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2005 No. 161


The Residential Care Homes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005

  Made 23rd March 2005 
  Coming into operation 1st April 2005 



1. Citation, commencement and extent
2. Interpretation
3. Statement of purpose
4. Resident's guide
5. Information about fees
6. Review of statement of purpose and resident's guide


7. Fitness of registered provider
8. Appointment of manager
9. Fitness of registered manager
10. Registered person: general requirements
11. Registered person: notification of offences


12. Requirements to ensure quality of care and other service provision
13. Health and welfare of residents
14. Further requirements as to health and welfare
15. Assessment of residents
16. Residents care plan
17. Review of quality of care and other service provision
18. Facilities and services
19. Records
20. Staffing
21. Fitness of workers
22. Restrictions on acting for residents
23. Staff views as to conduct of the residential care home
24. Complaints
25. Guidance for social care workers, nurses and health care professionals
26. Clinical trials and research


27. Fitness of premises


28. Financial position
29. Visits by registered provider


30. Notification of death, illness and other events
31. Notice of absence
32. Notice of changes
33. Notice of termination of accommodation
34. Appointment of liquidators etc.
35. Death of registered person
36. Offences
37. Compliance with regulations


  Schedule 1. Information to be included in the statement of purpose

  Schedule 2. Information and documents to be obtained in respect of persons carrying on, managing or working at a residential care home

  Schedule 3. Records to be kept in a residential care home in respect of each resident

  Schedule 4. Other records to be kept in a residential care home

The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Articles 23(1), (2)(a) to (d) and (f) to (j), (3), (5), (7)(a) to (h), (j) and (1), 25(1), 30, 31(1), 32 and 48(2) of the Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003[
1] and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, having consulted such persons as appropriate as required by Article 23(8) of that Order, hereby makes the following Regulations:



Citation, commencement and extent
     1. These Regulations may be cited as the Residential Care Homes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 and shall come into operation on 1st April 2005.

2.  - (1) In these Regulations -

and for the purpose of determining any such relationship a person's step-child shall be treated as his child, and references to "spouse" in relation to any person include a former spouse and a person who is living with the person as husband or wife;

    (2) In these Regulations, references to employing a person include employing a person whether or not for payment and whether under a contract of service or a contract for services and allowing a person to work as a volunteer.

Statement of purpose
     3.  - (1) The registered person shall compile in relation to the residential care home a written statement which shall consist of -

    (2) The registered person shall supply a copy of the statement of purpose to the Regulation and Improvement Authority and shall make a copy of it available for inspection by every resident and any representative of a resident.

    (3) Nothing in regulation 18(1) or 27(1) shall require or authorise the registered person to contravene, or not to comply with -

Resident's guide
4.  - (1) The registered person shall produce a written guide to the residential care home which shall include -

    (2) The registered person shall also provide, on request, access to a copy of the most recent inspection report and information on how to access earlier inspection reports;

    (3) The registered person shall supply a copy of the resident's guide to the Regulation and Improvement Authority and each resident or their representative.

    (4) Where a HSS Trust has made arrangements for the provision of accommodation with board and personal care to the resident at the home, the registered person shall supply to the resident a copy of the agreement specifying the arrangements made.

Information about fees
5.  - (1) The registered person shall provide to each resident, by not later than the day on which he becomes a resident, a statement specifying -

    (2) The registered person shall notify the resident at least 28 days in advance of -

    (3) Where a HSS Trust has made arrangements for the provision of residential accommodation with board and personal care at the residential care home and the charge made exceeds the fee paid, the registered person shall in the individual written agreement -

    (4) Where a nursing contribution is paid in respect of nursing care provided to the resident, the registered person shall provide to the resident a statement specifying -

    (5) In this regulation "nursing care contribution" means a payment by a HSS Trust to the registered person in respect of nursing care to be provided to a resident, but does not include a payment where -

Review of statement of purpose and resident's guide
6. The registered person shall -



Fitness of registered provider
7.  - (1) A person shall not carry on a residential care home unless he is fit to do so.

