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2007 No. 265


The Air Quality Standards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007

  Made 30th April 2007 
  Coming into operation 28th May 2007 



1. Citation and commencement
2. Definitions and interpretation
3. Responsibility for implementation of the Air Framework Directive


Group A and Group B pollutants and ozone


Air Quality Standards
4. Preliminary and application
5. Zones and agglomerations
6. Air quality standards


Attainment of air quality standards
7. General attainment measures
8. Improvement plans
9. Other improvement measures


Maintenance of air quality standards and action plans
10. Maintenance of air quality standards
11. Action plans


12. Duty to assess air quality
13. Assessment methods
14. Fixed and combined measurement
15. Sampling points
16. Other assessment requirements


Other pollutants and background monitoring
17. Measurement of PM2.5
18. Measurement of ozone precursor substances
19. Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
20. Background monitoring


Public information and participation
21. General requirements
22. Information regarding zones
23. Information on concentrations
24. Information on breach of alert or information threshold
25. Information on breach of air quality standards
26. Ozone annual report
27. Information on action and improvement plans
28. Public participation in improvement plans


Final and miscellaneous provisions
29. Collation of information etc
30. Revocations and savings

  SCHEDULE 1— Air quality standards
 PART 1— Limit values for Group A pollutants
 PART 2— Margins of tolerance for benzene and nitrogen dioxide
 PART 3— Target values for Group B pollutants
 PART 4— Target values and long-term objectives for ozone

  SCHEDULE 2— Information to be included in an Improvement Plan

  SCHEDULE 3— Alert and information thresholds
 PART 1— Alert thresholds for nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide
 PART 2— Alert and information thresholds for ozone

  SCHEDULE 4— Assessment thresholds
 PART 1— Assessment thresholds for Group A pollutants
 PART 2— Assessment thresholds for Group B pollutants
 PART 3— Determination of representative concentrations

  SCHEDULE 5— Minimum number of sampling points
 PART 1— Group A pollutants: human health based limit values and alert thresholds
 PART 2— Group A pollutants: limit values for the protection of ecosystems or vegetation
 PART 3— Group B pollutants
 PART 4— Ozone
 PART 5— Ozone: minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurements for zones attaining the long-term objectives

  SCHEDULE 6— Location of sampling points
 PART 1— Macroscale siting for Group A pollutants
 PART 2— Macroscale siting for Group B pollutants
 PART 3— Macroscale siting for ozone
 PART 4— Microscale siting
 PART 5— Documentation and review of site selection

  SCHEDULE 7— Requirements for assessment methods other than fixed measurement
 PART 1— Group A pollutants
 PART 2— Group B pollutants
 PART 3— Ozone and ozone precursor substances

  SCHEDULE 8— Data quality objectives
 PART 1— Group A pollutants and PM2.5
 PART 2— Group B pollutants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and total gaseous mercury
 PART 3— Ozone and nitrogen dioxide assessed at ozone sampling points

  SCHEDULE 9— Reference methods
 PART 1— Group A pollutants
 PART 2— Group B pollutants in ambient air
 PART 3— Ozone
 PART 4— Other reference methods

  SCHEDULE 10— Ozone precursor substances

  SCHEDULE 11— Public information where alert or information thresholds are exceeded
 PART 1— Alert thresholds for nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide
 PART 2— Alert and information thresholds for ozone

  SCHEDULE 12— Collation of information and criteria for aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters
 PART 1— Information to be submitted to the Commission
 PART 2— Criteria for aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters

The Department of the Environment makes the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972[
1] in relation to measures relating to the control of air pollution.

     The Department of the Environment was designated[2] for the purposes of section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972 in relation to measures relating to the control of air pollution.



Citation and commencement
     1. —(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Air Quality Standards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 and shall come into operation on 28th May 2007.

