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Balat and Loutfi, The TRIPs Agreement and Developing Countries: A Legal Analysis of the Impact of the New Intellectual Property Rights Law on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt
URL: http://www.bailii.org/uk/other/journals/WebJCLI/2004/issue2/balat2.html
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Balat and Loutfi, The TRIPs Agreement and Developing Countries: A Legal Analysis of the Impact of the New Intellectual Property Rights Law on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt
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The TRIPs Agreement and
Developing Countries: A Legal Analysis of the Impact of the New Intellectual
Property Rights Law on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt
Mohamed Abou El Farag
Ph.D. Researcher, School of Law, University of Manchester, UK. The author
is also an Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cairo,
Egypt. His doctorate thesis focuses on Intellectual Property Rights within the
World Trade Organisation.
[email protected]>
Mohamed Hossam
Professor of Civil Law, Faculty of Law of Bani-Suef, University of Cairo,
Member of the Official
Drafting Committee of the New Egyptian Law on Intellectual Property
<[email protected]>The
authors are grateful to Professor Andrew McGee, Dr. Kartina A. Choong and the
anonymous referee for their comments on earlier drafts of this paper. However,
the authors are solely responsible for the final text.
Copyright © 2004 Mohamed Abou El Farag
Balat & Mohamed Hossam Loutfi.
First Published
in Web Journal of Current Legal Issues
This paper seeks to highlight the impact that the
new Intellectual Property Rights Law might have on the pharmaceutical industry
in Egypt and on its population. It also seeks to provide a deep assessment of
the law in considering the interest of Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry and
the interest of Egyptians in general. . The absence of product patents under
the Old Patents Law might be one of the main factors that stand in the way of
progress for this industry in Egypt. However with the new IPR law coming into
force, the industry is entering a critical phase. The law has made substantial
changes in the levels of pharmaceutical patent protection. Therefore, it will
force domestic industry to respect the monopoly of inventors on their drugs. As
for the Egyptian population, it is expected that the law will have adverse
effects, reflected in the potential increase in the prices of new drugs. This
without doubt represents a real risk for all Egyptians.
- 1- Introduction
2- The TRIPs Agreement: an overview
3- The Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt
4- Intellectual property rights law in
Egypt (patents law)
4-1- The Old Patents Law
4-2- The New IPR Law
4-3- Pharmaceutical and Agricultural
Chemical Products Protection (mail-box)
4-4- Exclusive Marketing Rights
5- The likely effects of the new IPR
law on the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt
5-1- Prices of Pharmaceuticals
5-2- Period of Protection
6- The Doha Declaration: an overview
7- The new IPR law: a reflection
7-1- Limitation on Patentable Subject
7-2- Absolute Novelty
7-3- Compulsory Licensing
7-4- Exhaustion of Rights
7-5- Protection of Public Interest
7-6- Scientific Activities
7-7- Regulatory Exception (Bolar Provision)
7-8- Term of Protection
7-9- Deposition of Micro-organisms (Micro-biological)
7-10- Disclosure Condition
7-11- Expropriation of Patent Ownership
7-12- Drug Prices Council
7-13- Drug Prices Control
7-14- Pre-examination System
8 Recommendations
8-1- Drug Definition
8-2- New Use for a Known Substance (or
8-3- Use of Expired Patents
8-4- The Patents Office
8-5- Policy for Research and Development
8-6- Policy for Health Care
8-7- System for Selling Pharmaceutical
8-8- No Protection for Disclosed Information
9- Conclusion
1- Introduction
In correspondence with Egypt’s commitment as a
World Trade Organisation (WTO) Member, a new Intellectual Property Rights Law
(Law No. 82/ 2002, Official Journal -ALWAKAA –AL MASREA, issue No. 22
bis, June 2, 2002, hereinafter ‘the new IPR law’) was enacted
and it came into force on June 4, 2002. The law, aimed at the implementation of
the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the
TRIPs Agreement), is Egypt’s maiden independent intellectual property
rights law. It also represents the country’s first ever effort to combine
all fields of intellectual property (except trade names) in one single Code.
This paper will firstly provide an outline of
the TRIPs Agreement. It will then explore the position of the pharmaceutical
industry in Egypt before examining the new IPR law, with special emphases placed
on a comparison between the new and old provisions on patents. An overview of
the Doha Declaration on the TRIPs Agreement and Public Health, which was adopted
on November 14, 2001, is subsequently demonstrated. In the light of all these,
an appraisal of the new IPR law is offered, alongside a number of
recommendations that could be considered in future policy review.
2- The TRIPs Agreement: an
The TRIPs Agreement is one of the many agreements
concluded in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1986-1994)
which also created the World Trade Organisation. The Agreement of WTO entered
into force on January 1, 1995 (for the legal texts of the results of the Uruguay
Round, see The WTO: The Legal Texts, 1999).
TRIPs Agreement is seen as the greatest achievement in the field of Intellectual
Property Rights during the last century. The Agreement is based on certain
international conventions in the field of intellectual property, namely the
the Berne
and the Rome
as well as the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated
It also provides other obligations additional to those stated in the
The minimum standards of protection included in the Agreement are concerned with
the availability of almost all categories of intellectual property rights and
their enforcement (Correa, 2000,
The Agreement furthermore regulates certain anti-competitive practices in
contractual licences.
At first glance, those
levels of protection embodied in the TRIPs Agreement mirror the existing
standards in developed countries’ laws and regulations (Correa, 2000, p.3;
South Centre, 1997, p. i (preface)). These are regarded by developing countries
as exceptionally high (South Centre, 1997, p. i (preface)). It must be noted
that all WTO Members are bound to include these standards in their own national
laws. Non-compliance with such an Agreement will trigger the initiation of
dispute settlement procedures (Gervais, 1998, p.249).
3- The Pharmaceutical
Industry in Egypt
Medicines are of particular importance to Egypt. She is a developing country
with a high level of classic problems related to such economic status (such
as unemployment). The birth rate is considered the highest in the Arab
region. As a result, Egypt was reluctant to swiftly implement the TRIPs’
levels of protection, despite the intensive pressures received from a number
of developed countries in particular the USA(7)
and European Union countries. Recognising the large risk represented
in providing patent protection for pharmaceutical products, Egypt has declared
her intention to benefit from the additional grace period set forth in the
Agreement (i.e. an additional five years over the regular period attributed
to developing countries with regard to all aspects of IPRs).