    (2) A person is not fit to carry on a home unless the person -

    (3) The requirements are that -

    (4) A person shall not carry on a home if -

Appointment of manager
8.  - (1) The registered provider shall appoint an individual to manage the residential care home where -

    (2) Where the registered provider appoints a person to manage the residential care home he shall forthwith give notice to the Regulation and Improvement Authority of -

Fitness of registered manager
9.  - (1) A person shall not manage a residential care home unless he is fit to do so.

    (2) A person is not fit to manage a home unless -

Registered person: general requirements
10.  - (1) The registered provider and the registered manager shall, having regard to the size of the residential care home, the statement of purpose, and the number and needs of the residents, carry on or manage the home (as the case may be) with sufficient care, competence and skill.

    (2) If the registered provider is -

from time to time such training as is appropriate to ensure that he has the experience and skills necessary for carrying on the home.

    (3) The registered manager shall undertake from time to time such training as is appropriate to ensure that he has the experience and skills necessary for managing the home.

Registered Person: notification of offences
11. Where the registered person or the responsible individual is convicted of any criminal offence, in Northern Ireland or elsewhere, he shall forthwith give notice in writing to the Regulation and Improvement Authority of -



Requirements to ensure quality of care and other service provision
12.  - (1) The registered person shall provide care and any other services to residents in accordance with the statements of purpose, and shall ensure that the care, treatment, if necessary, and other services provided to each resident -

    (2) The registered person shall ensure that all aids and equipment used in or for the purpose of the residential care home is -

    (3) Where reusable medical devices are used in a home, the registered person shall ensure that appropriate procedures are implemented and adhered to in relation to cleaning, disinfection, inspection, packaging, sterilisation, transportation and storage of such devices.

    (4) The procedures implemented in accordance with paragraph (3) shall be such as to ensure that reusable medical devices are handled safely and decontaminated effectively in accordance with the manufacturer's guidance prior to re-use.

    (5) The registered person shall ensure that food and drink -

Health and welfare of residents
13.  - (1) The registered person shall ensure that the residential care home is conducted so as -

    (2) The registered person shall so far as practicable enable residents to make decisions with respect to the care they are to receive and their health and welfare.

    (3) The registered person shall, for the purpose of providing care to residents, and making proper provision for their health and welfare, so far as practicable, ascertain and take into account their wishes and feelings.

    (4) Subject to paragraph (5) the registered person shall make suitable arrangements for the ordering, storage, recording, handling, safe keeping, safe administration and disposal of medicines used in or for the purposes of the home to ensure that -

    (5) Paragraph (4) does not apply to medicine which -

    (6) In this regulation, "prescribed" means -

    (7) The registered person shall make suitable arrangements to minimise the risk of infection and toxic conditions and the spread of infection between residents and staff.

    (8) The registered person shall make suitable arrangements to ensure that the home is conducted -

    (9) The registered provider and registered manager (if any) shall, in relation to the conduct of the home -

Further requirements as to health and welfare
     14.  - (1) The registered person shall make arrangements for residents -

    (2) The registered person shall ensure as far as reasonably practicable that -

    (3) The registered person shall make suitable arrangements to provide a safe system for moving and handling residents.

    (4) The registered person shall make arrangements, by training persons employed or by other measures, to prevent residents being harmed or suffering abuse or being placed at risk of harm or abuse.

    (5) The registered person shall ensure that no resident is subject to restraint unless restraint of the kind employed is the only practicable means of securing the welfare of that or any other resident and there are exceptional circumstances.

    (6) On any occasion on which a resident is subject to restraint, the registered person shall record on the resident's care plan the circumstances and nature of the restraint. These details should also be reported to the Regulation and Improvement Authority as soon as is practicable.

Assessment of residents
15.  - (1) The registered person shall not provide accommodation to a resident at the residential care home unless -

    (2) The registered person shall ensure that the assessment of the resident's needs is -

Resident's care plan
16.  - (1) The registered person shall ensure that a written care plan is prepared in consultation with the resident or resident's representative as to how the resident's needs in respect of his care, health and welfare are to be met.

    (2) The registered person shall ensure that -

Review of quality of care and other service provision
17.  - (1) The registered person shall introduce and ensure systems are maintained for reviewing at appropriate intervals the quality of care and other service provision in or for the purposes of the residential care home and that any such review is undertaken no less than annually.

    (2) The registered person shall supply to the Regulation and Improvement Authority a report in respect of any review conducted by him for the purpose of paragraph (1) and make a copy of the report available to residents.