    (2) The Interpretation Act (NI) 1954[
3] shall apply to these Regulations as it applies to an Act of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Definitions and interpretation
     2. —(1) In these Regulations—

and, in both cases, a reference to a concentration is to a concentration assessed by the Department in accordance with these Regulations;

    (2) Other words and expressions used in these Regulations shall have the same meaning as in the following Directives—

Responsibility for implementation of the Air Framework Directive
     3. For the purposes of Article 3 (implementation and responsibilities) of Council Directive 96/62/EC on ambient air quality assessment and management "the Air Framework Directive",


Group A and Group B pollutants and ozone


Air Quality Standards

Preliminary and application
4. —(1) This Part applies in respect of the following pollutants—

    (2) Northern Ireland departments shall ensure that all measures taken under Chapters 2 or 3 of this Part—

Zones and agglomerations
5. —(1) The Department shall, for the purposes of this Part, divide the territory of Northern Ireland into zones.

    (2) A zone shall be classified as an agglomeration for the purposes of this Part where—

    (3) The Department may establish different zones for different pollutants where it considers this appropriate.

Air quality standards
6. —(1) Schedule 1 prescribes the following air quality standards—

    (2) Limit values—

    (3) Target values shall be attained from the attainment date specified, in so far as this is possible.

    (4) In the case of benzene and nitrogen dioxide, the margins of tolerance set out in Part 2 of Schedule 1 apply within the periods specified.


Attainment of air quality standards

General attainment measures
7. —(1) Northern Ireland departments shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the air quality standards in regulation 6 are attained.

    (2) In the case of Group B pollutants, the necessary measures are—

    (3) In the case of ozone, the necessary measures are measures the Department considers to be proportionate and, in relation to the long-term objectives, cost effective.

Improvement plans
     8. —(1) This regulation applies in respect of each zone in which prior to the attainment date—

    (2) Where paragraph (1)(a) applies, the Department, after consultation with other Northern Ireland departments, shall prepare and implement an improvement plan for the pollutant in question or, where concentrations of both pollutants exceed the level referred to, a single improvement plan for both pollutants; and the Department and those other Northern Ireland departments shall ensure that the plan is implemented.

    (3) Where paragraph (1)(b) applies, the Department, after consultation with other Northern Ireland departments, shall prepare and implement an improvement plan in respect of ozone unless it considers that the target value would not be attainable through proportionate measures.

    (4) An improvement plan shall include the information specified in Schedule 2.

    (5) Where the Department, after consultation with other Northern Ireland departments, is required to prepare and implement an improvement plan under both paragraphs (2) and (3) it shall, where it considers it appropriate, prepare and implement an integrated improvement plan covering all of the pollutants concerned.

    (6) An improvement plan may comprise either a plan or a programme which, in either case, shall have the objective of attaining—

Other improvement measures
9. —(1) This regulation applies in respect of each zone in which—

    (2) Where paragraph (1)(a) applies, the Department shall—

    (3) Where paragraph (1)(b) applies, the Department shall prepare and implement measures which it considers to be cost-effective with the aim of attaining the long-term objective.

    (4) The Department shall ensure that the measures required in paragraph (3) are consistent with the improvement plans prepared for ozone under regulation 8(3).


Maintenance of air quality standards and action plans

Maintenance of air quality standards
10. —(1) This regulation applies in respect of each zone in which—

    (2) Where sub-paragraphs (a) or (b) of paragraph (1) apply, Northern Ireland departments shall, in respect of each pollutant meeting the conditions set out in those sub-paragraphs—

    (3) Where paragraph (1)(c) applies, Northern Ireland departments shall—

Action plans
11. —(1) The Department, after consultation with other Northern Ireland departments, shall—

action plans.

    (2) The action plans shall indicate the measures to be taken within any zone in the short term in order to achieve the objectives set out in paragraph (3) in the event of circumstances in which the Department considers there is a risk that any one of the following will be exceeded—

    (3) The objectives of each action plan shall be—

    (4) In relation to ozone, the obligation imposed by paragraph (1)(a) shall only apply in so far as, taking account geographical, meteorological and economic conditions, the Department considers there is significant potential for the objectives set out in paragraph (3) to be achieved.