There is no doubt that patent protection is an important element of a ‘complex
strategy developed by the R&D-intensive pharmaceutical drug companies
to meet market competition’ (Nogues, 1990, p.102; Subramanian, 1995,
253). Patents are also said to be vital instruments for giving these companies
effective opportunity to appropriate the returns from their inventions (Nogues,
1990, p.102).
Egypt has, since the early years, considered the improvement and growth of
the national pharmaceutical industry as critical to its ability to provide
quality healthcare to its population. Currently, not only does Egypt’s
pharmaceutical industry provide nearly 93% of the current local consumption
that totals approximately three billion Egyptian Pounds annually, it is also
a major source of national income in the form of foreign currency derived
from the export of its products (Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI),
1997, p.1).
Within this sector, there are about 35 pharmaceutical factories, consisting
of public sector, private sector, and joint venture (MFT study, 2001,
p. 15). Furthermore, there are pharmaceutical companies that are subsidiaries
of Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies (MNCs) (FEI, 1997, p.1). The existence
of that variety of companies, particularly foreign companies, working within
the drugs industry means that such an industry is open to pharmaceutical investors
(whether national or multinational).
It is worth noting that drug prices in Egypt are one-sixth less compared to
those of the MNCs. However, foreign pharmaceutical companies in Egypt set
relatively high prices. These companies rely, to a greater level, on intensive
advertising campaigns to promote their products (FEI, 1997, p.1). The importation
of the specialised raw materials from the parent companies moreover accounts
for the high-priced products of those companies functioning in Egypt, a fact
that does not apply to the domestic industry (FEI, 1997, p.2). Generally speaking,
Egypt imports an estimated 80-90 percent of its total raw materials in the
form of active ingredients (Subramanian and Abd-El-Latif, 1997, p.7-8). Another
special characteristic of this industry is that drug prices are governed by
the Ministry of Health (MOH) and that no drugs can be circulated without such
pricing controls (FEI, 1997, p.2).
Investments made in the pharmaceutical sector are very high in terms of the
size of consumption and domestic demand. A large portion of the products (mainly
generics drugs and other formulations such as vitamins) is therefore exported
to Arab, African and East European countries (Saad, Ahram newspapers, 2003).
The share of the foreign-owned pharmaceutical companies in total exports
is minuscule, as a consequence of restrictions imposed by the parent company
on its Egyptian affiliates (Subramanian and Abd-El-Latif, 1997, p11. The authors
further refer to global marketing strategies, which involve international
market segmentation and price variation, as reasons for such a policy). For
that reason, the large share of Egyptian pharmaceutical exports is accounted
for by indigenous private and public companies (Subramanian and Abd-El-Latif,
1997, p.11). It is worth mentioning that recent efforts to improve drug exporting
activity are thus far promising (FEI, 1997, p.2).
Top | Contents | Bibliography
4- Intellectual property
rights law in Egypt (patents law)
4-1- The Old Patents
Before the new IPR law, Egypt’s patents system
was carried out under Law No. 132 of 1949 concerning Patents and Industrial
Drawings, Models (the Old Patents Law). According to this, patent protection
was available for every invention (whether product or process) which met the
three patentability criteria. Pharmaceutical chemical products and agricultural
chemical products related to foodstuff were nevertheless
Under the aforesaid law, protection by way of process patent for pharmaceutical
and agricultural chemical products was provided but only if such products were
produced through new chemical processes.
term of protection for all inventions was fifteen years, calculated from the
filing date of the patent application in Egypt, and was capable of being
renewed for another five years under some circumstances (Birairy, 2000, pp.
213-214). Nevertheless, for ‘process’ patents for pharmaceutical
and agricultural chemical products the term was only ten years and was not
eligible for renewal (Art.12 (4)).
Egyptian indigenous companies from powerful multinational competitors was the
main purpose for eliminating patents protection to pharmaceutical products
(Shaarawi, 1996, p.1). The designed objective of such a policy was to
‘encourage the development of the national pharmaceutical industry by
opening the door to legalised copying of drugs. Out of this will emerge a
strengthened national industry which will develop export business and, as a
result of growing sales and profits, should eventually itself turn to original
research’ (Shaarawi, 1996, p.1. The author further indicates- in p.2- the
adverse impacts of denying patent protection to pharmaceutical products, such as
the loss to national firms of their market share to multinational
The position
of the Old Patents Law was a common one in developing countries since a number
of them provided (and still provide) very little or virtually no protection at
all (Subramanian, 1995, p.253). At the start of the Uruguay Round, about 50
countries did not grant protection to pharmaceutical products at all, and some
excluded pharmaceutical processes from protection as well (UNCTAD, 1996,
The insufficient and weak protection
provided by process patents could explain why MNCs fought to introduce product
patent protection. A process patent gives protection to a product only if it is
produced with the patented process. Therefore, if minor modifications were made
to the relevant formula, the chemical compound concerned could be produced by
several means without infringing the patent (Nogues, 1990, p.83). It is worth
noting that this was one argument of many made by MNCs in relation to why the
TRIPs Agreement should be implemented in Egypt without benefiting from
the additional grace period (mentioned in Abdul-Mawlaa, 1999,
Compulsory licences for patents were
also allowed for both public interest and non-working reasons, provided a number
of requirements were fulfilled (Art 30
et seq.). If the patentee did not
work or insufficiently worked (exploit or insufficiently exploited respectively)
the patent, a grace period –three years from the granting of the
was set forth under the law for this patentee before a compulsory licence was to
be issued. However, if the Patents Office found that although the period stated
above had expired, the non-working of the patent was due to external reasons and
causes, it was permitted to grant the patentee another period (a maximum of two
years) to work or exploit the invention (see also Birairy, 2000, p. 218).
The rationale underlying the previous Egyptian
patent law in relation to compulsory licences was that the government gave
exclusive rights to exploit an invention. In return for these, patentees had to
work the invention in Egypt. The exploitation of the invention in Egypt
facilitated the establishment of new industries and increased employment and
capital. It seems that this rationale had been in the minds of the people
responsible for the new IPR law (see below).