    (3) The system referred to in paragraph (1) shall provide for consultation with residents and their representatives.

Facilities and services
18.  - (1) Subject to regulation 3(3), the registered person shall provide facilities and services to residents in accordance with the statement of purpose required by regulation 3(1)(b) in respect of the residential care home.

    (2) The registered person shall having regard to the size of the home and the number and needs of residents -

    (3) The registered person shall ensure that so far as practicable residents have the opportunity to attend religious services of their choice

19.  - (1) The registered person shall -

    (2) The registered person shall maintain in the home the records specified in Schedule 4.

    (3) The registered person shall ensure that the records referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) -

    (4) The records referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be retained for not less than 6 years from the date of the last entry.

    (5) The registered person shall ensure that information about a resident's health and treatment is handled confidentially and is only disclosed to those persons who need to be aware of that information in order to treat the resident effectively or minimise any risk of the resident harming himself or another person, or for the purpose of the proper administration of the home.

20.  - (1) The registered person shall, having regard to the size of the residential care home, the statement of purpose and the number and needs of residents -

    (2) The registered person shall ensure that persons working at the home are appropriately supervised.

    (3) The registered manager shall carry out a competency and a capability assessment with any person who is given the responsibility of being in charge of the home for any period of time in his absence.

Fitness of workers
21.  - (1) The registered person shall not employ a person to work at the residential care home unless -

    (2) Paragraph 1 applies to a person who is employed by a person ("the employer") other than the registered person.

    (3) Paragraph 1 applies to a position in which a person may in the course of his duties have regular contact with residents at the home.

    (4) The registered person shall not allow a person to whom paragraph (2) applies to work at the home in a position to which paragraph (3) applies, unless -

    (5) For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (4), a person is not fit to work at a home unless -

    (6) The registered person shall ensure that all health care professionals are covered by appropriate professional indemnity.

Restrictions on acting for residents
22.  - (1) Subject to paragraph (2), the registered person shall not pay money belonging to any resident into a bank account unless -

    (2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to money which is paid to the registered person in respect of charges payable by a resident for accommodation or other services provided by the registered person at the home.

    (3) The registered person shall ensure a record is kept of persons working at the home acting as the appointee or agent of a resident.

Staff views as to conduct of the home
23.  - (1) This regulation applies to any matter relating to the conduct of the home so far as it may affect the care, safety or welfare of residents.

    (2) The registered person shall make arrangements to enable staff to inform the registered person and the Regulation and Improvement Authority and the local HSS Trust in the area of which the home is situated, in confidence of their views about any matter to which this regulation applies.

24.  - (1) The registered person shall establish a procedure ("the complaints procedure") for receiving, managing and responding to complaints made to the registered person by a resident or person acting on the resident's behalf.

    (2) The complaints procedure shall be appropriate to the needs of residents.

    (3) The registered person shall ensure that any complaint made under the complaints procedure is fully investigated.

    (4) The registered person shall, within 28 days after the date on which the complaint is made, or such shorter period as may be reasonable in the circumstances, inform the person who made the complaint of the investigative process, outcome and action (if any) that is to be taken.

    (5) The registered person shall supply a written copy of the complaints procedure to every resident and to any person acting on behalf of a resident.

    (6) Where a written copy of the complaints procedure is to be supplied in accordance with paragraph (5) to a person who is blind or whose vision is impaired, the registered person shall so far as it is practicable to do so, supply, in addition to the written copy, a copy of the complaints procedure in a form which is suitable for that person.

    (7) The copy of the complaints procedure to be supplied in accordance with paragraph (5) shall include -

    (8) The registered person shall supply to the Regulation and Improvement Authority at its request a statement containing a summary of the complaints made during the preceding twelve months and the action that was taken in response.

Guidance for social care workers, nurses and health care professionals
25. The registered person shall ensure that -

Clinical trials and research
26. The registered person shall ensure that -



Fitness of premises
     27.  - (1) Subject to regulation 3(3), the registered person shall not use premises for the purposes of a residential care home unless the premises are suitable for the purpose of achieving the aims and objectives set out in the statement of purpose.

