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visitor to [1996] 3 Web JCLI since 24 May 1996.
Current Issues
Truth in Sentencing: Some Problems of
Enforcement Strategy
Ralph Henham, Reader in Law, Nottingham Trent University
Legal Education
Legal Practice Course research skills: teaching
competence or raising awareness?
Hugh Brayne, Professor of Law and Head of Kingston Law School, and
Peter Breakey, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader of the Part-Time Legal Practice Course, University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
Information Technology
Section 3 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990: an Antidote for Computer Viruses!
Yaman Akdeniz LLB, Research student at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies
Faculty of Law University of Leeds.
Problems Postponed: The Rule In Wheeldon v
Burrows and Wheeler v Saunders
Graham J. Ferris LLB Solicitor of the Supreme Court,
Lecturer in Law,
University of Sheffield.
Page v Smith - A Case of Mere Psychiatric
Vivien Pickford, Associate Senior Lecturer in Law, Business School, University of Portsmouth.
Stag Hunting, Irrelevant Considerations and
Judicial Review
Robert Thomas, Postgraduate Student, Department of Law, University of Nottingham.
Susan Bright & Geoff Gilbert, Landlord and
Tenant Law: The Nature of Tenancies
Reviewed by Letitia Crabb, Lecturer in Law, The University of Reading.
Tim Newburn, Crime and Criminal Justice
Reviewed by Ian McKenzie, Senior Lecturer in Police Studies, University of Portsmouth.
24 May 1996
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