4-2- The New IPR
With the new IPR law in place, the above-mentioned
situation will be totally changed. Patent protection is to be available for any
invention, whether products or processes, ‘in all fields of
technology’ (as required by Art.27 (1) of TRIPs). Moreover, patent rights
are to be enjoyed without discrimination as to the field of technology.
Accordingly, patent protection is to be granted for pharmaceutical products (in
addition to processes).
A product patent
‘is the most desirable patent’ for the pharmaceutical industry
(Lewis, 1996, p.842). Absent patent protection, imitators could freely ride on
the protected invention and duplicate the compound for a small fraction of the
inventor’s costs. In point of fact, imitation costs in pharmaceutical
drugs are exceptionally low relative to the innovator’s costs for
discovering and developing a new compound. In addition, the protection term is
for 20 years to be counted from the filing date of a patent application in Egypt
(Art.9 of the new IPR law). This Article corresponds to Art.33 of the TRIPs
Under the law, compulsory licences
are to be granted for many specified grounds including public interest and
non-working. The non-working of an invention as a ground for granting
compulsory licences has raised a number of concerns from some countries
particularly the USA (see USTR 2003 Special 301 Report). Yet, Egypt sees such
a requirement as consistent with both the TRIPs Agreement and the Paris
Convention (Review of legislation IP/C/W/278 dated 12 June 2001, available at
4-3- Pharmaceutical and
Agricultural Chemical Products Protection (mail-box)
In accordance with Art 43 (1) of the new IPR law,
the Patents Office is obliged to receive patent applications for pharmaceutical
and agricultural chemical products that relate to nutrition. The Patents Office
is also required to receive other applications concerned with the same types of
products that were submitted from January 1, 1995 according to the established
mail-box in line with the provisions of Art.70 (8) of the TRIPs
The Office will have to keep these applications until January 1, 2005, the date
on which the examination of these applications will
(11) The
delay in the examination of such applications means that Egypt has taken
advantage of Art.65 (4) of the Agreement, under which developing countries that
did not grant product patent protection in certain areas of technology on the
general date of application of the TRIPs Agreement in those countries (i.e.
January 1, 2000) are allowed to delay the application of patents provisions of
the Agreement (see also Art.4 of the issuance articles of the new IPR law).
If a patent is to be granted to inventions
concerning the aforesaid products, its term of protection will commence from the
day of grant until the end of twenty years counted from the submission of the
application to the Patents Office (Art.43 (2) of the new IPR law). This is a
clear implementation of Art.70 (8) of TRIPs.
4-4- Exclusive Marketing
If a patent application is related to pharmaceutical
and agricultural chemical products that concern nutrition, the applicant is
permitted to request from the competent authority (the Patents Office) a grant
of ‘exclusive marketing rights’ (EMRs) in Egypt for his product (new
IPR law Art. 44). To be granted EMRs, the applicant must fulfil the following
(a) submit a product patent application to the Patents
Office, which operates the created mail-box since January 1, 1995;
(b) present a copy of the patent that was granted for the
same product in another WTO Member in accordance with an application for
obtaining the patent in that Member, which was filed on or after 1 January
(c) submit certified evidence of the marketing approval of
the same product in the same WTO Member, as issued by the responsible authority,
with effect from January 1, 1995 or later; and
d) obtain acceptance from the relevant
approving the marketing of that product in
The Patents Office will
grant an Exclusive Marketing Right Certificate after approval by the ministerial
committee formed by a Prime Minister’s decree (Art.44 (2) of the new IPR
law). Upon the issuance of the marketing approval in Egypt, the applicant will
enjoy exclusive marketing rights valid for a period of five years counted from
the granting date or until a decision by the Patents Office to grant or reject
the patent application, whichever period is shorter (new IPR law Art.44 (4)).
The meaning of ‘EMRs’ is not
defined under either the new IPR law or the Prime Ministerial Decree that deals
with the same topic. Even TRIPs is silent on the scope and content of such a
matter (Correa, 1998, p.221; Straus, 1996, p.214). However, it should not be
understood as excluding others from marketing the product in question, like the
case of patents, otherwise one has to question the benefits of the additional
period granted under TRIPs for patents concerning pharmaceutical and
agricultural chemical products (Correa, 1998, p. 221). Thus, ‘EMRs’
may be interpreted to mean ‘the right to receive a remuneration from those
that commercialise the invention, rather than to forbid their activities’
(Correa, 1998, p.221. Cf. Daniel Gervais, 1998, p. 271, stressing
that use of a non-commercial nature should only be allowed under the EMRs
and not other activities).
It is to be noted
that only one product benefited from EMRs, i.e., a court decision approved the
granting of EMRs. The decision was based on an honest interpretation of the
TRIPs Agreement, which comes in line with Egypt’s commitments under its
constitution of 1971 ‘self-implementing provisions’. (see the
decision of the Administrative Court of March 11, 2003 in the case No. 282 for
the judicial year no.56).
The Old Patent Law
The New IPR Law
• Patents protection was available for any
invention (subject to the three patentability criteria).
• Patent protection for pharmaceutical and
agricultural chemical products was excluded.
• Protection was only available for processes for
pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products.
• Relative novelty (time and
• Patent of addition was only available to the
patent owner in cases of modification, improvement, or addition to an
invention that was previously granted a patent.
• Protection term was 15 years (non-renewable 10
years for process patents for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals). This
can be extended for another 5 years under certain
• Handful of exceptions to the rights conferred
(such as prior use).
• Compulsory licences were set out for public
interest and non-working.
• Required that a patent application have attached
only a detailed description of the invention, without demanding the full
statement of the subject matter and the best or preferred method
(old patent law, Art. 16).
• Criminal sanctions were weak.
• no provisions on burden of proof in infringement
suits over process patents that were to be reversed.
• No pre-examination system of the subject matter
of patent applications.
• Patents protection is available for any
invention in all fields of technology (subject to the three patentability
• Patents protection is available for both
products and processes.
• Absolute novelty (time and place).
• Patent is granted independently to a
third party who has undertaken any of these activities.
• Protection term is 20 years.
• A full set of exceptions is included (such as
scientific research, Bolar provision, prior use).
• Compulsory licences are set out for many
specified grounds including public interest and non-working.
• Requires a full statement of the subject matter
and the best or preferred method.
