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Statement to be signed by persons registering.

4. The statement required for the purpose of registration must in the case of
an individual be signed by him, and in the case of a corporation by a director
or secretary thereof, and in the case of a firm either by all the individuals
who are partners, and by a director or the secretary of all corporations which
are partners or by some individual who is a partner, or a director or the
secretary of some corporation which is a partner, and in either of the last
two cases must be verified by a statutory declaration made by the signatory:
Provided that no such statutory declaration stating that any person other than
the declarant is a partner, or omitting to state that any person other than as
aforesaid is a partner, shall be evidence for or against any such other person
in respect of his liability or non-liability as a partner, and that the High
Court or a judge thereof may on application of any person alleged or claiming
to be a partner direct the rectification of the register and decide any
question arising under this section.

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