Lands Redemption Act 1555
1555 c.3
Anent warning fra redemit landis and the pane for non removing
Item in lykewyse It is statute and ordanit that gif ony persounis hauand rycht be reuersioun to redeme landis or vther possessiounis makis or causis mak lauchfull warning to all parteis fra quhome the saidis landis or vther possessiounis aucht and sould be redemit to compeir at ane certane day in the place nemmit in the said reuersioun for ressaifing of the sowmes of money and takkis gif ony be specifeit thairin and at the day warnit fulfilling all thingis as accordis conforme to the reuersioun for his part gif the parteis warnit as said is compeiris and refusis to grant the saidis landis or possessiounis lauchfullie redemit or absentis thame selfis gif thair be na takkis to rin efter the redemptioun of the landis or possessiounis or the takkis being run out the haifar of the rycht to the reuersioun causand lauchfull warning to be maid to the parteis foirsaidis and all vthers occupyaris befoir ony witsonday terme efter the redemptioun to flit and remoue fra the saidis landis and possessiounis the redemptioun in maner abone specifeit being fundin lauchfull and the landis be vertew thairof decernit lauchfullie redemit In that caice the parteis quha sould haue grantit the redemptioun of the saidis landis refusit and absentit salbe callit as violent possessouris thairof fra the terme of witsonday befoir the quhilk lauchfull warning was maid to remoue as said is siclyke as the landis and possessiounis had bene grantit lauchfullie redemit the day of the redemptioun