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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RAILWAY REGULATION ACT 1842

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           Long Title

   2.      Recited Act and this Act to be construed together.
   4.      Notice of intended opening of railway for conveyance of passengers.
   5.      If railway opened without notice, company to forfeit #20 per day.
   6.      Board of Trade may postpone the opening.
   10.     Railway companies to erect and maintain fences.
   11.     Disputes between connecting railways to be decided by the Board of
   12.     Powers of making branch communication with passenger railways, and of
           entering upon them with locomotive engines, to be regulated by the
           Board of Trade.
   13.     Power to build bridges, &c. in lieu of level crossings.
   14.     Power for railway companies to enter upon adjoining lands to repair
           or prevent accidents.
   15.     Compulsory powers of taking land for the purposes of railways
           extended where thought necessary for safety by the Board of Trade.
   16.     Carriages of greater weight than four tons may be used on railways.
   17.     Punishment of persons employed on railways guilty of misconduct.
   21.     Meaning of the words ""railway'' and ""company''.
   22.     Recovery and application of penalties.
   5.      Lands, &c. purchased for the service of the ordnance, &c. and all
           buildings, &c. thereon, vested in the principal officers.
   6.      Lands hereafter taken, &c. to be vested in the same manner.
   7.      Lands may be vested in trustees for the use of the ordnance
           department, &c.
   9.      Principal officers may purchase land, &c. and take leases on behalf
           of the crown.
   10.     Power given to bodies politic and others to treat.
   12.     Lands, &c. may be sold, exchanged, or let.
   13.     Purchase monies shall be paid to those whom the principal officers
           may direct, for the use of Her Majesty.
   14.     After purchase money paid, the purchaser to have full right and
   15.     Compensation to be made where legal or equitable rights are
   16.     Principal officers may authorize persons to survey and mark out
           lands, &c. and treat with owners for the absolute purchase thereof,
   17.     When footpaths, &c. are stopped up, other paths to be made in lieu
   18.     Bodies politic, &c. may agree for the sale of lands, &c.
   19.     In default of treating, or where the parties do not agree, the
           persons authorized by Her Majesty may requrie two justices, &c. to
           put Her Majesty's officers in possession.
   20.     Appeal may be made to the Court of Exchequer, &c. if either party
           is dissatisfied with the verdict of the jury.
   21.     Jury may ascertain the proportion to be paid out of compensation
           for land to lessees, &c.
   22.     Court to require the party to give security for costs.
   23.     Lands not to be taken for the defence of the realm without consent
           of the owners unless in certain cases.
   24.     Erections on lands taken for a temporary purpose may be removed
           before the lands are restored to the owner, and compensation shall
           be made for the injury done.
   25.     Application of purchase money of the amount of #200 or upwards,
           payable for lands of incapacitated persons, &c.
   26.     Barons of Exchequer, &c. to make order for the investment of such
           purchase money.
   27.     Application of purchase money when less than #200 and above #20.
   28.     Application of purchase money when less than #20.
   30.     Persons in possession deemed entitled til the contrary shall be
   32.     Deeds not required to be acknowledged, &c.
   33.     Office copies of enrolments of such deeds, &c. admissible in
   36.     Principal officers may give notices, make claims, and authorize
           entries, &c.
   37.     Principal officers exempted from personal liability.
   39.     Property belonging to Her Majesty not to be vested in the officers
           of the ordnance.

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