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Northern Irish Legislation

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Powers of sale to be exercised in favour or at the instance of Secretary of State.

4. All powers by the tenth and eighteenth sections of the Defence Act, 1842,
given to bodies politic or corporate, ... trustees for charitable or other
public purposes, tenants for life and tenants in tail, ..., guardians,
trustees, committees, curators, and [solicitors of the supreme court],
respectively therein mentioned, to contract and agree for the absolute sale or
exchange of any messuages, buildings, castles, forts, lines, or other
fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and for the sale
of any reversion, and the grant of any lease, and to convey, ..., demise, or
grant the same accordingly, shall continue in full force, and hereafter may or
shall be exercised or exercisable, and be acted under or take effect, in
favour or at the instance of [ the Secretary of State for Defence], on behalf
of Her said Majesty, and for the public service, in the same manner and as
effectually as the said powers are in and by such recited Acts given or
created or made exercisable in favour or at the instance of the said principal
officers for the time being, on behalf of Her said Majesty, or for the public
service; and all enactments, directions, and provisions in the said recited
Acts contained shall continue in full force, and may or shall at all times
hereafter be by [the Secretary of State for Defence] acted on and take effect,
and shall enure or take effect in favour of, and may be enforced by, [the
Secretary of State for Defence] and his successors, on behalf of Her Majesty,
and for the public service.

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