    (2) The registered person shall, having regard to the number and needs of the residents, ensure that -

    (3) The registered person shall having regard for the number of staff employed and the duties they undertake, provide-

    (4) The registered person shall -

    (5) The registered person shall undertake appropriate consultation with the environmental health department of the district council for the district in which the home is situated.



Financial position
28.  - (1) The registered provider shall carry on the residential care home in such a manner as is likely to ensure that the home will be financially viable for the purpose of achieving the aims and objectives set out in the statement of purpose.

    (2) The registered person shall, if the Regulation and Improvement Authority so requests, provide such information and documents to the Regulation and Improvement Authority as it may require for the purpose of considering the financial viability of the home, including -

    (3) The registered person shall -

    (4) In this regulation a company is an associated company of another if one of them has control of the other or both are under the control of the same person.

Visits by registered provider
29.  - (1) Where the registered provider is an individual, but not in day-to-day charge of the residential care home, he shall visit the home in accordance with this regulation.

    (2) Where the registered provider is an organisation or partnership, the home shall be visited in accordance with this regulation by -

    (3) Visits under paragraph (1) or (2) shall take place at least once a month or as agreed with the Regulation and Improvement Authority and shall be unannounced.

    (4) The person carrying out the visit shall -

    (5) The registered provider shall maintain a copy of the report required to be made under paragraph 4(c) in the home and make it available on request to -

    (6) In the case of a visit under paragraph (2) -



Notification of death, illness and other events
30.  - (1) The registered person shall give notice to the Regulation and Improvement Authority without delay of the occurrence of -

    (2) Any notification made in accordance with this regulation which is given orally shall be confirmed in writing within 3 working days of the oral report.

Notice of absence
31.  - (1) Where -

proposes to be absent from the home for a continuous period of 28 days or more, the registered person shall give notice in writing to the Regulation and Improvement Authority of the proposed absence.

    (2) Except in the case of an emergency, the notice referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be given no later than 28 days before the proposed absence commences or within such shorter period as may be agreed with the Regulation and Improvement Authority and the notice shall specify -

    (3) Where the absence arises as a result of an emergency, the registered person shall give notice of the absence within one week of its occurrence specifying the matters mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (2).

    (4) Where -

has been absent from the home for a continuous period of 28 days or more, and the Regulation and Improvement Authority has not been given notice of the absence, the registered person shall without delay give notice in writing to the Regulation and Improvement Authority of the absence, specifying the matters mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (2).

    (5) The registered person shall notify the Regulation and Improvement Authority of the return to duty of the registered provider or (as the case may be) the registered manager not later than 7 days after the date of his return.

Notice of changes
32.  - (1) The registered person shall give notice in writing to the Regulation and Improvement Authority as soon as it is practicable to do so, if any of the following events is proposed to take place -

Notice of termination of accommodation
33.  - (1) Subject to paragraph (2), the registered person shall not terminate the arrangements for the accommodation of a resident unless he has given reasonable notice of his intention to do so to -

    (2) If it is impracticable for the registered person to comply with the requirement in paragraph (1) -

Appointment of liquidators etc.
34.  - (1) Any person to whom paragraph (2) applies must -

    (2) This paragraph applies to any person appointed as -

Death of registered person
35.  - (1) If more than one person is registered in respect of a residential care home, and a registered person dies, the surviving registered person shall without delay notify the Regulation and Improvement Authority of the death in writing.

    (2) If only one person is registered in respect of a home, and he dies, his personal representatives shall notify the Regulation and Improvement Authority in writing -

    (3) The personal representatives of the deceased registered provider may carry on the home without being registered in respect of it -

    (4) The Regulation and Improvement Authority may extend the period specified in paragraph (3)(a) by such further period, not exceeding one year, as the Regulation and Improvement Authority shall determine, and shall notify any such determination to the personal representatives in writing.

    (5) The personal representatives shall appoint a person to take full-time day-to-day charge of the home during any period in which, in accordance with paragraph (3), they carry on the home without being registered in respect of it.

36.  - (1) A contravention or failure to comply with any of the provisions of regulations 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13(1) to (4) and (7) to (9), 14, 15 to 17, 18(1), (2)(a) to (i) and (k) to (n) and (3), 19 to 24, 27 to 33, shall be an offence.

