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Northern Irish Legislation

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36.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), in all disputes between a collecting society
or an industrial assurance company and

(a)any member or person assured; or

(b)any person claiming through a member or person assured, or under or in
respect of any policy, or under the rules, or under this Order; or

(c)any person aggrieved who has ceased to be a member or any person claiming
through such a person aggrieved;

(2) Any dispute mentioned in paragraph (1) may be referred to the Commissioner

(a)by such collecting society, industrial assurance company, member or person
as aforesaid, if the amount of the claim does not exceed #50 and the legality
of the policy is not questioned, and fraud or misrepresentation is not
alleged; and

(b)in any case, by both parties, without restriction as to the amount of the
claim or the nature of the question to be decided;

(3) Where a doubt arises as to the continued existence of the person on whose
life a policy of industrial assurance was taken out, the Commissioner may, on
the application of the owner of the policy or of the collecting society or
industrial assurance company which issued the policy, award that the society
or company shall pay to the owner of the policy the surrender value thereof at
the time of the award, and the award shall be a discharge for all claims by or
against the society or company in connection with the policy.

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