    (5) When the risks referred to in paragraph (2) arise within a zone, the measures indicated in the relevant action plans within the zone concerned shall be implemented—

to the extent that it is considered necessary in the circumstances of the particular case.

    (6) In preparing and implementing any action plans for ozone, the Department shall have regard to Annexes I and II to the Commission Decision of 19 March 2004 concerning guidance for implementation of Directive 2002/3/EC[

    (7) Schedule 3 has effect in prescribing—



Duty to assess air quality
     12. The Department shall assess the concentrations of each pollutant within each zone, in accordance with regulations 13 to 16.

Assessment methods
13. —(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Department shall assess concentrations of a Group A pollutant by fixed measurement where—

    (2) Where the zone concerned is the same as that established under the Air Quality Limit Values Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002[14] ("the 2002 Regulations") and the Air Quality (Ozone) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003[15] ("the 2003 Regulations") the Department may continue to use the method by which concentrations of a Group A pollutant were assessed within that zone under the 2002 and 2003 Regulations ("the 2002 and 2003 method").

    (3) Except where fixed measurement is required by paragraph (1) or it continues to use the 2002 and 2003 method in accordance with paragraph (2), and, in the case of nitrogen dioxide, subject to the requirements imposed by regulation 15(7), the Department may assess concentrations of a Group A pollutant by any one of the following methods—

    (4) The Department shall assess concentrations of a Group B pollutant by fixed measurement in any zone in which representative concentrations of that pollutant exceed the relevant upper assessment threshold.

    (5) Except where fixed measurement is required by paragraph (4), the Department may assess concentrations of a Group B pollutant by one of the following methods—

    (6) For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (3) to (5), the Department shall determine the representative concentrations in accordance with Part 3 of Schedule 4.

    (7) The Department shall review the method by which concentrations of a Group A or Group B pollutant are assessed at least once every five years or earlier if there are significant changes in activities affecting concentrations of the relevant pollutant within the zone concerned.

    (8) Where the Department continues to use the 2002 and 2003 method, the date from which the period of review commences is the later of—

    (9) The Department shall assess concentrations of ozone by fixed measurement if, within the zone concerned, concentrations have exceeded a long-term objective during any of the previous five years of measurement.

    (10) Where fewer than five years' information on concentrations is available, the Department may assess concentrations of ozone by—

Fixed and combined measurement
     14. —(1) Where the Department assesses concentrations of a Group A or Group B pollutant by fixed measurement or by combined measurement it shall ensure that—

    (2) Where the Department assesses concentrations of a Group A or Group B pollutant by fixed measurement, it may supplement information from sampling points for fixed measurement with information from modelling techniques in so far as it considers this will provide an adequate level of information on ambient air quality.

    (3) Where the Department assesses concentrations of ozone by fixed measurement—

Sampling points
15. —(1) Where the Department assesses concentrations of a Group A or Group B pollutant by fixed measurement it shall, except in cases falling within paragraph (2)(a), install the number of sampling points required for the zone in accordance with the relevant Part of Schedule 5.

    (2) Where the Department assesses concentrations of a Group A or Group B pollutant by—

it shall install the number of sampling points it determines is sufficient, taken together with the spatial resolution of the other techniques employed, for concentrations of the relevant pollutant to be established within the zone concerned.

    (3) The Department shall locate all sampling points for Group A and Group B pollutants in accordance with the requirements set out in the relevant Parts of Schedule 6.

    (4) Where the Department assesses concentrations of ozone by fixed measurement it shall, except where paragraphs (5) or (6) apply, install the number of sampling points required for the zone in accordance with Part 4 of Schedule 5.

    (5) In the case of zones where—

the Department may determine the number of sampling points in accordance with Part 5 of Schedule 5.

