JILT 1998 (3) - Joanna Gretton
Using Copyright to Prevent Intrusive Photography
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A photographer making a false declaration and receiving money or moneys-worth for the photograph would be liable to prosecution for obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception (section 16 Theft Act 1968) or obtaining property by deception (section 15 Theft Act 1968) and might then face confiscation of monies received. A publisher would be free to publish any non-registered photograph whether intrusive or not. The moral rights of the photographer could be asserted and acknowledged but no consideration could be given. On publication of a non-registered photograph the circumstances of the publication and the reasons for the taking of the photograph could be investigated. The publisher would be required to prove that no money or moneys-worth had changed hands. Failure to provide a reasonable explanation would lead to a rebuttable presumption that payment had been made. Fines could be imposed and in serious cases amounts in the region of a week's gross receipts could be demanded. Such an investigation is analogous to the investigations undertaken by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US in investigating insider dealing.
However, in the course of the closed meeting at the LSE a second proposal was put forward by a copyright industry insider who wished to remain anonymous. This impacts on the publication of intrusive photographs by the granting of the same rights as are given to the commissioner of a photograph, to the subject of an intrusive photograph. By amendment to section 85(1) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ("CDPA"), the subject of an intrusive photograph or film would have the right not to have
(a) copies of the work issued to the public;
(b) the work exhibited or shown in public;
(c) the work broadcast or included in a cable programme service.
The insider said he expects that a fourth provision, (d) the work made available to the public, will be added as part of the implementation of the new WIPO treaty.
A new section, 85(3), would define an intrusive photograph or film as one which depicts its subjects engaged in lawful activities on private premises or in a private vehicle, vessel, hovercraft or aircraft and has been taken without the consent of either the subjects or the driver of the vehicle or the master of the vessel, hovercraft or aircraft.
The advantages of the second proposal over the first are that new legislation would not be needed on an international level, the CDPA could be amended by Statutory Instrument. No new body would need to be established to police the system, as it would be the responsibility of the subject to issue infringement proceedings. However, the second proposal is limited to preventing the publication of intrusive photographs within the UK only, unless it is also implemented as an amendment to the Berne Convention, it does not give protection to the subject in a public place and no exemption exists for intrusive photographs taken for the purposes of investigative journalism to be published to illustrate the story.
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In US libel law, celebrities are entitled to a lesser degree of protection than that afforded to ordinary citizens. The question arises whether this should also be true of privacy laws. The Canadian Supreme Court recently made this point. The case concerned a photograph taken of an ordinary person outdoors and the court held that the photograph violated the subject's right to privacy. The Court said "the artistic expression of the photograph ... cannot justify the infringement of the right to privacy it entails" but went on to say "certain aspects of a private life of a person who is engaged in public activity .. can become matters of public interest"[ 7 ].
A much overlooked speech by the Lord Chief Justice on Human Rights in the New Millennium referred to a German privacy case[ 8 ]. This case concerned Princess Caroline of Monaco. Photographs of her were taken while she was dining with a male friend on what appeared to be a romantic occasion in a corner of a restaurant garden in France. Considering the decision that the Princess' privacy had been violated, Lord Bingham said "It would appear that under German law a person in the position of Princess Caroline is in general entitled to privacy in respect of things done in private, or in exceptional circumstances things done in public". Exceptional circumstances arise where the subject made it clear they had retreated to a place of seclusion.
As has been said and as the Canadian case illustrates, it is not only celebrities whose privacy needs protection. In Hong Kong, Data Protection laws served to protect a student who had been videotaped without consent. The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance prohibits the collection; duplication and use of images of persons in private places without consent for purposes other that the purposes of the data collection. The alleged purpose of the videotaping was to collect evidence of a person entering premises without proper authority. The subsequent showing of the video to a person unable to assist in the carrying out of that purpose was an unlawful use. The subject could seek compensation through civil proceedings but concerns were raised that privacy legislation needed to be reconsidered.
With the incorporation of the ECHR into UK law, UK citizens will, for the first time, be guaranteed privacy. The media, also for the first time, will have a guaranteed right of free expression. Legislation is needed to ensure that the parameters of those two rights are understood in respect of intrusive photography, as it is one sphere in which the two rights seem set firmly against one another. To this end all ideas need to be mooted, initiatives ideally coming from within the press. An example of the type of initiative required is the treatment of Princess Diana's sons, Princes William and Harry, both in the way the paparazzi in this country have agreed not to harass them and in the way the boys were not filmed crying at their mother's funeral. Such decisions are to be welcomed. It is not required nor, more importantly, desired to restrict the legitimate news-gathering activities of photographers. From such small acorns large oaks grow. It is to be hoped that perhaps a new 'moral' code might develop within the media before a legislative amendment is made to demonstrate the assumption of responsibility from the press in respect of our freedom.
- Recognition that the problem of intrusive photography is not endured only by celebrities.
- Recognition of intrusive photography within the wider privacy debate.
- Public education both of the wider privacy debate and of the specific problem of intrusive photography.
- Debate and initiatives to win support from the media itself.
- Legislation in some form to combat intrusive photography.
1 . Source: "The Faustian bargain" The Economist September 6 th 1997
2 . The word 'paparazzi' comes from the character 'Paparazzo' in Fellini's film 'La Dolce Vita'.
3 . In 1995 Ellen Alterman and Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of President Kennedy, wrote a book "The Right to Privacy" (ISBN 0-679-41986-1) which set out some of the problems encountered by people wishing to preserve their privacy in the USA. This has influenced the debate in the USA.
4 . "If it has fallen to my destiny to start a fight to cut out the cancer of bent and twisted journalism in our country with the simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play, so be it. I am ready for the fight." For the full quote in context see The Guardian Weekly "Fallen hero impaled on a bent sword of truth" at http://www.guardian.co.uk/gweekly/rotter.html
5 . HR 3224
6 . HR 2448
7 . Aubry v Éditions Vice-Versa Inc. http://www.droit.umontreal.ca/doc/csc-scc/en/pub/1998/vol1/html/1998scr1_0591.ht ml Canadian Supreme Court, 9 April 1998
8 . BGH 19 December 1995, BGHZ 131 pp332-346. The LCJ's speech is at http://www.lbnipc.com/privacy
This is a Work in Progress article published on 30 October 1998.
Citation: Gretton J, 'Using Copyright to Prevent Intrusive Photography', 1998 (3) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT). <http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/98-3/gretton.html>. New citation as at 1/1/04: < http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/jilt/1998_3/gretton/>