• Enforcement measures are more detailed
• Criminal sanctions are much tougher
• burden of proof in infringement suits over
process patent that are to be reversed.
• Pre-examination system of patent
5- The likely effects of
the new IPR law on the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt
5-1- Prices of
It has been argued that drug prices will increase as a
result of introducing high levels of patent protection as embodied in the new
IPR law. Some have made those claims without providing solid explanations
(Abou-El-Enein, 1996, p.3, [stating that a ‘dramatic rise’ in prices
of pharmaceuticals will occur as a result of the implementation of TRIPs];
Safadi and Laird, 1996, p.1235), but others have clarified their positions (MFT,
2001, pp.15-19; Subramanian and Abd-El-Latif, 1997, pp.14-18). With our belief
that drug prices would (or might)
as a consequence of introducing new standards of patents protection under the
new IPR law, such an increase will not occur instantly but from the end of a
period of 5-8 years, counted from the end of the additional grace period.
Other Subject Matters Related to
Undisclosed Information Protection
• undisclosed information is to be protected against
unfair commercial practices, if the information is secret, has commercial value
and is subject to steps to keep it secret.
• secret data submitted for the approval of new
chemical entities for pharmaceutical and agrochemical products is to be
protected against unfair commercial use and disclosure by government.
Transitional Arrangement
patent provisions relating to chemical products for
foodstuffs, pharmaceutical chemical products, micro-organisms and other products
that were not acceptable as subject-matter before the enactment of the new IPR
Law, will not come into force until January 1, 2005.
Protection of Existing Subject
• the patent term provided in the new IPR law will
apply to all patents whose term has not expired when entering into
• all patent applications that have been submitted to
the Patents Office and for which no patent has been granted before the date on
which the law came into force, be dealt with in accordance with the provisions
of the current law. |
Table 2: Other Regulations Concerning Pharmaceuticals
Under the New IPR Law.
To understand why
the increase in pharmaceutical drug prices will not be felt as soon as the law
enters into force (January 1, 2005 for patent for pharmaceutical products) but
rather at the END OF A PERIOD OF 5-8 YEARS, calculated as mentioned above, the
following points should be taken into consideration:
• Egypt has benefited from the additional grace
period provided for in Art.65 (4) of TRIPs. This means that Egypt will grant
(i.e. the Egyptian Patents Office will have to accept applications in relation
to pharmaceutical products) patent protection for pharmaceutical products from
January 1,
• The new IPR law sets out the criteria of
patentability (absolute novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability).
According to the novelty requirement, the invention must be new at the time of
submission of the application to the Patents Office. Therefore, any patent
applications related to drugs that currently are on the market or would be from
now until that day (January 1, 2005), would not be new at the time of
examination. Hence, these drugs would not be affected. For this reason,
production (or importation or other activities) of such drugs is not (and will
not be) incompatible with either TRIPs or the new IPR law and their prices would
be the same without any
• It is generally acknowledged that the period
needed for pharmaceutical drugs to acquire marketing approval (the period
between submitting a patent application for a drug which involves preparing and
putting all the necessary documents together and marketing it ) is approximately
5-8 years (cf., Subramanian, 1995, p.258, stating that such a period is
ten years). As a result, new drugs whose patent applications would be submitted
on or after January 1, 2005, will not be marketed until the end of the said
5-2- Period of Protection
The period of
patent protection under TRIPs and the new Egyptian law is twenty years with
effect from the filing date of the patent application in Egypt. Under the Old
Patents Law, the pharmaceutical industry benefited from the relatively short
term of protection (10 years) that allowed it to produce products whose process
patents protection had expired. (One should not repeat that such industry
benefited totally from the non-product patents protection situation under the
Old Patents Law). It is expected that the extension of the patent term in Egypt
is likely to cause adverse effects through the ban of the possible use of the
protected inventions before the expiry of the patent term.
Furthermore, the extended term of patent protection under the new IPR law would
affect the price of pharmaceutical raw materials. Under the Old Patents Law,
the use of such materials was allowed just after any process patent protection
had expired (only 10 years). Alternatively, if Egyptian drug companies wished
to use these materials during the patent protection term, royalties had to be
paid to the owner of the patent. Under the new IPR law, however, the protection
period has, as mentioned above, extended to 20 years, hence such use will not
be permitted before the expiry of the term. This means, on the one hand, that
payment of royalties by Egyptian firms will continue until the end of the 20
year term. On the other hand, the anticipated decrease of pharmaceutical drug
prices, as a result of the expiry of the 10 years protection, had the Old Patent
Law still been in force, would not occur until the end of the 20 years protection
Top | Contents | Bibliography
6- The Doha Declaration: an
The Doha Declaration on the TRIPs Agreement and
Public Health was adopted on November 14, 2001 as a result of the pressure
received from a number of developing countries, supported by non-governmental
organisations (NGOs). The main purpose was to clarify the rights of TRIPs
Members particularly developing and least developed countries to use TRIPs
safeguards (Ellen’t Hoen, 2001, p.11), such as compulsory licences and
parallel imports, with a view to supporting and protecting public health through
promoting both access to existing medicines and the creation of new medicines
(for the importance of the use of compulsory licence to meet public health
needs, see Abbott, 2002, p.15 et. seq.). The use of these measures, and
others, by developing countries although permitted (and still so) under TRIPs,
was to some extent hindered by a number of developed countries on the advice of
their pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, the conclusion of the Doha
Declaration was to reaffirm the rights of developing countries to use measures
included within the Agreement (for a brief comment on the Declaration, see Pires
de Carvalho, 2002, pp. 125-131). All the points clarified by the Doha
Declaration were taken into consideration by the makers of the new IPR
• Affirms the right of WTO Members to grant
compulsory licences.
• Members are given the freedom to determine the
grounds upon which such licences are granted.
• Members are granted the right to determine what
constitutes a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme
• Affirms Members’ freedom to establish
their own regime as regards the exhaustion doctrine (domestic or regional or
• Restates that the TRIPs Agreement does not and
should not prevent members from taking measures to protect public
• Clarifies that the TRIPs Agreement ‘can
and should be interpreted and implemented in a manner supportive of WTO members'
right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to
medicines for all.’
• Reaffirms the commitment of WTO
developed-countries members to ‘provide incentives to their enterprises
and institutions to promote and encourage technology transfer to least-developed
country members’ according to TRIPs Art.66 (2).