    (2) The Regulation and Improvement Authority shall not bring proceedings against a person in respect of any contravention or failure to comply with those regulations unless -

    (3) Where the Regulation and Improvement Authority considers that the registered person has contravened any of the provisions of the regulations mentioned in paragraph (1), it may serve a notice on the registered person specifying -

    (4) The Regulation and Improvement Authority may bring proceedings against a person who was once, but no longer is, a registered person, in respect of a failure to comply with regulation 19 and for this purpose, references in paragraphs (2) and (3) to a registered person shall be taken to include such a person.

Compliance with regulations
37. Where there is more than one registered person in respect of a home, anything which is required under these regulations to be done by the registered person shall, if done by one of the registered persons, not be required to be done by any of the other registered persons.

38. The Residential Care Homes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993[11] and the Residential Care Homes (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998[12], are hereby revoked.

Sealed with Official Seal of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on

23rd March 2005.


N. McCann
Senior Officer of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

Regulation 3(1)(c)


     1. The name and address of the registered provider and of any registered manager.

     2. The relevant qualifications and experience of the registered provider and any registered manager.

     3. The number, relevant qualifications and experience of the staff working at the residential care home.

     4. The philosophy of care.

     5. The status and constitution of the home.

     6. The organisational structure of the home.

     7. The number of residents to be accommodated or provided with services.

     8. The range of needs, (categories of care) that the home is intended to meet and the number in each category.

     9. Any criteria used for admission to the home, including the home's policy and procedures (if any) for emergency admissions.

     10. The arrangements for residents to engage in social activities, hobbies and leisure interests.

     11. The arrangements made for consultation with residents about the operation of the home.

     12. The fire precautions and associated emergency procedures in the home.

     13. The arrangements made, so far as is practicable that residents have the opportunity to attend religious services of their choice.

     14. The arrangements made for contact between residents and their relatives, friends, representatives, and the local community where practicable.

     15. The arrangements for dealing with complaints.

     16. The arrangements made for dealing with reviews of the resident's care plan referred to in regulation 16(1).

     17. The number and size of rooms in the home.

     18. Details of any specific therapeutic techniques used in the home and arrangements made for their supervision.

     19. The arrangements made for respecting the privacy and dignity of residents.

Regulation 7, 9, 21


     1. Proof of the person's identity, including a recent photograph.

     2. Either -

     3. Two written references relating to the person, including a reference from the person's present or most recent employer, if any.

     4. Where a person has previously worked in a position whose duties involved work with children or vulnerable adults, so far as is reasonably practicable, verification of the reason why the employment ot position ended.

     5. Details and documentary evidence of any relevant qualifications or accredited training of the person and if applicable, registration with an appropriate professional regulatory body.

     6. A full employment history, together with a satisfactory written explanation of any gaps in employment.

     7. Evidence that the person is physically and mentally fit for the purposes of the work which he is to perform at the home or, where it is impracticable for the person to obtain such evidence, a declaration signed by the person that he is so fit.

Regulation 19(1)(a)


     1. The following documents in respect of each resident -

     2. A recent photograph of the resident.

     3. A record of the following matters in respect of each resident -

     4. A copy of correspondence relating to each resident.

Regulation 19(2)


     1. A copy of the statement of purpose.

     2. A copy of the resident's guide.

     3. A record of all accounts relating to the residential care home including a record of resident's fees and financial arrangements that are handled by the home and a record of persons working at the home acting as the appointee or agent of a resident.

     4. A copy of all inspection reports.

     5. A copy of any report made under regulation 29(4)(c) or a copy of any written record or report made under regulation 30.

     6. A record of all persons employed at the home, which includes in respect of each person so employed -

     7. A copy of the duty roster of persons working at the home, and a record of whether the roster was actually worked.

     8. A record of the home's charges to residents, including any separate amounts payable for additional services not covered by those charges, and the amounts paid by or in respect of each resident.

     9. A record of all money or other valuables deposited by a resident for safekeeping or received on the resident's behalf, which -

     10. A record of furniture and personal possessions brought by a resident into the room occupied by him.

     11. A record of all complaints made by residents or representatives or relatives of residents or by persons working at the home about the operation of the home, and the action taken by the registered person in respect of any such complaint.

