2001 No. 109
The Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Scotland) (Declaratory Orders) General Amendment Order 2001
Made |
16th March 2001 | |
Coming into force at 9.00 p.m. on |
16th March 2001 | |
The Scottish Ministers in exercise of the powers conferred by article 17(1) of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order 1983[1], and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Order:
Citation and commencement
This Order may be cited as the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Scotland) (Declaratory Orders) General Amendment Order 2001 and shall come into force at 9.00 p.m. on 16th March 2001.
Amendment to Foot-and-Mouth Disease Declaratory Orders
- (1) The Orders specified in paragraph (2) below are amended in accordance with paragraph (3) below.
(2) The Orders referred to in paragraph (1) above are-
(3) In Schedule 2 of each of the foresaid Orders-
(a) for paragraph 2(d) of each of the foresaid Orders, there is substituted-
"no person shall seek to carry out breeding of animals by means of artificial insemination other than with semen that is on the premises on which the animals are kept or with semen delivered directly to those premises by an insemination centre, except under the authority of a licence issued by an inspector;"; and
(b) paragraph 3 shall be deleted.
Effect of licences issued
Licences issued by the Scottish Ministers before the coming into force of this Order to authorise the movement of animals from premises in an infected area or to authorise the movement
of animals on public or private roads in such an area shall have effect from the coming into force of this Order as if issued under the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order 1983 as varied by the Orders (as amended by this Order) referred to in paragraph (2) of article 2 above.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Pentland House, Edinburgh
16th March 2001
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order amends the Declaratory Orders made in Scotland under Part III of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order 1983 (S.I. 1983/1950, as amended, "the 1983 Order"). The amendments to each of those Orders remove requirements for certain movement licences to be in a form specified in Part I of Schedule 3 to the 1983 Order. They also substitute a new requirement that no person shall seek to carry out the breeding of animals by artificial insemination except where the semen to be used is on the premises where the animals are kept or has been delivered to those premises under licence.
S.I. 1983/1950, as amended by S.I. 1993/3119, S.I. 1995/2922, and, as regards Scotland, by S.S.I. 2001/52, 55 and 101. See article 3(1) for the functions of "the Minister". The functions of "the Minister", so far as exercisable in relation to Scotland, were transferred to the Scottish Ministers by section 53 of the Scotland Act 1998 (c.46).back
S.S.I. 2001/56, as amended by S.S.I. 2001/63, 66, 90, 91 and 110.back
S.S.I. 2001/59, as amended by S.S.I. 2001/63, 66 and 90back