• Gives the least-developed countries more time
with respect to pharmaceutical products, to implement or apply Sections 5 and 7
of Part II of the TRIPs Agreement or to enforce rights provided for under these
Sections (until 1 January 2016).
Table 3: The Main Points of the Doha Declaration on
the TRIPs Agreement and Public Health.
7- The new IPR law: a
As stated above, the domestic pharmaceutical
industry generates 93% of the current local consumption. With the new IPR law
in place, new challenges and new circumstances have been created. Such
challenges and circumstances pose, to a high degree, risks and harm to
Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry, the people of Egypt and the national
economy in general. Accordingly, work to develop the pharmaceutical industry
has become an urgent priority, taking into consideration that such an industry
depends heavily on imported raw materials.
The people behind the new IPR law have made
significant efforts to limit and reduce the potential adverse effects that would
be faced by Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry and Egyptians in general.
These efforts can be realised through the following points:
7-1- Limitation on
Patentable Subject Matter
Pursuant to the TRIPs Agreement, the law excludes
some subject matter from patentability. These include situations where the
topic under consideration is concerned with: i) pharmaceutical products that are
isolated or purified from biological materials or animals; ii) any manufactured
drugs that are dependent on living organism, whether the living organism is a
‘whole’ or a ‘part’; and ii) any medicines produced by
reliance on plants or animals. The patentability of micro-organisms must not be
discounted here. However, this should be interpreted as applicable only to
genetically modified or ‘transgenic’ micro-organisms, and not to
those pre-existing in nature. A definition of micro-organisms should mean
‘any microscopical life form which is accepted by institutions for the
deposit of micro-organisms, such as viruses, algae, bacteria, and even cells or
cell lines’ (Correa, 1998, p.196).
It is assumed
that the limitation on patentable subject matter under the new IPR law have been
approved to serve the national pharmaceutical companies. These companies do not
have the same resources and technologies the multinationals have.
7-2- Absolute Novelty
The law by employing the ‘absolute
novelty’ standard (vis-à-vis ‘relative novelty’) has
taken a highly appreciated stand. In line with the former ‘absolute
novelty’ standard, novelty is lost by divulgence of an invention, whether
oral, written or by other means, in a foreign country. This could be a useful
tool for Egypt, as a developing country, to prevent or at least reduce so-called
This situation should be strengthened by the exclusion from patentability of any
biological materials found in nature (new IPR law Art.2 (5)).
The case of bio-piracy has been a huge concern
for developing
since their biological resources and traditional knowledge have been patented by
multinational pharmaceutical
Such a situation has led an author to urge the US (where many MNCs are
to amend its law in order to ‘exclude
patenting agricultural biotechnology such as jasmine and basmati rice....[and
also to] exclude patenting resources that have rich cultural histories in
[developing and] less-developed countries.’ (Woods, 2002, p.143. The
author also indicates that if the US does not do so and the expropriation of
indigenous knowledge continues, the products of its MNC may be boycotted
(referring to what happened in Thailand and India).
7-3- Compulsory
Under the new IPR law, compulsory licensing for
drugs will be available in some cases particularly in circumstances relating
either to drugs (quality, quantity, prices), or to patents that are granted for
a number of serious illnesses, or to drugs cases. Despite the fact that there
were no cases for compulsory licensing in Egypt under the Old Patents law, it
is good that the new IPR law has opted to include provisions on compulsory
licences. The possible use of such licences in future has in fact met the
interests of the drugs industry in Egypt. These interests are reflected in the
fact that: i) the possible use of such licences could be an incentive
(obligation) for any foreign IPR right-holders to use (work) their patents in
and ii) the use of such licences could prevent IPR rights-holders, especially
foreigners, from using their rights in a manner that might restrict trade or
adversely affect transfer of technology. The opportunity to grant or use
compulsory licences has indeed been described as ‘equivalent to reducing
the strength of the exclusive rights conferred by a patent’ (Subramanian,
1995, p.257.). It is without doubt that such compulsory licences system would
help to make drugs available to the public in Egypt at affordable prices.
7-4- Exhaustion of
The new IPR law has adopted the principle of
international exhaustion of rights. In supporting the Egyptian stance in this
regard, it is suggested that parallel importation will be accordingly allowed,
thereby inventions related to drugs would be available on the national market at
cheaper prices which is beneficial to Egyptians. Also, allowing parallel
imports of pharmaceuticals could be considered an effective tool forcing IPR
right-holders to sell their protected pharmaceuticals at reasonable and
affordable prices.
7-5- Protection of Public
Protecting the public interest, by laying down a
number of restrictions that limit the potential increase in prices or in case
the protected products are not sufficiently available or available only under
unacceptable conditions, have been considered by the Egyptian law makers. The
same could be said in specified circumstances aimed at preventing the abuse of
IPRs by right holders. In such circumstances, the grant of compulsory licences
(new IPR law Art. 23) is permitted and the patent may even be revoked if
it is obvious that such licences are not sufficient to remedy or overcome the
adverse effects that have been caused to the national economy because of the
abusive activities by the patentee in exercising his rights (new IPR law
7-6- Scientific
Under the new Egyptian law, use of the protected
product is permitted in all scientific activities without considering these
activities as infringement. This is a very important provision since the
pharmaceutical companies could use it to undertake research and analysis for the
protected pharmaceutical products to obtain better results.
7-7- Regulatory Exception
(Bolar Provision)
Under the law, pharmaceutical firms are,
furthermore, permitted to make, construct, use or sell the protected product
during its protection period for the purpose of obtaining a marketing approval,
provided that such marketing is not to be carried out until the expiry of that
period (new IPR law Art
The provision is without doubt of interest to the drugs firms. It is essential
to note that this exception is allowed in a number of countries, such as the USA
(Correa, 2000, p.77 (illustrating that in USA, the Drug Price Competition and
Patent Term Restoration Act permits testing to establish the bio-equivalency of
generic products before the expiration of the relevant patent.
Kolker, 2000, p.29 expressing the view that such act would not be allowed.). It
has been recently decided by a WTO panel that stockpiling of pharmaceutical
products during the patent term for purposes of sale after the patent expired is
not allowed under the TRIPs Agreement. (This is the decision of the WTO panel in
relation to the dispute between the EC and Canada.)
