Shipping Co.Ltd.      -----      Sturnham, Application for
Sturnham, R (On      -----      Surrey County Council v Barbara
Surrey County Council v H      -----      Symbion Power LLC
Symeou v Public      -----      Szymanski v Regional
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v B      -----      Tait v Tait
Taiwan Scot Co      -----      Taylor v Diamond
Taylor v Director      -----      Telia Sonera AB
Telles v South      -----      Thandi v Saggu
Thandi v Sands      -----      The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation v
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation &      -----      The London Cosmetic Laser Centre Ltd v Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection [2004] EWCST 278(EA)
The London Cosmetic Laser Centre Ltd v Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection [2004] EWCST 278(EA)2      -----      The Railstore Kidman
The Ramblers Association      -----      Thermos Ltd v
Thet v Director      -----      Thorpe v HM
Thorpe v HMRC      -----      TM v London
TM, R (on      -----      Tourell v Minister
Tous, R (on      -----      Tredget v R.
Tree and Wildlife      -----      Tullett Prebon Group Ltd &
Tullett Prebon Group Ltd v      -----      Tza, R (On
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U & Partners(East      -----      Union Discount Company
Union Marine Classification      -----      Usayi, R v
Usdaw & Anor      -----      Uz-Zaman Munim, R
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V v V      -----      Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd & Anor
Various Claimants v News Group Newspapers Ltd & Ors      -----      Vernacare Ltd v Environmental Pulp Products Ltd [2012] EWPCC 41
Vernacare Ltd v Environmental Pulp Products Ltd [2012] EWPCC 49      -----      Vlad v Judicial
Vlamaki v Sookias      -----      V-Z (Children), Re
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W v H      -----      Wacker, R v
Waddington, R. v      -----      Walsh v Shanahan
Walsh v Singh      -----      WaterRower (UK) Ltd v Liking Ltd (T/A
WaterRower (UK) Ltd v Liking Ltd (t/a      -----      Weetwood Services Ltd
WEG v Brown      -----      Westcott v Westcott [2007]
Westcott v Westcott [2008]      -----      White Winston Select Asset Funds LLC & Anor v Mahon & Anor [2019] EWHC 1381
White Winston Select Asset Funds LLC & Anor v Mahon & Anor [2019] EWHC 1014      -----      William Hare Ltd v Shepherd Construction Ltd [2009]
William Hare Ltd v Shepherd Construction Ltd [2010]      -----      Wilson v Mendelsohn & Ors [2022]
Wilson v Mendelsohn & Ors [2024]      -----      WJB v HJM
WJV v SR      -----      Worcestershire County Council &
Worcestershire County Council v      -----      Wyeth Holdings Corporation
Wyeth LLC v      -----      WZ, Re (Placement
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      (x10) 1, 14,
(X10) 22, 23,      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      Yorkshire Bank Plc v Hall
Yorkshire Bank Plc v Tinsley      -----      YZ, R (On
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      Zenziper Grains And
Zephyrus Capital Aviation      -----      ZZZ v Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2019] EWHC 1642 (QB) (26 June 2019)

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