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Northern Irish Legislation

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Carriers to give receipts for increased charges.

3. Provided always, that when the value shall have been so declared, and the
increased rate of charge paid, or an engagement to pay the same shall have
been accepted as herein-before mentioned, the person receiving such increased
rate of charge or accepting such agreement shall, if thereto required, sign a
receipt for the package or parcel, acknowledging the same to have been
insured, which receipt shall not be liable to any stamp duty; and if such
receipt shall not be given when required, or such notice as aforesaid shall
not have been affixed, the mail contractor, stage coach proprietor, or other
common carrier as aforesaid, shall not have or be entitled to any benefit or
advantage under this Act, but shall be liable and responsible as at the common
law, and be liable to refund the increased rate of charge.

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