    (6) In the case of zones in which the Department supplements the information obtained from sampling points for fixed measurement with information from modelling techniques or indicative measurement in accordance with regulation 14(3)(b), it may reduce the number of sampling points for ozone provided that—

    (7) The Department shall ensure that—

    (8) The Department shall locate all sampling points for ozone in accordance with the requirements set out in the relevant Parts of Schedule 6.

Other assessment requirements
16. —(1) When the Department undertakes assessments by methods other than fixed measurement, it shall comply with the requirements of the relevant Part of Schedule 7 when using those other methods.

    (2) When conducting any assessment under this Chapter, the Department shall have regard to the relevant data quality objectives set out in Schedule 8.

    (3) The Department shall undertake assessments in accordance with—

    (4) Measurements of volume of benzene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone and sulphur dioxide shall be standardised at a temperature of 293K and a pressure of 101.3kPa.


Other pollutants and background monitoring

Measurement of PM2.5
17. —(1) The Department shall install and operate measuring stations to supply representative data on concentrations of PM2.5.

    (2) The Department shall—

Measurement of ozone precursor substances
18. —(1) The Department shall install and operate one or, if it considers it necessary, more measuring stations, to supply data on concentrations of those ozone precursor substances set out in Schedule 10.

    (2) When complying with paragraph (1), the Department shall have regard—

Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
19. —(1) The Department shall monitor concentrations of—

at monitoring sites designated by it for this purpose.

    (2) The Department shall locate each monitoring site—

    (3) The total number of monitoring sites and their overall selection shall be such as the Department considers necessary to ensure that the monitoring provides sufficient information to identify long-term trends and geographical variation in the concentration of each polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.

    (4) Regulation 16(2) and (3) shall apply to the monitoring required by this regulation as if such monitoring were an assessment under Chapter 4 of Part 2.

Background monitoring
20. —(1) The Department shall install and operate background sampling points to provide the measurements referred to in paragraph (2).

    (2) The measurements are indicative measurements of—

    (3) For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), the Department shall ensure that—

    (4) Regulation 16(2) and (3) shall apply to the taking of the measurements referred to in paragraph (2) as if the taking of these measurements were an assessment under Chapter 4 of Part 2.

    (5) The Department may—

    (6) For the purpose of paragraph (2)(a)(iii), "total gaseous mercury" means—


Public information and participation

General requirements
21. —(1) The Department shall—

    (2) The Department shall ensure that the information to which this Part relates is—

    (3) For the purposes of this Part, "the public" includes the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and other organisations having an interest in ambient air quality or representing the interests of sensitive people or the environment.

Information regarding zones
22. The Department shall make available—

Information on concentrations
23. —(1) The Department shall make available information in respect of—

    (2) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall be updated in the cases of—

    (3) The information required to be made available by paragraph (1)(c) shall be updated—

    (4) The information required to be made available by paragraph (1)(d)(i) in respect of PM2.5 shall be updated at least on a daily basis.

Information on breach of alert or information threshold
24. —(1) The Department shall, as soon as possible in each case, make available—

    (2) In cases where the Department makes information available under both sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (1), it shall combine the information in a comprehensive format.

    (3) Without prejudice to the generality of the obligation imposed by this regulation, in cases where the alert threshold for ozone is exceeded or is predicted to be exceeded, the Department shall ensure that timely information is provided to the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.

Information on breach of air quality standards
25. —(1) The Department shall provide the information required by paragraphs (2) to (5) in respect of each of the pollutants to which those paragraphs relate.

    (2) For Group A pollutants, the Department shall indicate the extent to which the following have been exceeded—

and provide a short assessment of these occurrences and their effects on health.

    (3) For Group B pollutants, the Department shall—

    (4) For ozone, the Department shall—

    (5) The Department shall update the information referred to in paragraphs (2) and (4) in accordance with the timescales specified for the pollutants in question by regulation 23(2) and (3).

Ozone annual report
26. —(1) The Department shall produce an annual report in relation to ozone containing the following information—

    (2) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(b) may include, where appropriate—

Information on action and improvement plans
27. —(1) The Department shall—

each action plan and improvement plan.