7-8- Term of Protection
Despite the fact that the issue of extending the
patent term for products where commercialisation is delayed due to lengthy
regulatory procedures was raised in the TRIPs Agreement negotiations
(Pharmaceutical Patents and the TRIPs Agreement, p.3), neither this Agreement
nor the new IPR law involves any provisions requiring the introduction of such a
regime. Such an issue is already dealt with in the USA, Europe and other
countries (for the situation in different countries, see Watal, 2001,
pp.116-118). In the United States protection for such products may be extended
subject to a number of
In Europe, with the approval of the Council Regulation of June 1992, up to five
years of additional protection may be granted for medicinal products.
From the perspective of Egyptian interests,
the stance taken by the new IPR law is most satisfactory. The law, by not
providing for such extended protection has taken into account the public
interest of Egyptian pharmaceutical manufacturers, who seek to produce the
protected drugs soon after the expiry of the protection term. In addition, the
interest of Egyptians in obtaining cheaper drugs has been taken into account by
the law. Furthermore, the Egyptian law is completely consistent with the TRIPs
provisions which, as mentioned above, do not incorporate obligations to the
effect. It has been predicted that such questions could be set forth in the
agenda of future TRIPs reviews (Watal, 2001
, p.116).
7-9- Deposition of
Micro-organisms (Micro-biological)
If a patent application relates to micro-organisms
(micro-biological) then the applicant is obliged to disclose such
micro-organisms and deposit a viable culture with the authority determined by
the executive regulation (new IPR law Art.13 (4)). It is worth mentioning that
the use of the deposited sample of the micro-organism is widely known in the
pharmaceutical industry particularly after the expiry of patent term or even
during its life through compulsory licences. The deposition requirements
therefore form a significant tool in disseminating, promoting, and practising
new technology.
7-10- Disclosure
Under the new Egyptian law, it is required that a patent application be attached
with a detailed description of the invention including a full statement of the
subject matter and the preferred method that enables a person skilled in the
art to carry out this invention in respect of each product and process of the
subject matter of the application. Since disclosure makes publicly available
significant technical information which may be of use to others in advancing
technology in the area, even during the patent term, it represents an essential
element of the social contract that the grant of a patent constitutes (Pharmaceutical
Patents and the TRIPs Agreement, p.2). Furthermore, disclosure aims at ensuring
that, after the expiry of the patent term, the invention truly falls into the
public domain because others have the necessary information to carry it out
(Pharmaceutical Patents and the TRIPs Agreement, p.2).
Top | Contents | Bibliography
7-11- Expropriation of
Patent Ownership
In line with the Paris Convention, it is permitted under
the new IPR law to expropriate the ownership of a patent: i) for reasons related
to national security (defence); and ii) in conditions of extreme necessity in
which compulsory licensing is not sufficient to overcome such circumstances. In
our view, these cases may give rise to questions about new IPR law-TRIPs
consistency, on which basis the decision of expropriation of patents
shall stand.
It is to be noted that under the
Old Patents Law, it was permitted for the government to expropriate patents on
grounds of public interest or national defence (Old Patents Law Art.33; Yusuf,
1995, p.271).
7-12- Drug Prices Council
The law contains vital provisions relating to
drug prices. In accordance with this law, a council that balances drug prices
was created in order to achieve health development and to guarantee that drug
prices will not be affected by any changes (Prime Ministry Decree No.1216 for
the year 2002, Official Journal-ALWAKAA –AL MASREA No.160, July 15, 2002
7-13- Drug Prices
Because of the socio-economic implications of
pharmaceutical drug prices, Egypt has a binding price control system for drugs.
The prices are controlled by the government (Ministry of Health (MOH)).
Accordingly, no drugs can be circulated without such pricing controls. In the
event of violation, both the producer and the retailer would be subject to
severe punishment. This is a vital guarantee that the prices of drugs, whether
produced nationally or imported from outside Egypt, will not increase unless the
Egyptian government (represented by MOH) accepts to do so. Furthermore,
it is permitted for Egypt to refuse the registration of any drugs that are seen
as extremely expensive or unaffordable.
drug prices control system is consistent with the TRIPs Agreement (Art.8 (1)),
which allows TRIPs Members to adopt measures necessary to protect public health
and nutrition.
7-14- Pre-examination
Unlike the Old Patents Law, the new IPR law provides, for the first time,
for a substantive examination of the patent application before granting the
patent. The adoption of the pre-grant examination system is a significant
advance in the patents regime in Egypt. The significance of this new development
can be appreciated through looking back at our analysis relating to the likely
increase in pharmaceutical drug prices. Above we concluded that these prices
would increase but not dramatically as has been argued. Our conclusion depended
(and still depends) upon the long time that exists between the start of granting
product patents protection (January 1, 2005) and when the increase in pharmaceuticals
prices is felt. The long period is needed for pharmaceutical drugs to acquire
marketing approval.
Furthermore, it is expected that the Patents Office’s function will
change. Under the new system, the Patents Office will be responsible for ensuring
that an invention is absolutely and truly new and not similar to any previously
granted patent, whereas under the old Patents Law, the Patents Office’s
chief role was to examine applications only for sufficiency of disclosure
and clarity, definiteness and accuracy of the claims and formalities (Goans
et al., 1994, p.30).
It is interesting to mention that Egypt recently decided to join the Patent
Cooperation Treaty (PCT) (see the Presidential Decree No.303 for the year
2002). It deposited its instrument of ratification at the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) on June 6, 2003. The Treaty will enter into force
for Egypt on September 6, 2003 (Press Update 197/2003, WIPO, Geneva, June
16, 2003).
The ratification by Egypt means that in any international application filed
on or after September 6, 2003, applicants may designate Egypt and also that
nationals and residents of Egypt may themselves file PCT applications as of
that date. As Egypt will be bound by Chapter II of the Treaty, it may also
be elected for the purposes of international preliminary examination (Personal
communication from WIPO (e-mail) dated June 17, 2003).