     12. A record of any of the following events that occur in the home -

     13. Records of the food provided for residents in sufficient detail to enable any person inspecting the record to determine whether the diet is satisfactory, in relation to nutrition and otherwise, and of any special diets prepared for individual residents.

     14. A record of every fire practice, drill or test of fire equipment (including fire alarm equipment) conducted in the home, including staff attending, and of any action taken to remedy defects in the fire equipment.

     15. A statement of the procedure to be followed in the event of a fire, or where a fire alarm is activated.

     16. A statement of the procedure to be followed in the event of accidents or in the event of a resident becoming missing.

     17. A record of charges made to residents for transport and the amounts paid by or in respect of each resident.

     18. Where residents collectively own the vehicles -

     19. A record of the programme of events and activities that includes the name of the person leading the activity and the names of those who participated.

     20. A record of all staff meetings held and the names of all those attending.

     21. A record of training undertaken as referred to in Regulation 20(1)(c)(i).

     22. A record of all visitors to the home, including the names of all visitors.


(This note is not part of the Regulations.)

These Regulations are made under the Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003. Part II of the Order establishes the Northern Ireland Health and Personal Social Services Regulation and Improvement Authority ("the Regulation and Improvement Authority") and Part III provides for the registration and inspection of establishments and agencies, including residential care homes, by the Regulation and Improvement Authority. It also provides powers for regulations governing the conduct of establishments and agencies.

These new arrangements replace the regulatory system provided for in relation to residential care homes by the Registered Homes (Northern Ireland) Order 1992. Under regulation 3, 4 and 5, each home must have a statement of purpose consisting of the matters set out in Schedule 1, and supply a guide of the home to each resident together with a statement giving information about fees payable.

Regulations 7 to 10 make provision about the fitness of the persons carrying on and managing the home, and require satisfactory information to be available in relation to certain specified matters. Where an organisation carries on the home, it must nominate a responsible individual in respect of whom this information must be available (regulation 7). Regulation 8 prescribes the circumstances where a manager must be appointed for the home, and regulation 10 imposes general requirements in relation to the proper conduct of the home, and the need for appropriate training. Regulation 17 requires the registered person to establish a system for reviewing and improving the quality of care and other service provision provided by the home.

Part III makes provision about the conduct of residential care homes, in particular as to the care, health, safety, welfare and protection of residents, and as to the facilities and services that are to be provided. Provision is also made about record keeping, the staffing of homes, the fitness of workers, and about complaints.

Part IV makes provision about the suitability of premises and fire precautions to be taken. Part V deals with the management of homes. Regulation 28 imposes requirements relating to the home's financial position. Regulation 29 requires the registered person to visit the home as prescribed.

Part VI deals with miscellaneous matters including the giving of notices to the Regulation and Improvement Authority. Regulation 36 provides for offences. A breach of the regulations specified in regulation 36 may found an offence on the part of the registered person. However, no prosecution may be brought unless the Regulation and Improvement Authority has first given the registered person a notice which sets out in what respect it is alleged he is not complying with a regulation, and what action the Regulation and Improvement Authority considers it is necessary for him to take in order to comply. The notice must specify a time period for compliance, not exceeding three months.


[1] S.I. 2003/431 (N.I. 9)back

[2] S.I. 2004/1031back

[3] S.I. 1984/1821 (N.I. 11)back

[4] 2002 c. 17back

[5] 2001 c. 3 (N.I.)back

[6] S.I. 2002/253back

[7] 2001 c. 3 (N.I.)back

[8] S.I. 1972/1265 (N.I. 14)back

[9] 1968 c. 67; as amended by paragraph 7 of Part II of Schedule 2 to the Medicines (Specified Articles and Substances) Order 1976 (S.I. 1976/968)back

[10] S.I. 2004/1031back

[11] S.R. 1993 No. 91back

[12] S.R. 1998 No. 139back

[13] 1997 c. 50back

[14] Section 113(3EA) and 115(6EA) are inserted by S.I. 2003/417 (N.I. 4) Article 17back

[15] Section 113(3EC) and 115(6EB) are inserted by S.I. 2003/417 (N.I. 4) Article 47back

ISBN 0 337 95948 X

 © Crown copyright 2005

Prepared 29 April 2005

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