    (2) Where regulation 11(4) applies, the Department shall make available the results of the investigations undertaken in the context of its considerations under that regulation, irrespective of whether it has prepared an action plan under regulation 11(1)(a).

Public participation in improvement plans
28. —(1) The Department shall consult the public where it proposes to prepare, modify or review an improvement plan.

    (2) Where paragraph (1) applies, the Department shall—

    (3) Where, following a consultation, the Department takes a decision in relation to its proposal, it shall inform the public and provide information as to the reasons and considerations on which its decision is based as well as information as to the public participation process.


Final and miscellaneous provisions

Collation of information etc
29. —(1) The Department shall ensure that the information specified in Part 1 of Schedule 12 is obtained and collated.

    (2) The criteria for aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters specified in Part 2 of Schedule 12 shall apply as respects ozone.

Revocations and savings
30. —(1) The following Regulations are revoked subject to the savings mentioned in (a) and (b)—

    (2) Regulation 7 of the Air Quality Standards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1990[18] is revoked from, and including, 1st January 2010.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of the Environment on

30th April 2007.


Wesley Shannon
A senior officer of the Department of the Environment

Regulation 6Regulation 25(2)(a)

Air Quality standards


Limit values for Group A pollutants

           Averaging period Limit value Attainment date
Limit value for the protection of human health Calendar year 5 µg/m³ 1st January 2010

Carbon monoxide
For the purposes of this table, the maximum daily 8-hour mean concentration shall be selected by examining 8-hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each 8-hour average so calculated shall be assigned to the day on which it ends, i.e. the first calculation period for any one day shall be the period from 17:00 on the previous day to 01:00 on that day; the last calculation period for any one day shall be the period from 16:00 to 24:00 on that day.
           Averaging period Limit value
Limit value for the protection of human health Maximum daily 8-hour mean 10 mg/m³

           Averaging period Limit value
Annual limit value for the protection of human health Calendar year 0.5 µg/m³

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
           Averaging period Limit value Attainment date
Hourly limit value for the protection of human health 1 hour 200 µg/m³ NO2, not to be exceeded more than 18 times a calendar year 1st January 2010
Annual limit value for the protection of human health Calendar year 40 µg/m³ NO2 1st January 2010
Annual limit value for the protection of vegetation Calendar year 30 µg/m³ NOx           

           Averaging period Limit value
24-hour limit value for the protection of human health 24 hours 50 µg/m³ PM10, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a calendar year
Annual limit value for the protection of human health Calendar year 40 µg/m³ PM10

Sulphur dioxide
           Averaging period Limit value
Hourly limit value for the protection of human health 1 hour 350 µg/m³, not to be exceeded more than 24 times a calendar year
Daily limit value for the protection of human health 24 hours 125 µg/m³, not to be exceeded more than 3 times a calendar year
Limit value for the protection of ecosystems Calendar year and winter (1st October to 31st March) 20 µg/m³


Margins of tolerance for benzene and nitrogen dioxide

Start of period during which the margin applies End of period during which the margin applies Benzene Nitrogen dioxide (hourly limit value for the protection of human health)

Nitrogen dioxide (annual limit value for the protection of human health)
Coming into force of these Regulations 31st December 2007 3 µg/m³ 30 µg/m³ 6 µg/m³
1st January 2008 31st December 2008 2 µg/m³ 20 µg/m³ 4 µg/m³
1st January 2009 31st December 2009 1 µg/m³ 10 µg/m³ 2 µg/m³


Target values for Group B pollutants

     1. The target values in the following table in each case relate to the total content of the relevant pollutant in the PM10 fraction averaged over one calendar year.

     2. The attainment date for each of these target values is 31st December 2012.

Pollutant Target value
Arsenic 6 ng/m³
Benzo(a)pyrene 1 ng/m³
Cadmium 5 ng/m³
Nickel 20 ng/m³


Target values and long-term objectives for ozone

     3. In this Part—

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