Top | Contents | Bibliography
8 Recommendations
The new IPR law, as it stands now in relation to
patent protection of pharmaceuticals, represents a significant development as
far as Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry and the public interest are
concerned. Nevertheless, a number of recommendations particularly in the areas
of drugs definition, use of expired patents, among others, are thought to be
8-1- Drug
It is hoped that a broad definition of drug is to be
adopted. Any definition of drugs should include not only medicines that are
necessary to cure people from diseases, but also any other materials that are to
be used to prevent such diseases. Furthermore, it is advisable that such a
definition should comprise materials that might be used to improve public
health, such as vitamins and
8-2- New Use for a Known
Substance (or drug)
The new Egyptian law, following TRIPs, has no
provisions dealing with the patentability of new uses of known substances or
products, especially second or subsequent therapeutic uses for known
pharmaceutical products, e.g. an anti-cancer drug with a new and widely
accepted use for treating HIV/AIDS (Watal, 2001, p.104; Correa, 1998, p.
201). It could be concluded that the second use of known substances, which are
already in the public domain, should be excluded from patentability (new uses of
old substances particularly second and subsequent medical uses of a known
product are patentable subject matter under both the European Patents Convention
(EPC) and the UK Patents Act, see Bently and Sherman, 2001, pp. 426-436).
The search for newer and more effective treatment of diseases must, however, be
taken into account. Therefore a balance between these two factors should be
considered (Watal, 2001, p.105).
8-3- Use of Expired Patents
It is vital to highlight the increased importance of
making use of inventions that have entered the public domain. The use of these
inventions would be free of charge. To put such a suggestion into effect, it is
necessary to know and recognise which patents have entered into the public
domain. Accordingly, it is recommended that an authority, either governmental
(such as the Patents Office) or non-governmental, be created or be given
sufficient competence to search for expired patents and then declare that such
patents are freely available to interested parties who would be able to use and
exploit them. Such an authority should cooperate with other regional or
international organisations (such as the World Health Organisation) in order to
achieve the greatest possible effect.
8-4- The Patents
It is important to consider improving and developing
the Egyptian Patents Office to be able to consider the requirements of the new
IPR law (implementing TRIPs), along with providing the Office with the needed
experience, equipment, and references to examine the submitted patent
applications. One should mention that some developments have been made in the
Egyptian Patents Office with a view to presenting a quicker and a better service
to inventors. One of these developments is reducing the period of the
examination of patent applications from six to three years (Habib, 2003, p.3).
8-5- Policy for Research
and Development (R&D)
It is highly recommended that an on-going policy for
R&D based on domestic raw materials and traditional plant varieties be
adopted. In this regard, it is important to establish new scientific research
centres with a view to taking part in modernising the domestic drugs industry
and in creating new pharmaceuticals to be available for the public at
reasonable prices (Abd-elaziz, 2002). Furthermore, the Egyptian Prime Minister
has called for the establishment of a council consisting of Ministry of Health
officials and owners of drugs companies to be responsible for improving
Egypt’s drugs industry, increasing its exports and limiting its imports
(Abd-elaziz, 2002).
8-6- Policy for Health
A comprehensive policy for health care especially
through a strong system of medical insurance should be adopted. Donors are
invited to contribute in this system by paying the premiums on behalf of
persons giving less than one hundred 100 US$ per month.
8-7- System for Selling
Pharmaceutical Products
Establishing an effective system that allows the
selling of pharmaceutical products by dosage and not by boxes, is considered to
be important. Such a system will contribute in minimising the cost of new drugs
for the individual.
8-8- No Protection for
Disclosed Information
Non-acceptance of using the system of undisclosed information as a ‘back
door’ to allow extending monopoly on expired patents. No protection should
be granted to disclosed information in any part of the world, the concept of
novelty to the domestic market is not valid as the system of protection of undisclosed
information is based on an international instrument i.e. the TRIPs Agreement.
Such an Agreement was adopted to exclude the concept of relative novelty as
a basic criterion in granting patents in all fields of technology including
Top | Contents | Bibliography
9- Conclusion
The new IPR law presents a significant development
in the search for an appropriate balance between the interests of IPR owners and
pharmaceutical users. By providing protection to pharmaceuticals (seen as an
incentive for R&D), the law does consider the interests of the rights
holders. On the other hand, the interests of the users of protected products
and the public generally are taken into account through the disclosure
provisions, limitations and exceptions that are allowed under the law.
The exact implications or impacts of the new
patent protection for pharmaceutical products are difficult to predict. As
patent protection is a very important instrument for industries like
pharmaceuticals (Mansfield, 1994, pp. 22-23), it is hoped that by providing such
protection, the flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) will be more located in
Egypt and technology transfer will increase. Furthermore, R&D directed at
the specific needs of Egypt (certain diseases) will flourish. It remains to be
noted that Egypt has competitive advantages as far as R&D is concerned,
since it has ample local talent and a reasonable infrastructure offering
research prospects at considerably lower costs than in developed countries
(Shaarawi, 1996
, p.10).
With regard to pharmaceuticals prices, the improved levels of patent protection
will not lead to ‘dramatic’ increase in drug prices. The new patent
protection will have no impact or effect on existing drugs (understood as those
which were marketed before the implementation of the TRIPs Agreement in Egypt).
The increase in prices will not be felt until the end of a period of 5-8 years,
counted from the day the new IPR law enters into force in relation to protection
for patents for pharmaceutical drugs products (i.e. January 1, 2005).
Top | Contents
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‘The Enola Bean Patent Controversy: Bio-piracy, Novelty and Fish-and
Chips’ 8
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‘The Effects of Patents Protection on the Prices of Pharmaceutical
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(1996) ‘Intellectual Property Rights: Egypt’, Paper presented at the
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Shiva, Vandana, ‘The Neem Tree - A Case History of Bio-piracy’,
available at:
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The Ministry of Foreign Trade (MFT), (2001)
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the Management of International Intellectual Property, pp.252-268.
The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property concluded in
1883. Its last amendment was on October 2, 1979. The Convention was reproduced
in WIPO,
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property,
(Geneva: WIPO Publication No. 201(E), 1998). WTO Members are mandated to comply
with Articles 1 to 12 and 19 of the Convention as amended in Stockholm in 1967,
in respect of Part II, III and IV of the TRIPs Agreement (Art.2 (1) of the TRIPs
The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works signed in
1886. The Convention was reproduced in WIPO,
Berne Convention for the
Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, (Geneva: WIPO Publication No. 287
(E), 1992). WTO Members are required to comply with Articles 1 to 21 of the
Convention as amended in 1971 and its Appendix. However, these Members do not
have rights or obligations in respect of Article
6bis relating to moral
rights or the rights derived therefrom (Art. 9 (1) of the TRIPs
The Rome Convention refers to the International Convention for the Protection of
Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations, concluded at
Rome on October 26, 1961. The provisions of the Rome Convention mentioned in the
TRIPs Agreement were reproduced in WIPO,
Agreement between WIPO and the WTO
(1995), Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPs Agreement) (1994), (Geneva: WIPO Publication No. 223(E), 1997).
The Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits (IPIC),
adopted at Washington on May 26, 1989. The provisions of the Treaty mentioned in
the TRIPs Agreement were reproduced in WIPO,
Agreement between WIPO and the
WTO (1995), Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPs Agreement) (1994), (Geneva: WIPO Publication No. 223(E), 1997).
According to TRIPs Art. 2 (2), nothing in Parts I to IV shall derogate from
existing obligations that WTO Members may have to each other under the Paris
Convention, the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention and the Treaty on
Intellectual Property in respect of Integrated
The only two categories of IPRs that are not included in the TRIPs Agreement
are: i) utility models, and ii) breeders’ rights. Indeed, it has been
stated that the absence of these two categories may be explained by the relative
lack of interest on the part of the major industrialised countries (and the
industrial lobbies that actively promoted the TRIPs negotiations), (South
Centre, 1997). WTO Members consequently are not obliged by the TRIPs Agreement
in formulating their domestic legislations on utility models and breeders’
rights (South Centre, 1997).
(7) For example, the USTR 2001 Special
301 Report in which Egypt was placed on the priority watch list, as in the previous
year, for not, among other things, providing patent protection for pharmaceutical
and agricultural chemical products. The USTR 2001 Special 301 Report, available
(last visited August 17, 2003).
Inventions, the exploitation of which might harm the morality or the
public, were also excluded under the
Or two consecutive years if the patentee suspended the exploitation of the
(10) In this regard, see the complaint
by the EC and its member States against India because the absence in India’s
legal systems of patents protection for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical
products and formal regimes that permit the filing of patent applications for
pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products and that provide for the grant
of exclusive marketing rights for such products, see WT/DS79/1 dated 6 May 1997,
available at
(11) The number of patent applications
related to pharmaceutical or agricultural chemical products which have been
dealt with in the mail-box
during the period January 1995/December 1998
is 439, see IP/C/W/136 dated 10 March 1999, available at
See also the Prime Minister Decree Number 547 for the year 2000 which was issued
to organise the implementation of Art.70 (9) of the TRIPs Agreement before the
entry into force of the new IPR law and to specify the government body
responsible for issuing the certificate of the exclusive marketing rights as
well as the conditions and procedures necessary to grant this certificate.
(13) For pharmaceuticals, this would
be the Ministry of Health and Population (Now the Ministry of Health only):
The Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs, see IP/C/W/136 dated
10 March 1999, available at
The escalation in pharmaceutical drug prices has also been denied by Rozek and
Berkowitz, (1998), p. 2. (The reasons for that, according to the authors, are
the existence of therapeutic competition, monopsony buyers, pharmaceuticals
price control systems, and that new IP protection laws do apply to existing
The “mail-box” regulations, mentioned above, should be taken into
This can be understood under Art.3 of the new IPR law which sets out that the
invention shall not be considered new if: i) a patent application has been
submitted or a patent has been issued for all the invention or for part of it
either in Egypt or outside of Egypt before the filing date of the application
on this invention in Egypt; and ii) if the invention has been publicly used or
exploited in Egypt or outside of Egypt or its description has been disclosed in
such a manner that those skilled in the art could exploit it, before filing the
patent application. Thus drugs that are covered by existing patent applications
anywhere, or will be covered by applications before January 1, 2005, will not be
regarded as new inventions, hence not affected. It is worth mentioning that the
reason for that is that TRIPs does not provide
for retrospective
protection as it is sometimes called) to
patents for existing drugs, (Rozek and Berkowitz, 1998, p.2. ).
(17) In order to draw attention
to the issue of injustice patenting particularly the bio-piracy issue, ActionAid,
a charity that mainly works to fight poverty worldwide, has filed an application
to patent chips (as in “fish-and-chips.”), Gillian N. Rattray, 2002
p.1. See also
(last visited August 17, 2003).
Gillian N. Rattray, 2002
, p. 11 (stating that “98% of Mexicans
surveyed in the Northwest region eat yellow beans”, which has been granted
a patent to a president of an US seed company. Despite the fact that such beans
have been planted in Mexico for generations ).
(19) See the case of the “Neem
tree”. This tree has been used for many decades for a number of purposes,
including medical. However, patents have been granted for some uses of this
tree. On this issue, see for example, Shiva, Vandana, ‘The Neem Tree -
A Case History of Bio-piracy’, available at:
(last visited August 17, 2003). The Technical Board of Appeal of the European
Patents Office (EPO) decided that a patent granted to W.R. Grace (a multinational
pharmaceutical corporation) for a fungicide derived from seeds of the Neem tree
be revoked and struck off the Register since the invention in question was not
new. For more detail, see Press Release, Neem Patent Revoked!!!-Major Victory
Against Bio-piracy, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
(May 10, 2000, available at
(last visited August 17, 2003)). Another example of bio-piracy is the case of
the US patent on the use of turmeric for healing wounds. For more details, see
Shiva, Vandana, ‘The Turmeric Patent is Just the First Step in Stooping
Bio-piracy’, available at:
(last visited August 17, 2003).
(20) The possibility of granting
compulsory licences in this case is being condemned by a number of developed
countries particularly the USA, see the USTR 2003 Special 301 Report, available
(last visited August 17, 2003).
(21) This exception has been allowed
by a WTO panel concerning a dispute brought by the EC against Canada WT/DS114/R,
dated 17 March 2000. See the report of the panel in this dispute at
For a discussion of the panel report, see Mathews, 2002, p.100.
These limitations, as cited in Watal, 2001,
p.116, are: i) that such
extension cannot exceed five years; and ii) that the total period of patent
protection cannot exceed fourteen years from the date of drug approval.
As suggested by Dr. Ahmed Mosa Soliman of the University of Cairo in a personal
communication with the first author.
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